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Swapping mouse buttons

Title: Swapping mouse buttons Question: How do you change the primary mouse button Answer: To change the primary mouse button in code you need to execute an API function called SwapMouseButton. This changes the primary button but does not alert the control panel applet for the mouse that the primary button has changed. To do this we need to write to the registry. The code below shows how to toggle the primary mouse button by first reading the registry to determine the current assignment then does the toggle by writing to the registry and executing the SwapMouseButton function. uses Windows, Registry ; const LeftButton = '0' ; RightButton = '1' ; VaueToRead = 'SwapMouseButtons' ; begin with TRegistry.Create do begin try if OpenKey('Control Panel\Mouse',False) then begin if ValueExists(VaueToRead) then if ReadString(VaueToRead) = LeftButton then begin SwapMouseButton(True) ; WriteString(VaueToRead,RightButton) ; end else begin SwapMouseButton(False) ; WriteString(VaueToRead,LeftButton) ; end ; CloseKey ; end ; finally Free ; end ; end ; end.