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Volume and the serial number of a harddisk

Title: Volume and the serial number of a harddisk Question: ... Volume and the serial number of a harddisk Answer: How does one retrieve the volume and the serial number of a harddisk or floppy with Delphi? The following source code was provided to DELPHI-L by Paul Sobolik --- unit VolInfo; interface uses Windows; type TFSFlag = (FSCaseIsPreserved, FSCaseSensitive, FSUnicodeStoredOnDisk, FSPersistentACLS, FSVolIsCompressed, FSFileCompression); TFSFlags = set of TFSFlag; TVolumeInfo = record VolumeName: String; VolumeSN: DWord; MaxComponent: DWord; FSFlags: TFSFlags; FSName: String; end; function GetVolumeInfo(rootPath: String; var vi: TVolumeInfo): Boolean; implementation { function GetVolumeInformation( lpRootPathName: PChar; lpVolumeNameBuffer: PChar; nVolumeNameSize: DWORD; lpVolumeSerialNumber: PDWORD; var lpMaximumComponentLength, lpFileSystemFlags: DWORD; lpFileSystemNameBuffer: PChar; nFileSystemNameSize: DWORD): BOOL; stdcall; } function GetVolumeInfo(rootPath: String; var vi: TVolumeInfo): Boolean; type TCharBuffer = array[0..255] of Char; var flags, sn, mc: DWord; bufVolumeName, bufFSName: TCharBuffer; begin with vi do begin result := GetVolumeInformation(PChar(rootPath), @bufVolumeName, sizeof(bufVolumeName), @sn, mc, flags, @bufFSName, sizeof(bufFSName)); FSFlags := []; if result then begin VolumeName := bufVolumeName; VolumeSN := sn; MaxComponent := mc; FSName := bufFSName; if flags and FS_CASE_IS_PRESERVED 0 then FSFlags := FSFlags + [FSCaseIsPreserved]; if flags and FS_CASE_SENSITIVE 0 then FSFlags := FSFlags + [FSCaseSensitive]; if flags and FS_UNICODE_STORED_ON_DISK 0 then FSFlags := FSFlags + [FSUnicodeStoredOnDisk]; if flags and FS_PERSISTENT_ACLS 0 then FSFlags := FSFlags + [FSPersistentACLS]; if flags and FS_VOL_IS_COMPRESSED 0 then FSFlags := FSFlags + [FSVolIsCompressed]; if flags and FS_FILE_COMPRESSION 0 then FSFlags := FSFlags + [FSFileCompression]; end else begin VolumeName := ''; VolumeSN := 0; MaxComponent := 0; FSName := ''; end; end; end; end. ----- Full source at