Mega Code Archive

Categories / Delphi / Hardware

Detect memory leaks

Title: detect memory leaks? procedure TForm.DebugProcessStatus(s: string); var pmc: PPROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS; cb: Integer; MemStat: tMemoryStatus; begin MemStat.dwLength := SizeOf(MemStat); GlobalMemoryStatus(MemStat); // Get the total and available system memory TotalMemoryLabel.Caption := 'Total system memory: ' + FormatFloat('###,###', MemStat.dwTotalPhys / 1024) + ' KByte'; FreeMemoryLabel.Caption := 'Free physical memory: ' + FormatFloat('###,###', MemStat.dwAvailPhys / 1024) + ' KByte'; // Get the used memory for the current process cb := SizeOf(TProcessMemoryCounters); GetMem(pmc, cb); pmc^.cb := cb; if GetProcessMemoryInfo(GetCurrentProcess(), pmc, cb) then begin NewWorkingMemory := Longint(pmc^.WorkingSetSize); ProcessMemoryLabel.Caption := 'Process-Memory: ' + FormatFloat('###,###', NewWorkingMemory / 1024) + ' KByte'; MemoryLeakLabel.Caption := 'Memory Loss: ' + FormatFloat('###,###', (NewWorkingMemory - OldWorkingMemory) / 1024) + ' KByte'; OldWorkingMemory := NewWorkingMemory; end; FreeMem(pmc); DebugStatusLabel.Caption := 'Status: ' + s; end;