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Categories / Delphi / Hardware

Get the names of all MIDI out devices

Title: get the names of all MIDI out devices? procedure GetMIDIOutDevices(Devices: TStrings); var i, DNum: Integer; Caps: TMIDIOUTCAPSA; begin DNum := MIDIOutGetNumDevs; // Number of Devices for i := 0 to DNum - 1 do // Query Devicenames begin MIDIOutGetDevCaps(i, @Caps, SizeOf(TMIDIOutCapsA)); Devices.Add(string(Caps.szPname)); end; end; // Usage: var MIDIDevices: TStringList; begin MIDIDevices := TStringList.Create; try GetMIDIOutDevices(MIDIDevices); // Do anything with the device name list finally MIDIDevices.Free; end; end;