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Is Mouse Over a Control Is Some (Delphi) TControl Under the Mouse

Title: Is Mouse Over a Control? Is Some (Delphi) TControl Under the Mouse? Sometimes knowing what is the control directly under the mouse is not enough. Suppose the following: there's a panel ("ppanel") and a panel ("cpanel") inside it as a child, there's also a TImage ("img") inside the "cpanel". The question is: "is the mouse over "ppanel"? The FindVCLWindow function can locate the windowed control under a certain point - for example under the mouse pointer. If the mouse is over "cpanel" it is also above "ppanel" as cpanel is its child - but FindVCLWindow would return cpanel ton ppanel. Ok, you can check if ppanel is a parent of cpanel - but it would be much easier to simply check is the mouse over a ppanel. Not to mess the intro any more, here's a question for this Delphi tip :) Is the mouse over some TControl descendant that might be completely covered by its child controls?. Is Mouse Over Some TControl? For the answer: grab the position of the mouse (screen coordinates), check if the mouse point is inside the rectangle determined by TControl's position in screen coordinates: function IsMouseOverControl(const ctrl: TControl): boolean; var sr : TRect; begin sr := Rect(ctrl.ClientToScreen(Point(0, 0)), ctrl.ClientToScreen(Point(ctrl.Width, ctrl.Height))); result := PtInRect(sr, Mouse.CursorPos); end; //test //handles TApplication Events OnIdle procedure TForm3.ApplicationEvents1Idle(Sender: TObject; var Done: Boolean); begin if IsMouseOverControl(Panel1) then aption := 'over panel 1' else Caption := 'not over panel 1'; end; The TApplicationEvents component and its OnIdle event is used here to test when the mouse is over "Panel1" - never mind if there are some other child controls inside Panel1. ClientToScreen converts the client coordinates of a specified point to screen coordinates. PtInRect determines whether the specified point (mouse pointer) lies within the specified rectangle ("panel1" bounding rectangle in screen coordinates). Note: since IsMouseOverControl uses a TControl for its parameter you can use it to check if the mouse is over a TImage - something FindVCLWindow cannot be used for (as it locates TWinControl descendants - and TImage is not a windowed control).