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CPU speed

Title: CPU speed Question: How to "judge" or read the CPU speed of a processor that a program is running on? Answer: This should the job. It will only give result with Pentium or better due to the RDTSC opcode. An alternative is to use QueryPerformanceCounter or QueryPerformanceFrequency from the WinAPI. function GetCPUSpeed: real; function IsCPUID_Available: Boolean; assembler; register; asm PUSHFD { direct access to flags not possible, only via stack } POP EAX { flags to EAX } MOV EDX,EAX { save current flags } XOR EAX,$200000 { not ID bit } PUSH EAX { onto stack } POPFD { from stack to flags, with not ID bit } PUSHFD { back to stack } POP EAX { get back to EAX } XOR EAX,EDX { check if ID bit affected } JZ @exit { no, CPUID not availavle } MOV AL,True { Result=True } @exit: end; function hasTSC: Boolean; var Features: Longword; begin asm MOV Features,0 { Features = 0 } PUSH EBX XOR EAX,EAX DW $A20F POP EBX CMP EAX,$01 JL @Fail XOR EAX,EAX MOV EAX,$01 PUSH EBX DW $A20F MOV Features,EDX POP EBX @Fail: end; hasTSC := (Features and $10) 0; end; const DELAY = 500; var TimerHi, TimerLo: Integer; PriorityClass, Priority: Integer; begin Result := 0; if not (IsCPUID_Available and hasTSC) then Exit; PriorityClass := GetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess); Priority := GetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread); SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess, REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS); SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL); SleepEx(10, FALSE); asm DB $0F { $0F31 op-code for RDTSC Pentium instruction } DB $31 { returns a 64 Bit Integer } MOV TimerLo,EAX MOV TimerHi,EDX end; SleepEx(DELAY, FALSE); asm DB $0F { $0F31 op-code for RDTSC Pentium instruction } DB $31 { returns a 64 Bit Integer } SUB EAX,TimerLo SBB EDX,TimerHi MOV TimerLo,EAX MOV TimerHi,EDX end; SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread, Priority); SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess, PriorityClass); Result := TimerLo / (1000 * DELAY); end; Bogdan Grigorescu - BG Remote Programming Group