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Categories / Delphi / Hardware

Translate keyboard events for the whole application

Title: Translate keyboard events for the whole application Question: How to handle keyboard events application wide ? Answer: To handle keyboard-events application wide, there must be a handler procedure for Application.OnMessage: procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Application.OnMessage := AppOnMessage; end; procedure TForm1.AppOnMessage(var Msg: TMsg; var Handled: Boolean); var ccode: Word; begin case Msg.Message of WM_KEYDOWN, WM_KEYUP: begin If (GetKeyState( VK_NUMLOCK ) = 0) //NumLock not active and ((Msg.lparam and $1000000) = 0) //not a gray key then begin ccode := 0; case Msg.wparam of VK_HOME: ccode := VK_NUMPAD7; VK_UP : ccode := VK_NUMPAD8; VK_PRIOR: ccode := VK_NUMPAD9; VK_LEFT: ccode := VK_NUMPAD4; VK_CLEAR: ccode := VK_NUMPAD5; VK_RIGHT: ccode := VK_NUMPAD6; VK_END : ccode := VK_NUMPAD1; VK_DOWN : ccode := VK_NUMPAD2; VK_NEXT : ccode := VK_NUMPAD3; VK_INSERT:ccode := VK_NUMPAD0; VK_DELETE:ccode := VK_DECIMAL; end; If ccode 0 then Msg.Wparam := ccode; end; end; end; end;