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Simulate Mouse Clicks and Moves

Title: Simulate Mouse Clicks and Moves Question: How can I simulate mouse clicks in my application written in Delphi? Answer: You can easily simulate mouse clicks or moves with the mouse_event- function. You can find more information about the parameters and flags for this function in the Delphi-helpfile. This function can be useful when you can not control other applications by OLE or something like that. Example: -------- You want to start an application, and doubleclick on an item which is at x,y-position 300,400 in this application. Put a TTimer on your form, set it to Disabled and try this example code: procedure TForm1.FormCreateOrWhatever; begin winexec('myexternalapplication.exe',sw_shownormal); // start app timer1.interval:=2000; // give the app 2 secs to start up timer1.enabled:=true; // start the timer end; procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); var point:TPoint; // point-structure needed by getcursorpos() begin getcursorpos(point); // get current mouse position setcursorpos(300,400); // set mouse cursor to menu item or whatever mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN,0,0,0,0);// click down mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP,0,0,0,0); // +click up = double click setcursorpos(point.x,point.y); // set cursor pos to origin pos timer1.enabled:=false; // stop end; The timer is needed to give the application time to start up. Be sure you don't move the mouse while mouse_event is executed. That's it!