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Categories / Delphi / Hardware

Eject Cdrom

Title: Eject Cdrom Question: mciSendstring('SET CDAUDIO DOOR OPEN WAIT',nil,0, Handle); Only open's the first cd drive. How can i open a outher cd drive?? Answer: function IsDriveCD(Drive : char) : longbool; var DrivePath : string; begin DrivePath := Drive + ':\'; result := LongBool(GetDriveType(PChar(DrivePath)) and DRIVE_CDROM); end; function EjectCD(Drive : char) : bool; var mp : TMediaPlayer; begin result := false; Application.ProcessMessages; if not IsDriveCD(Drive) then exit; mp := TMediaPlayer.Create(nil); try mp.Visible := false; mp.Parent := Application.MainForm; mp.Shareable := true; mp.DeviceType := dtCDAudio; mp.FileName := Drive + ':'; mp.Open; Application.ProcessMessages; mp.Eject; Application.ProcessMessages; mp.Close; Application.ProcessMessages; result := true; finally; end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if not EjectCD('D') then ShowMessage('Not A CD Drive'); end;