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Cpu bilgileri

Codec By GeNiUS ! Bilgisayardaki mikro işlemcinin tipinin ve üreticisinin tepit edilmesi için, aşağıdaki unit kullanılabilir. unit CpuInfo; interface type TFeatures = record case integer of 0: (RegEAX, RegEBX, RegEDX, RegECX:integer); 1 : (I :array [0..3] of integer); 2 : (C :array [0..15] of char); 3 : (B :array [0..15] of byte) end; const {$IFNDEF WIN32} i8086 = 1; i80286 = 2; i80386 = 3; {$ENDIF} i80486=4; Chip486=4; iPentium= 5; Chip586=5; iPentiumPro=6; Chip686=6; Intel='GenuineIntel'; AMD='AuthenticAMD'; var CpuType:byte = 0; VendorId:string [12]= ''; Features:TFeatures procedure LoadFeatures (I : integer); implementation {$O-} const CpuId = $0a20f; var CpuIdFlag:boolean = false; MaxCPUId:integer; procedure GetF; asm dw CpuId mov [Features.RegEAX], eax mov [Features.RegEBX], ebx mov [Features.RegECX], ecx mov [Features.RegEDX], edx end; procedure ClearF; asm mov edi, offset Features xor eax, eax mov ecx, eax mov cl, 4 cld rep stosd end; procedure CheckOutCpu; asm {$IFNDEF WIN32} pushf pop ax mov cx, ax and ax, 0fffh push ax popf pushf pop ax and ax, 0f000h cmp ax, 0f000h mov [CPUType], 1 je @@2 or cx, 0f000h push cx popf push pop ax and ax, 0f000h mov [CPUType], 2 jz @@2 pushfd pop eax mov ecx, eax xor eax, 40000h push eax popfd pushfd pop eax xor eax, ecx mov [CPUType], 3 jz @@2 push ecx popfd {$ENDIF} mov [CPUType], 4 mov eax, ecx xor eax, 200000h push eax popfd pushfd pop eax xor eax, ecx je @@2 mov [CPUIdFlag], 1 push ebx mov eax,0 dw CpuId mov [MaxCPUId], eax mov [byte ptr VendorId], 12 mov [dword ptr VendorId+1], ebx mov [dword ptr VendorId+5], edx mov [dword ptr VendorId+9], ecx callClearF mov eax, 1 cal GetF shr eax, 8 and eax, 0fh mov [CPUType], al @@1: pop ebx @@2: end; procedure LoadFeatures (I : integer); asm call ClearF cmp [CpuIdFlag], 0 je @@1 mov eax, [I] cmp [MaxCpuId], eax jl @@1 call GetF @@1: end; initialization CheckOutCPU; end. CPU tipi ile ilgili bilgiler, "Cputype", ve "vendorid" değişkenlerine yüklenmektedirler.; Aynı maksatla kullanılabilecek başka bir kod örneği de şudur. unit cpuinfo; interface uses Windows, SysUtils; type Freq_info = Record Raw_Freq: Cardinal; // Ham CPU frekansı MHz. Norm_Freq: Cardinal; // Ortalama CPU frekansı MHz. In_Cycles: Cardinal; // Sistem saati hizi Ex_Ticks: Cardinal; // Test süresi end; TCpuInfo = Record VendorIDString: String; Manufacturer: String; CPU_Name: String; PType: Byte; Family: Byte; Model: Byte; Stepping: Byte; Features: Cardinal; MMX: Boolean; Frequency_Info: Freq_Info; IDFDIVOK: Boolean; end; Const InfoStrings: Array[0..1] of String = ('FDIV instruction is Flawed', 'FDIV instruction is OK'); Const // CPU değerlerinin tespitinde kullanılacak sabitler // Örnek IF (Features and FPU_FLAG = FPU_FLAG) ise CPU'da Floating-Point birim vardır. FPU_FLAG = $00000001; VME_FLAG = $00000002; DE_FLAG = $00000004; PSE_FLAG = $00000008; TSC_FLAG = $00000010; MSR_FLAG = $00000020; PAE_FLAG = $00000040; MCE_FLAG = $00000080; CX8_FLAG = $00000100; APIC_FLAG = $00000200; BIT_10 = $00000400; SEP_FLAG = $00000800; MTRR_FLAG = $00001000; PGE_FLAG = $00002000; MCA_FLAG = $00004000; CMOV_FLAG = $00008000; BIT_16 = $00010000; BIT_17 = $00020000; BIT_18 = $00040000; BIT_19 = $00080000; BIT_20 = $00100000; BIT_21 = $00200000; BIT_22 = $00400000; MMX_FLAG = $00800000; BIT_24 = $01000000; BIT_25 = $02000000; BIT_26 = $04000000; BIT_27 = $08000000; BIT_28 = $10000000; BIT_29 = $20000000; BIT_30 = $40000000; BIT_31 = $80000000; Procedure GetCPUInfo(Var CPUInfo: TCpuInfo); Function GetRDTSCCpuSpeed: Freq_Info; Function CPUID: TCpuInfo; Function TestFDIVInstruction: Boolean; implementation Procedure GetCPUInfo(Var CPUInfo: TCpuInfo); begin CPUInfo := CPUID; CPUInfo.IDFDIVOK := TestFDIVInstruction; IF (CPUInfo.Features and TSC_FLAG = TSC_FLAG) then CPUInfo.Frequency_Info := GetRDTSCCpuSpeed; If (CPUInfo.Features and MMX_FLAG) = MMX_FLAG then CPUInfo.MMX := True else CPUInfo.MMX := False; end; Function GetRDTSCCpuSpeed: Freq_Info; var Cpu_Speed: Freq_Info; t0, t1: TLargeInteger; freq, freq2, freq3, Total: Cardinal; Total_Cycles, Cycles: Cardinal; Stamp0, Stamp1: Cardinal; Total_Ticks, Ticks: Cardinal; Count_Freq: TLargeInteger; Tries, IPriority, hThread: Integer; begin freq := 0; freq2 := 0; freq3 := 0; tries := 0; total_cycles := 0; total_ticks := 0; Total := 0; hThread := GetCurrentThread(); if (Not QueryPerformanceFrequency(count_freq)) then begin Result := cpu_speed; end else begin while ((tries < 3 ) or ((tries < 20) and ((abs(3 * freq - total) > 3) or (abs(3 * freq2-total) > 3) or (abs(3 * freq3-total) > 3)))) do begin inc(tries); freq3 := freq2; freq2 := freq; QueryPerformanceCounter(t0); t1.LowPart := t0.LowPart; t1.HighPart := t0.HighPart; iPriority := GetThreadPriority(hThread); if ( iPriority <> THREAD_PRIORITY_ERROR_RETURN ) then begin SetThreadPriority(hThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL); end; while ((t1.LowPart - t0.LowPart) < 50) do begin QueryPerformanceCounter(t1); asm push eax push edx db 0Fh db 31h MOV stamp0, EAX pop edx pop eax end; end; t0.LowPart := t1.LowPart; t0.HighPart := t1.HighPart; while ((t1.LowPart - t0.LowPart) < 1000) do begin QueryPerformanceCounter(t1); asm push eax push edx db 0Fh db 31h MOV stamp1, EAX pop edx pop eax end; end; if ( iPriority <> THREAD_PRIORITY_ERROR_RETURN ) then begin SetThreadPriority(hThread, iPriority); end; cycles := stamp1 - stamp0; ticks := t1.LowPart - t0.LowPart; ticks := ticks * 100000; ticks := Round(Ticks / (count_freq.LowPart/10)); total_ticks := Total_Ticks + ticks; total_cycles := Total_Cycles + cycles; freq := Round(cycles / ticks); total := (freq + freq2 + freq3); end; freq3 := Round((total_cycles * 10) / total_ticks); freq2 := Round((total_cycles * 100) / total_ticks); If (freq2 - (freq3 * 10) >= 6) then inc(freq3); cpu_speed.raw_freq := Round(total_cycles / total_ticks); cpu_speed.norm_freq := cpu_speed.raw_freq; freq := cpu_speed.raw_freq * 10; if((freq3 - freq) >= 6) then inc(cpu_speed.norm_freq); cpu_speed.ex_ticks := total_ticks; cpu_speed.in_cycles := total_cycles; Result := cpu_speed; end; end; Function CPUID: TCpuInfo; type regconvert = record bits0_7: Byte; bits8_15: Byte; bits16_23: Byte; bits24_31: Byte; end; var CPUInfo: TCpuInfo; TEBX, TEDX, TECX: Cardinal; TString: String; VString: String; temp: regconvert; begin asm MOV [CPUInfo.PType], 0 MOV [CPUInfo.Model], 0 MOV [CPUInfo.Stepping], 0 MOV [CPUInfo.Features], 0 MOV [CPUInfo.Frequency_Info.Raw_Freq], 0 MOV [CPUInfo.Frequency_Info.Norm_Freq], 0 MOV [CPUInfo.Frequency_Info.In_Cycles], 0 MOV [CPUInfo.Frequency_Info.Ex_Ticks], 0 push eax push ebp push ebx push ecx push edi push edx push esi @@Check_80486: MOV [CPUInfo.Family], 4 MOV TEBX, 0 MOV TEDX, 0 MOV TECX, 0 PUSHFD POP EAX MOV ECX, EAX XOR EAX, 200000H PUSH EAX POPFD PUSHFD POP EAX XOR EAX, ECX JE @@DONE_CPU_TYPE @@Has_CPUID_Instruction: MOV EAX, 0 DB 0FH DB 0A2H MOV TEBX, EBX MOV TEDX, EDX MOV TECX, ECX MOV EAX, 1 DB 0FH DB 0A2H MOV [CPUInfo.Features], EDX MOV ECX, EAX AND EAX, 3000H SHR EAX, 12 MOV [CPUInfo.PType], AL MOV EAX, ECX AND EAX, 0F00H SHR EAX, 8 MOV [CPUInfo.Family], AL MOV EAX, ECX AND EAX, 00F0H SHR EAX, 4 MOV [CPUInfo.MODEL], AL MOV EAX, ECX AND EAX, 000FH MOV [CPUInfo.Stepping], AL @@DONE_CPU_TYPE: pop esi pop edx pop edi pop ecx pop ebx pop ebp pop eax end; If (TEBX = 0) and (TEDX = 0) and (TECX = 0) and (CPUInfo.Family = 4) then begin CPUInfo.VendorIDString := 'Unknown'; CPUInfo.Manufacturer := 'Unknown'; CPUInfo.CPU_Name := 'Generic 486'; end else begin With regconvert(TEBX) do begin TString := CHR(bits0_7) + CHR(bits8_15) + CHR(bits16_23) + CHR(bits24_31); end; With regconvert(TEDX) do begin TString := TString + CHR(bits0_7) + CHR(bits8_15) + CHR(bits16_23) + CHR(bits24_31); end; With regconvert(TECX) do begin TString := TString + CHR(bits0_7) + CHR(bits8_15) + CHR(bits16_23) + CHR(bits24_31); end; VString := TString; CPUInfo.VendorIDString := TString; If (CPUInfo.VendorIDString = 'GenuineIntel') then begin CPUInfo.Manufacturer := 'Intel'; Case CPUInfo.Family of 4: Case CPUInfo.Model of 1: CPUInfo.CPU_Name := 'Intel 486DX Processor'; 2: CPUInfo.CPU_Name := 'Intel 486SX Processor'; 3: CPUInfo.CPU_Name := 'Intel DX2 Processor'; 4: CPUInfo.CPU_Name := 'Intel 486 Processor'; 5: CPUInfo.CPU_Name := 'Intel SX2 Processor'; 7: CPUInfo.CPU_Name := 'Write-Back Enhanced Intel DX2 Processor'; 8: CPUInfo.CPU_Name := 'Intel DX4 Processor'; else CPUInfo.CPU_Name := 'Intel 486 Processor'; end; 5: CPUInfo.CPU_Name := 'Pentium'; 6: Case CPUInfo.Model of 1: CPUInfo.CPU_Name := 'Pentium Pro'; 3: CPUInfo.CPU_Name := 'Pentium II'; else CPUInfo.CPU_Name := PChar(Format('P6 (Model %d)', [CPUInfo.Model])); end; else CPUInfo.CPU_Name := Format('P%d', [CPUInfo.Family]); end; end else if (CPUInfo.VendorIDString = 'CyrixInstead') then begin CPUInfo.Manufacturer := 'Cyrix'; Case CPUInfo.Family of 5: CPUInfo.CPU_Name := 'Cyrix 6x86'; 6: CPUInfo.CPU_Name := 'Cyrix M2'; else CPUInfo.CPU_Name := Format('%dx86', [CPUInfo.Family]); end; end else if (CPUInfo.VendorIDString = 'AuthenticAMD') then begin CPUInfo.Manufacturer := 'AMD'; Case CPUInfo.Family of 4: CPUInfo.CPU_Name := 'Am486 or Am5x86'; 5: Case CPUInfo.Model of 0: CPUInfo.CPU_Name := 'AMD-K5 (Model 0)'; 1: CPUInfo.CPU_Name := 'AMD-K5 (Model 1)'; 2: CPUInfo.CPU_Name := 'AMD-K5 (Model 2)'; 3: CPUInfo.CPU_Name := 'AMD-K5 (Model 3)'; 6: CPUInfo.CPU_Name := 'AMD-K6'; else CPUInfo.CPU_Name := 'Unknown AMD Model'; end; else CPUInfo.CPU_Name := 'Unknown AMD Chip'; end; end else begin CPUInfo.VendorIDString := TString; CPUInfo.Manufacturer := 'Unknown'; CPUInfo.CPU_Name := 'Unknown'; end; end; Result := CPUInfo; end; Function TestFDIVInstruction: Boolean; var TestDividend: Double; TestDivisor: Double; TestOne: Double; ISOK: Boolean; begin TestDividend := 4195835.0; TestDivisor := 3145727.0; TestOne := 1.0; asm PUSH EAX FLD [TestDividend] FDIV [TestDivisor] FMUL [TestDivisor] FSUBR [TestDividend] FCOMP [TestOne] FSTSW AX SHR EAX, 8 AND EAX, 01H MOV ISOK, AL POP EAX end; Result := ISOK; end; end.