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Detect USB Insert Remove with Device and Friendly Names Returned

Title: Detect USB Insert-Remove with Device and Friendly Names Returned Question: In article 4077 "usb and RegisterDeviceNotification", Miguel Lucero shows us how to detect the Insertion and Removal of USB devices. His example is a TComponent and while it triggers on Insertion and Removal we have NO way of knowing the name of the USB device in question. I have expanded his example into a Delphi Class that triggers in the same manner except that it will give you the Device Type,Driver Description and Friendly Name of the USB device that triggered the event. The WIN API call only gives an internal O/S name that is hardly user friendly, but fortunately it can be used to glean information from the registry to obtain the required Device Type,Driver Description and Friendly Name. Answer: // ========================================================================== // USB - Insertion and Removal Detection Class // Mike Heydon 2007 // // Assignable Events // eg. procedure TForm1.MyOnInsert(AObject : TObject; // const ADevType,ADriverName, // AFriendlyName : string) // // OnUsbInsertion : TOnUsbChangeEvent // OnUsbRemoval : TOnUsbChangeEvent // // Example of string returned by API // // \\?\USB#Vid_4146&Pid_d2b5#0005050400044#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed} // // Example of output from above string from my Iomega Stick : // // USB Inserted // Device Type = USB Mass Storage Device // Driver Name = Disk drive // Friendly Name = I0MEGA UMni1GB*IOM2J4 USB Device // // Example Code (Skeleton) .... // // interface // uses MahUSB // // type // TForm1 = class(TForm) // procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); // procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); // private // { Private declarations } // FUsb : TUsbClass; // procedure UsbIN(ASender : TObject; const ADevType,ADriverName, // AFriendlyName : string); // procedure UsbOUT(ASender : TObject; const ADevType,ADriverName, // AFriendlyName : string); // public // end; // // implementation // // procedure TForm1.FormShow(Sender: TObject); // begin // FUsb := TUsbClass.Create; // FUsb.OnUsbInsertion := UsbIN; // FUsb.OnUsbRemoval := UsbOUT; // end; // // procedure TForm1.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); // begin // FreeAndNil(FUsb); // end; // // procedure TForm1.UsbIN(ASender : TObject; const ADevType,ADriverName, // AFriendlyName : string); // begin // showmessage('USB Inserted - Device Type = ' + ADevType + #13#10 + // 'Driver Name = ' + ADriverName + #13+#10 + // 'Friendly Name = ' + AFriendlyName); // end; // // // procedure TForm1.UsbOUT(ASender : TObject; const ADevType,ADriverName, // AFriendlyName : string); // begin // showmessage('USB Removed - Device Type = ' + ADevType + #13#10 + // 'Driver Name = ' + ADriverName + #13+#10 + // 'Friendly Name = ' + AFriendlyName); // end; // // end. // // ========================================================================= unit MahUSB; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Registry, Masks; type { Event Types } TOnUsbChangeEvent = procedure(AObject : TObject; const ADevType,ADriverName, AFriendlyName : string) of object; { USB Class } TUsbClass = class(TObject) private FHandle : HWND; FOnUsbRemoval, FOnUsbInsertion : TOnUsbChangeEvent; procedure GetUsbInfo(const ADeviceString : string; out ADevType,ADriverDesc, AFriendlyName : string); procedure WinMethod(var AMessage : TMessage); procedure RegisterUsbHandler; procedure WMDeviceChange(var AMessage : TMessage); public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; property OnUsbInsertion : TOnUsbChangeEvent read FOnUsbInsertion write FOnUsbInsertion; property OnUsbRemoval : TOnUsbChangeEvent read FOnUsbRemoval write FOnUsbRemoval; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- implementation type // Win API Definitions PDevBroadcastDeviceInterface = ^DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE; DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE = record dbcc_size : DWORD; dbcc_devicetype : DWORD; dbcc_reserved : DWORD; dbcc_classguid : TGUID; dbcc_name : char; end; const // Miscellaneous GUID_DEVINTF_USB_DEVICE : TGUID = '{A5DCBF10-6530-11D2-901F-00C04FB951ED}'; USB_INTERFACE = $00000005; // Device interface class USB_INSERTION = $8000; // System detected a new device USB_REMOVAL = $8004; // Device is gone // Registry Keys USBKEY = 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB\%s\%s'; USBSTORKEY = 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USBSTOR'; SUBKEY1 = USBSTORKEY + '\%s'; SUBKEY2 = SUBKEY1 + '\%s'; constructor TUsbClass.Create; begin inherited Create; FHandle := AllocateHWnd(WinMethod); RegisterUsbHandler; end; destructor TUsbClass.Destroy; begin DeallocateHWnd(FHandle); inherited Destroy; end; procedure TUsbClass.GetUsbInfo(const ADeviceString : string; out ADevType,ADriverDesc, AFriendlyName : string); var sWork,sKey1,sKey2 : string; oKeys,oSubKeys : TStringList; oReg : TRegistry; i,ii : integer; bFound : boolean; begin ADevType := ''; ADriverDesc := ''; AFriendlyName := ''; if ADeviceString '' then begin bFound := false; oReg := TRegistry.Create; oReg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; // Extract the portions of the string we need for registry. eg. // \\?\USB#Vid_4146&Pid_d2b5#0005050400044#{a5dcbf10- ..... -54334fb951ed} // We need sKey1='Vid_4146&Pid_d2b5' and sKey2='0005050400044' sWork := copy(ADeviceString,pos('#',ADeviceString) + 1,1026); sKey1 := copy(sWork,1,pos('#',sWork) - 1); sWork := copy(sWork,pos('#',sWork) + 1,1026); sKey2 := copy(sWork,1,pos('#',sWork) - 1); // Get the Device type description from \USB key if oReg.OpenKeyReadOnly(Format(USBKEY,[skey1,sKey2])) then begin ADevType := oReg.ReadString('DeviceDesc'); oReg.CloseKey; oKeys := TStringList.Create; oSubKeys := TStringList.Create; // Get list of keys in \USBSTOR and enumerate each key // for a key that matches our sKey2='0005050400044' // NOTE : The entry we are looking for normally has '&0' // appended to it eg. '0005050400044&0' if oReg.OpenKeyReadOnly(USBSTORKEY) then begin oReg.GetKeyNames(oKeys); oReg.CloseKey; // Iterate through list to find our sKey2 for i := 0 to oKeys.Count - 1 do begin if oReg.OpenKeyReadOnly(Format(SUBKEY1,[oKeys[i]])) then begin oReg.GetKeyNames(oSubKeys); oReg.CloseKey; for ii := 0 to oSubKeys.Count - 1 do begin if MatchesMask(oSubKeys[ii],sKey2 + '*') then begin // Got a match?, get the actual desc and friendly name if oReg.OpenKeyReadOnly(Format(SUBKEY2,[oKeys[i], oSubKeys[ii]])) then begin ADriverDesc := oReg.ReadString('DeviceDesc'); AFriendlyName := oReg.ReadString('FriendlyName'); oReg.CloseKey; end; bFound := true; end; end; end; if bFound then break; end; end; FreeAndNil(oKeys); FreeAndNil(oSubKeys); end; FreeAndNil(oReg); end; end; procedure TUsbClass.WMDeviceChange(var AMessage : TMessage); var iDevType : integer; sDevString,sDevType, sDriverName,sFriendlyName : string; pData : PDevBroadcastDeviceInterface; begin if (AMessage.wParam = USB_INSERTION) or (AMessage.wParam = USB_REMOVAL) then begin pData := PDevBroadcastDeviceInterface(AMessage.LParam); iDevType := pData^.dbcc_devicetype; // Is it a USB Interface Device ? if iDevType = USB_INTERFACE then begin sDevString := PChar(@pData^.dbcc_name); GetUsbInfo(sDevString,sDevType,sDriverName,sFriendlyName); // Trigger Events if assigned if (AMessage.wParam = USB_INSERTION) and Assigned(FOnUsbInsertion) then FOnUsbInsertion(self,sDevType,sDriverName,sFriendlyName); if (AMessage.wParam = USB_REMOVAL) and Assigned(FOnUsbRemoval) then FOnUsbRemoval(self,sDevType,sDriverName,sFriendlyName); end; end; end; procedure TUsbClass.WinMethod(var AMessage : TMessage); begin if (AMessage.Msg = WM_DEVICECHANGE) then WMDeviceChange(AMessage) else AMessage.Result := DefWindowProc(FHandle,AMessage.Msg, AMessage.wParam,AMessage.lParam); end; procedure TUsbClass.RegisterUsbHandler; var rDbi : DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE; iSize : integer; begin iSize := SizeOf(DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE); ZeroMemory(@rDbi,iSize); rDbi.dbcc_size := iSize; rDbi.dbcc_devicetype := USB_INTERFACE; rDbi.dbcc_reserved := 0; rDbi.dbcc_classguid := GUID_DEVINTF_USB_DEVICE; rDbi.dbcc_name := #0; RegisterDeviceNotification(FHandle,@rDbi,DEVICE_NOTIFY_WINDOW_HANDLE); end; end.