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Communicate with JVMDI

Title: Communicate with JVMDI Question: The Java Virtual Machine Debugger Interface allows a native dll to recieve a variety of notifications during the execution of a java program. This article explains how to create a dll in delphi to recieve these notifications Answer: jdk1.4 comes with jni.h and jvmdi.h which is the C specification of JVMDI. The translated .pas file is as follows. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- unit JVMDIStructs; interface uses SysUtils; type PTJObject = ^TJObject; TJObject = packed record end; PTJFieldId = ^TJFieldId; TJFieldId = packed record end; PTJMethodId = ^TJMethodId; TJMethodId = packed record end; PJFrameId = ^TJFrameId; TJFrameId = packed record end; type JObject = type PTJObject; type JBoolean = type Byte; type JInteger = type Integer; type JSize = type JInteger; type JLong = type Int64; type JByte = type ShortInt; type JShort = type SmallInt; type JChar = type Word; type JFloat = type Single; type JDouble = type Real; type JClass = type PTJObject; type JThrowable = type PTJObject; type JString = type PTJObject; type JArray = type PTJObject; type JBooleanArray = type JArray; type JByteArray = type JArray; type JCharArray = type JArray; type JShortArray = type JArray; type JIntArray = type JArray; type JLongArray = type JArray; type JFloatArray = type JArray; type JDoubleArray = type JArray; type JObjectArray = type JArray; type JWeak = type JObject; type JFieldId = type PTJFieldId; type JMethodId = type PTJMethodId; type JVMDI_RawMonitor = type pointer; type JVMDIError = type JInteger; type JFrameId = type PJFrameId; type JThread = type JObject; type JThreadGroup = type JObject; type JLocation = type JLong; PJValue = ^JValue; JValue = packed record case Integer of 0: (z: JBoolean); 1: (b: JByte); 2: (c: JChar); 3: (s: JShort); 4: (i: JInteger); 5: (j: JLong); 6: (f: JFloat); 7: (d: JDouble); 8: (l: JLong); end; PJByte = ^JByte; PJChar = ^JChar; PJBoolean = ^JBoolean; PJShort = ^JShort; PJLong = ^JLong; PJFloat = ^JFloat; PJDouble = ^JDouble; PJInteger = ^JInteger; PJObject = ^JObject; PJClass = ^JClass; PJLocation = ^JLocation; PJFieldId = ^JFieldId; PJMethodId = ^JMethodId; PJVMDIError = ^JVMDIError; PPChar = ^PChar; PPJByte = ^PJByte; PPJObject = ^PJObject; PPJClass = ^PJClass; PJThreadArray = ^JThreadArray; JThreadArray = array[0..4] of JThread; PJClassArray = ^JClassArray; JClassArray = array[0..4] of JClass; PJMethodArray = ^JMethodArray; JMethodArray = array[0..4] of JMethodId; PPJavaVM = ^PJavaVM; PJavaVM = ^JavaVM; PJNIEnv = ^JNIEnv; PJThread = ^JThread; PPJThread = ^PJThread; PJThreadGroup = ^JThreadGroup; PPJThreadGroup = ^PJThreadGroup; PJNINativeMethod = ^JNINativeMethod; PJNIInvokeInterface = ^JNIInvokeInterface; PJVMDI_RawMonitor = ^JVMDI_RawMonitor; PPJFieldId = ^PJFieldId; PPJMethodId = ^PJMethodId; //JNI Invoke Interface PDestroyJavaVM = function(vm: PJavaVM):JInteger; stdcall; PAttachCurrentThread = function(vm: PJavaVM; env: pointer; args: pointer):JInteger; stdcall; PDetachCurrentThread = function(vm: PJavaVM):JInteger; stdcall; PGetEnv = function(vm: PJavaVM; env: pointer; version: integer):JInteger; stdcall; PAttachCurrentThreadAsDaemon = function(vm: PJavaVM; env: pointer; args: pointer):JInteger; stdcall; //JNI Native Interface PGetVersion = function(env: PJNIEnv):JInteger; stdcall; PDefineClass = function(env: PJNIEnv; name: PChar; loader: JObject; buf: PJByte; len: JSize): JClass; stdcall; PFindClass = function(env: PJNIEnv; name: PChar): JClass; stdcall; PFromReflectedMethod = function(env: PJNIEnv; method: JObject): JMethodId; stdcall; PFromReflectedField = function(env: PJNIEnv; field: JObject): JMethodId; stdcall; PToReflectedMethod = function(env: PJNIEnv; cls: JClass; methodID: JMethodID; isStatic: JBoolean): JObject; stdcall; PGetSuperclass = function(env: PJNIEnv; sub: JClass):JClass; stdcall; PIsAssignableFrom = function(env: PJNIEnv; sub: JClass; sup: JClass):JBoolean; stdcall; PToReflectedField = function(env: PJNIEnv; cls: JClass;fieldID: JFieldID; isStatic: JBoolean): JObject; stdcall; PThrow = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JThrowable): JInteger; PThrowNew = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; msg: PChar): JInteger; stdcall; PExceptionOccurred = function(env: PJNIEnv): JThrowable; stdcall; PExceptionDescribe = procedure(env: PJNIEnv); stdcall; PExceptionClear = procedure(env: PJNIEnv); stdcall; PFatalError = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; msg: PChar); stdcall; PPushLocalFrame = function(env: PJNIEnv; capacity: JInteger): JInteger; stdcall; PPopLocalFrame = function(env: PJNIEnv; result: JObject): JObject; stdcall; PNewGlobalRef = function(env: PJNIEnv; lobj: JObject): JObject; stdcall; PDeleteGlobalRef = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; gref: JObject); stdcall; PDeleteLocalRef = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject); stdcall; PIsSameObject = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj1: JObject; obj2: JObject): JBoolean; stdcall; PNewLocalRef = function(env: PJNIEnv; ref: JObject): JObject; stdcall; PEnsureLocalCapacity = function(env: PJNIEnv; capacity: JInteger): JInteger; stdcall; PAllocObject = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass): JObject; stdcall; PNewObject = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID; args: array of const): JObject; cdecl; PNewObjectV = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID): JObject; stdcall; PNewObjectA = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID; args: PJValue): JObject; stdcall; PGetObjectClass = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject): JClass; stdcall; PIsInstanceOf = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; clazz: JClass): JBoolean; stdcall; PGetMethodID = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; name: PChar; sig: PChar): JMethodId; stdcall; PCallObjectMethod = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; methodID: JMethodID; args: array of const): JObject; cdecl; PCallObjectMethodV = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; methodID: JMethodID): JObject; stdcall; PCallObjectMethodA = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; methodID: JMethodID; args: PJValue): JObject; stdcall; PCallBooleanMethod = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; methodID: JMethodID; args: array of const): JBoolean; cdecl; PCallBooleanMethodV = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; methodID: JMethodID): JBoolean; stdcall; PCallBooleanMethodA = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; methodID: JMethodID; args: PJValue): JBoolean; stdcall; PCallByteMethod = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; methodID: JMethodID; args: array of const): JByte; cdecl; PCallByteMethodV = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; methodID: JMethodID): JByte; stdcall; PCallByteMethodA = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; methodID: JMethodID; args: PJValue): JByte; stdcall; PCallCharMethod = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; methodID: JMethodID; args: array of const): JChar; cdecl; PCallCharMethodV = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; methodID: JMethodID): JChar; stdcall; PCallCharMethodA = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; methodID: JMethodID; args: PJValue): JChar; stdcall; PCallShortMethod = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; methodID: JMethodID; args: array of const): JShort; cdecl; PCallShortMethodV = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; methodID: JMethodID): JShort; stdcall; PCallShortMethodA = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; methodID: JMethodID; args: PJValue): JShort; stdcall; PCallIntMethod = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; methodID: JMethodID; args: array of const): JInteger; cdecl; PCallIntMethodV = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; methodID: JMethodID): JInteger; stdcall; PCallIntMethodA = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; methodID: JMethodID; args: PJValue): JInteger; stdcall; PCallLongMethod = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; methodID: JMethodID; args: array of const): JLong; cdecl; PCallLongMethodV = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; methodID: JMethodID): JLong; stdcall; PCallLongMethodA = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; methodID: JMethodID; args: PJValue): JLong; stdcall; PCallFloatMethod = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; methodID: JMethodID; args: array of const): JFloat; cdecl; PCallFloatMethodV = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; methodID: JMethodID): JFloat; stdcall; PCallFloatMethodA = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; methodID: JMethodID; args: PJValue): JFloat; stdcall; PCallDoubleMethod = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; methodID: JMethodID; args: array of const): JDouble; cdecl; PCallDoubleMethodV = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; methodID: JMethodID): JDouble; stdcall; PCallDoubleMethodA = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; methodID: JMethodID; args: PJValue): JDouble; stdcall; PCallVoidMethod = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; methodID: JMethodID; args: array of const); cdecl; PCallVoidMethodV = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; methodID: JMethodID); stdcall; PCallVoidMethodA = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; methodID: JMethodID; args: PJValue); stdcall; PCallNonvirtualObjectMethod = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID; args: array of const): JObject; cdecl; PCallNonvirtualObjectMethodV = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID): JObject; stdcall; PCallNonvirtualObjectMethodA = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID; args: PJValue): JObject; stdcall; PCallNonvirtualBooleanMethod = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID; args: array of const): JBoolean; cdecl; PCallNonvirtualBooleanMethodV = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID): JBoolean; stdcall; PCallNonvirtualBooleanMethodA = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID; args: PJValue): JBoolean; stdcall; PCallNonvirtualByteMethod = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID; args: array of const): JByte; cdecl; PCallNonvirtualByteMethodV = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID): JByte; stdcall; PCallNonvirtualByteMethodA = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID; args: PJValue): JByte; stdcall; PCallNonvirtualCharMethod = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID; args: array of const): JChar; cdecl; PCallNonvirtualCharMethodV = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID): JChar; stdcall; PCallNonvirtualCharMethodA = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID; args: PJValue): JChar; stdcall; PCallNonvirtualShortMethod = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID; args: array of const): JShort; cdecl; PCallNonvirtualShortMethodV = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID): JShort; stdcall; PCallNonvirtualShortMethodA = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID; args: PJValue): JShort; stdcall; PCallNonvirtualIntMethod = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID): JInteger; stdcall; PCallNonvirtualIntMethodV = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID): JInteger; stdcall; PCallNonvirtualIntMethodA = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID; args: PJValue): JInteger; stdcall; PCallNonvirtualLongMethod = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID; args: array of const): JLong; stdcall; PCallNonvirtualLongMethodV = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID): JLong; stdcall; PCallNonvirtualLongMethodA = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID; args: PJValue): JLong; stdcall; PCallNonvirtualFloatMethod = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID; args: array of const): JFloat; stdcall; PCallNonvirtualFloatMethodV = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID): JFloat; stdcall; PCallNonvirtualFloatMethodA = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID; args: PJValue): JFloat; stdcall; PCallNonvirtualDoubleMethod = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID; args: array of const): JDouble; stdcall; PCallNonvirtualDoubleMethodV = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID): JDouble; stdcall; PCallNonvirtualDoubleMethodA = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID; args: PJValue): JDouble; stdcall; PCallNonvirtualVoidMethod = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID; args: array of const); stdcall; PCallNonvirtualVoidMethodV = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID); stdcall; PCallNonvirtualVoidMethodA = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID; args: PJValue); stdcall; PGetFieldID = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; name: PChar; sig: PChar): JFieldId; stdcall; PGetObjectField = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; fieldId: JFieldID): JObject; stdcall; PGetBooleanField = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; fieldId: JFieldID): JBoolean; stdcall; PGetByteField = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; fieldId: JFieldID): JByte; stdcall; PGetCharField = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; fieldId: JFieldID): JChar; stdcall; PGetShortField = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; fieldId: JFieldID): JShort; stdcall; PGetIntField = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; fieldId: JFieldID): JInteger; stdcall; PGetLongField = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; fieldId: JFieldID): JLong; stdcall; PGetFloatField = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; fieldId: JFieldID): JFloat; stdcall; PGetDoubleField = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; fieldId: JFieldID): JDouble; stdcall; PSetObjectField = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; fieldId: JFieldID; val: JObject); stdcall; PSetBooleanField = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; fieldId: JFieldID; val: JBoolean); stdcall; PSetByteField = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; fieldId: JFieldID; val: JByte); stdcall; PSetCharField = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; fieldId: JFieldID; val: JChar); stdcall; PSetShortField = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; fieldId: JFieldID; val: JShort); stdcall; PSetIntField = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; fieldId: JFieldID; val: JInteger); stdcall; PSetLongField = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; fieldId: JFieldID; val: JLong); stdcall; PSetFloatField = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; fieldId: JFieldID; val: JFloat); stdcall; PSetDoubleField = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject; fieldId: JFieldID; val: JDouble); stdcall; PGetStaticMethodID = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; name: PChar; sig: PChar): JMethodId; stdcall; PCallStaticObjectMethod = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID): JObject; stdcall; PCallStaticObjectMethodV = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID): JObject; stdcall; PCallStaticObjectMethodA = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID; args: PJValue): JObject; stdcall; PCallStaticBooleanMethod = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID): JBoolean; stdcall; PCallStaticBooleanMethodV = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID): JBoolean; stdcall; PCallStaticBooleanMethodA = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID; args: PJValue): JBoolean; stdcall; PCallStaticByteMethod = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID): JByte; stdcall; PCallStaticByteMethodV = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID): JByte; stdcall; PCallStaticByteMethodA = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID; args: PJValue): JByte; stdcall; PCallStaticCharMethod = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID): JChar; stdcall; PCallStaticCharMethodV = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID): JChar; stdcall; PCallStaticCharMethodA = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID; args: PJValue): JChar; stdcall; PCallStaticShortMethod = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID): JShort; stdcall; PCallStaticShortMethodV = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID): JShort; stdcall; PCallStaticShortMethodA = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID; args: PJValue): JShort; stdcall; PCallStaticIntMethod = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID): JInteger; stdcall; PCallStaticIntMethodV = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID): JInteger; stdcall; PCallStaticIntMethodA = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID; args: PJValue): JInteger; stdcall; PCallStaticLongMethod = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID): JLong; stdcall; PCallStaticLongMethodV = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID): JLong; stdcall; PCallStaticLongMethodA = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID; args: PJValue): JLong; stdcall; PCallStaticFloatMethod = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID): JFloat; stdcall; PCallStaticFloatMethodV = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID): JFloat; stdcall; PCallStaticFloatMethodA = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID; args: PJValue): JFloat; stdcall; PCallStaticDoubleMethod = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID): JDouble; stdcall; PCallStaticDoubleMethodV = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID): JDouble; stdcall; PCallStaticDoubleMethodA = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; methodID: JMethodID; args: PJValue): JDouble; stdcall; PCallStaticVoidMethod = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; cls: JClass; methodID: JMethodID); stdcall; PCallStaticVoidMethodV = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; cls: JClass; methodID: JMethodID); stdcall; PCallStaticVoidMethodA = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; cls: JClass; methodID: JMethodID; args: PJValue); stdcall; PGetStaticFieldID = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; name: PChar; sig: PChar): JFieldId; stdcall; PGetStaticObjectField = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; fieldId: JFieldID): JObject; stdcall; PGetStaticBooleanField = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; fieldId: JFieldID): JBoolean; stdcall; PGetStaticByteField = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; fieldId: JFieldID): JByte; stdcall; PGetStaticCharField = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; fieldId: JFieldID): JChar; stdcall; PGetStaticShortField = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; fieldId: JFieldID): JShort; stdcall; PGetStaticIntField = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; fieldId: JFieldID): JInteger; stdcall; PGetStaticLongField = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; fieldId: JFieldID): JLong; stdcall; PGetStaticFloatField = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; fieldId: JFieldID): JFloat; stdcall; PGetStaticDoubleField = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; fieldId: JFieldID): JDouble; stdcall; PSetStaticObjectField = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; fieldId: JFieldID; value: JObject); stdcall; PSetStaticBooleanField = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; fieldId: JFieldID; value: JBoolean); stdcall; PSetStaticByteField = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; fieldId: JFieldID; value: JByte); stdcall; PSetStaticCharField = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; fieldId: JFieldID; value: JChar); stdcall; PSetStaticShortField = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; fieldId: JFieldID; value: JShort); stdcall; PSetStaticIntField = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; fieldId: JFieldID; value: JInteger); stdcall; PSetStaticLongField = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; fieldId: JFieldID; value: JLong); stdcall; PSetStaticFloatField = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; fieldId: JFieldID; value: JFloat); stdcall; PSetStaticDoubleField = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; fieldId: JFieldID; value: JDouble); stdcall; PNewString = function(env: PJNIEnv; unicode: PJChar; len: JSize): JString; stdcall; PGetStringLength = function(env: PJNIEnv; str: JString): JSize; stdcall; PGetStringChars = function(env: PJNIEnv; str: JString; isCopy: PJBoolean): PJChar; stdcall; PReleaseStringChars = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; str: JString; chars: PJChar); stdcall; PNewStringUTF = function(env: PJNIEnv; utf: PChar): JString; stdcall; PGetStringUTFLength = function(env: PJNIEnv; str: JString): JSize; stdcall; PGetStringUTFChars = function(env: PJNIEnv; str: JString; isCopy: PJBoolean): PChar; stdcall; PReleaseStringUTFChars = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; str: JString; chars: PChar); stdcall; PGetArrayLength = function(env: PJNIEnv; ary: JArray): JSize; stdcall; PNewObjectArray = function(env: PJNIEnv; len: JSize; clazz: JClass; init: JObject): JObjectArray; stdcall; PGetObjectArrayElement = function(env: PJNIEnv; ary:JObjectArray; index: JSize): JObject; stdcall; PSetObjectArrayElement = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; ary:JObjectArray; index: JSize; val: JObject); stdcall; PNewBooleanArray = function(env: PJNIEnv; len: JSize): JBooleanArray; stdcall; PNewByteArray = function(env: PJNIEnv; len: JSize): JByteArray; stdcall; PNewCharArray = function(env: PJNIEnv; len: JSize): JCharArray; stdcall; PNewShortArray = function(env: PJNIEnv; len: JSize): JShortArray; stdcall; PNewIntArray = function(env: PJNIEnv; len: JSize): JIntArray; stdcall; PNewLongArray = function(env: PJNIEnv; len: JSize): JLongArray; stdcall; PNewFloatArray = function(env: PJNIEnv; len: JSize): JFloatArray; stdcall; PNewDoubleArray = function(env: PJNIEnv; len: JSize): JDoubleArray; stdcall; PGetBooleanArrayElements = function(env: PJNIEnv; ary: JBooleanArray; isCopy: PJBoolean): PJBoolean; stdcall; PGetByteArrayElements = function(env: PJNIEnv; ary: JByteArray; isCopy: PJBoolean): PJByte; stdcall; PGetCharArrayElements = function(env: PJNIEnv; ary: JCharArray; isCopy: PJBoolean): PJChar; stdcall; PGetShortArrayElements = function(env: PJNIEnv; ary: JShortArray; isCopy: PJBoolean): PJShort; stdcall; PGetIntArrayElements = function(env: PJNIEnv; ary: JIntArray; isCopy: PJBoolean): PJInteger; stdcall; PGetLongArrayElements = function(env: PJNIEnv; ary: JLongArray; isCopy: PJBoolean): PJLong; stdcall; PGetFloatArrayElements = function(env: PJNIEnv; ary: JFloatArray; isCopy: PJBoolean): PJFloat; stdcall; PGetDoubleArrayElements = function(env: PJNIEnv; ary: JDoubleArray; isCopy: PJBoolean): PJDouble; stdcall; PReleaseBooleanArrayElements = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; ary: JBooleanArray; elems: PJBoolean; mode: JInteger); stdcall; PReleaseByteArrayElements = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; ary: JByteArray; elems: PJByte; mode: JInteger); stdcall; PReleaseCharArrayElements = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; ary: JCharArray; elems: PJChar; mode: JInteger); stdcall; PReleaseShortArrayElements = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; ary: JShortArray; elems: PJShort; mode: JInteger); stdcall; PReleaseIntArrayElements = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; ary: JIntArray ; elems: PJInteger; mode: JInteger); stdcall; PReleaseLongArrayElements = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; ary: JLongArray; elems: PJLong; mode: JInteger); stdcall; PReleaseFloatArrayElements = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; ary: JFloatArray; elems: PJFloat; mode: JInteger); stdcall; PReleaseDoubleArrayElements = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; ary: JDoubleArray; elems: PJDouble; mode: JInteger); stdcall; PGetBooleanArrayRegion = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; ary: JBooleanArray; start: JSize; l: JSize; buf: PJBoolean); stdcall; PGetByteArrayRegion = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; ary: JByteArray; start: JSize; len: JSize; buf: PJByte); stdcall; PGetCharArrayRegion = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; ary: JCharArray; start: JSize; len: JSize; buf: PJChar); stdcall; PGetShortArrayRegion = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; ary: JShortArray; start: JSize; len: JSize; buf: PJShort); stdcall; PGetIntArrayRegion = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; ary: JIntArray; start: JSize; len: JSize; buf: PJInteger); stdcall; PGetLongArrayRegion = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; ary: JLongArray; start: JSize; len: JSize; buf: PJLong); stdcall; PGetFloatArrayRegion = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; ary: JFloatArray; start: JSize; len: JSize; buf: PJFloat); stdcall; PGetDoubleArrayRegion = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; ary: JDoubleArray; start: JSize; len: JSize; buf: PJDouble); stdcall; PSetBooleanArrayRegion = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; ary: JBooleanArray; start: JSize; l: JSize; buf: PJBoolean); stdcall; PSetByteArrayRegion = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; ary: JByteArray; start: JSize; len: JSize; buf: PJByte); stdcall; PSetCharArrayRegion = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; ary: JCharArray; start: JSize; len: JSize; buf: PJChar); stdcall; PSetShortArrayRegion = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; ary: JShortArray; start: JSize; len: JSize; buf: PJShort); stdcall; PSetIntArrayRegion = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; ary: JIntArray; start: JSize; len: JSize; buf: PJInteger); stdcall; PSetLongArrayRegion = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; ary: JLongArray; start: JSize; len: JSize; buf: PJLong); stdcall; PSetFloatArrayRegion = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; ary: JFloatArray; start: JSize; len: JSize; buf: PJFloat); stdcall; PSetDoubleArrayRegion = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; ary: JDoubleArray; start: JSize; len: JSize; buf: PJDouble); stdcall; PRegisterNatives = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass; methods:PJNINativeMethod; nMethods: JInteger): JInteger; stdcall; PUnregisterNatives = function(env: PJNIEnv; clazz: JClass): JInteger; stdcall; PMonitorEnter = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject): JInteger; stdcall; PMonitorExit = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject): JInteger; stdcall; PGetJavaVM = function(env: PJNIEnv; vm: PPJavaVM): JInteger; stdcall; PGetStringRegion = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; str: JString; start: JSize; len: JSize; buf: PJChar); stdcall; PGetStringUTFRegion = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; str: JString; start: JSize; len: JSize; buf: PChar); stdcall; PGetPrimitiveArrayCritical = function(env: PJNIEnv; ary: JArray; isCopy: PJBoolean): pointer; stdcall; PReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; ary: JArray; carray: pointer; mode: JInteger); stdcall; PGetStringCritical = function(env: PJNIEnv; str: JString; isCopy: PJBoolean): PJChar; stdcall; PReleaseStringCritical = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; str: JString; cstring: PJChar); stdcall; PNewWeakGlobalRef = function(env: PJNIEnv; obj: JObject): JWeak; stdcall; PDeleteWeakGlobalRef = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; ref: JWeak); stdcall; PExceptionCheck = function(env: PJNIEnv): JBoolean; stdcall; PNewDirectByteBuffer = function(env: PJNIEnv; address: pointer; capacity: JLong): JObject; stdcall; PGetDirectBufferAddress = function(env: PJNIEnv; buf: JObject): pointer; stdcall; PGetDirectBufferCapacity = function(env: PJNIEnv; buf: JObject): JLong; stdcall; JNIInvokeInterface = packed record reserved0: pointer; reserved1: pointer; reserved2: pointer; DestroyJavaVM :PDestroyJavaVM; AttachCurrentThread: PAttachCurrentThread; DetachCurrentThread: PDetachCurrentThread; GetEnv: PGetEnv; AttachCurrentThreadAsDaemon: PAttachCurrentThreadAsDaemon; end; PJNINativeInterface =^JNINativeInterface; JNINativeInterface = packed record reserved0: pointer; reserved1: pointer; reserved2: pointer; reserved3: pointer; GetVersion : PGetVersion; DefineClass : PDefineClass; FindClass : PFindClass; FromReflectedMethod : PFromReflectedMethod; FromReflectedField : PFromReflectedField; ToReflectedMethod : PToReflectedMethod; GetSuperclass : PGetSuperclass; IsAssignableFrom : PIsAssignableFrom; ToReflectedField : PToReflectedField; Throw : PThrow; ThrowNew : PThrowNew; ExceptionOccurred : PExceptionOccurred; ExceptionDescribe : PExceptionDescribe; ExceptionClear : PExceptionClear; FatalError : PFatalError; PushLocalFrame : PPushLocalFrame; PopLocalFrame : PPopLocalFrame; NewGlobalRef : PNewGlobalRef; DeleteGlobalRef : PDeleteGlobalRef; DeleteLocalRef : PDeleteLocalRef; IsSameObject : PIsSameObject; NewLocalRef : PNewLocalRef; EnsureLocalCapacity : PEnsureLocalCapacity; AllocObject : PAllocObject; NewObject : PNewObject; NewObjectV : PNewObjectV; NewObjectA : PNewObjectA; GetObjectClass : PGetObjectClass; IsInstanceOf : PIsInstanceOf; GetMethodID : PGetMethodID; CallObjectMethod : PCallObjectMethod; CallObjectMethodV : PCallObjectMethodV; CallObjectMethodA : PCallObjectMethodA; CallBooleanMethod : PCallBooleanMethod; CallBooleanMethodV : PCallBooleanMethodV; CallBooleanMethodA : PCallBooleanMethodA; CallByteMethod : PCallByteMethod; CallByteMethodV : PCallByteMethodV; CallByteMethodA : PCallByteMethodA; CallCharMethod : PCallCharMethod; CallCharMethodV : PCallCharMethodV; CallCharMethodA : PCallCharMethodA; CallShortMethod : PCallShortMethod; CallShortMethodV : PCallShortMethodV; CallShortMethodA : PCallShortMethodA; CallIntMethod : PCallIntMethod; CallIntMethodV : PCallIntMethodV; CallIntMethodA : PCallIntMethodA; CallLongMethod : PCallLongMethod; CallLongMethodV : PCallLongMethodV; CallLongMethodA : PCallLongMethodA; CallFloatMethod : PCallFloatMethod; CallFloatMethodV : PCallFloatMethodV; CallFloatMethodA : PCallFloatMethodA; CallDoubleMethod : PCallDoubleMethod; CallDoubleMethodV : PCallDoubleMethodV; CallDoubleMethodA : PCallDoubleMethodA; CallVoidMethod : PCallVoidMethod; CallVoidMethodV : PCallVoidMethodV; CallVoidMethodA : PCallVoidMethodA; CallNonvirtualObjectMethod : PCallNonvirtualObjectMethod; CallNonvirtualObjectMethodV : PCallNonvirtualObjectMethodV; CallNonvirtualObjectMethodA : PCallNonvirtualObjectMethodA; CallNonvirtualBooleanMethod : PCallNonvirtualBooleanMethod; CallNonvirtualBooleanMethodV : PCallNonvirtualBooleanMethodV; CallNonvirtualBooleanMethodA : PCallNonvirtualBooleanMethodA; CallNonvirtualByteMethod : PCallNonvirtualByteMethod; CallNonvirtualByteMethodV : PCallNonvirtualByteMethodV; CallNonvirtualByteMethodA : PCallNonvirtualByteMethodA; CallNonvirtualCharMethod : PCallNonvirtualCharMethod; CallNonvirtualCharMethodV : PCallNonvirtualCharMethodV; CallNonvirtualCharMethodA : PCallNonvirtualCharMethodA; CallNonvirtualShortMethod : PCallNonvirtualShortMethod; CallNonvirtualShortMethodV : PCallNonvirtualShortMethodV; CallNonvirtualShortMethodA : PCallNonvirtualShortMethodA; CallNonvirtualIntMethod : PCallNonvirtualIntMethod; CallNonvirtualIntMethodV : PCallNonvirtualIntMethodV; CallNonvirtualIntMethodA : PCallNonvirtualIntMethodA; CallNonvirtualLongMethod : PCallNonvirtualLongMethod; CallNonvirtualLongMethodV : PCallNonvirtualLongMethodV; CallNonvirtualLongMethodA : PCallNonvirtualLongMethodA; CallNonvirtualFloatMethod : PCallNonvirtualFloatMethod; CallNonvirtualFloatMethodV : PCallNonvirtualFloatMethodV; CallNonvirtualFloatMethodA : PCallNonvirtualFloatMethodA; CallNonvirtualDoubleMethod : PCallNonvirtualDoubleMethod; CallNonvirtualDoubleMethodV : PCallNonvirtualDoubleMethodV; CallNonvirtualDoubleMethodA : PCallNonvirtualDoubleMethodA; CallNonvirtualVoidMethod : PCallNonvirtualVoidMethod; CallNonvirtualVoidMethodV : PCallNonvirtualVoidMethodV; CallNonvirtualVoidMethodA : PCallNonvirtualVoidMethodA; GetFieldID : PGetFieldID; GetObjectField : PGetObjectField; GetBooleanField : PGetBooleanField; GetByteField : PGetByteField; GetCharField : PGetCharField; GetShortField : PGetShortField; GetIntField : PGetIntField; GetLongField : PGetLongField; GetFloatField : PGetFloatField; GetDoubleField : PGetDoubleField; SetObjectField : PSetObjectField; SetBooleanField : PSetBooleanField; SetByteField : PSetByteField; SetCharField : PSetCharField; SetShortField : PSetShortField; SetIntField : PSetIntField; SetLongField : PSetLongField; SetFloatField : PSetFloatField; SetDoubleField : PSetDoubleField; GetStaticMethodID : PGetStaticMethodID; CallStaticObjectMethod : PCallStaticObjectMethod; CallStaticObjectMethodV : PCallStaticObjectMethodV; CallStaticObjectMethodA : PCallStaticObjectMethodA; CallStaticBooleanMethod : PCallStaticBooleanMethod; CallStaticBooleanMethodV : PCallStaticBooleanMethodV; CallStaticBooleanMethodA : PCallStaticBooleanMethodA; CallStaticByteMethod : PCallStaticByteMethod; CallStaticByteMethodV : PCallStaticByteMethodV; CallStaticByteMethodA : PCallStaticByteMethodA; CallStaticCharMethod : PCallStaticCharMethod; CallStaticCharMethodV : PCallStaticCharMethodV; CallStaticCharMethodA : PCallStaticCharMethodA; CallStaticShortMethod : PCallStaticShortMethod; CallStaticShortMethodV : PCallStaticShortMethodV; CallStaticShortMethodA : PCallStaticShortMethodA; CallStaticIntMethod : PCallStaticIntMethod; CallStaticIntMethodV : PCallStaticIntMethodV; CallStaticIntMethodA : PCallStaticIntMethodA; CallStaticLongMethod : PCallStaticLongMethod; CallStaticLongMethodV : PCallStaticLongMethodV; CallStaticLongMethodA : PCallStaticLongMethodA; CallStaticFloatMethod : PCallStaticFloatMethod; CallStaticFloatMethodV : PCallStaticFloatMethodV; CallStaticFloatMethodA : PCallStaticFloatMethodA; CallStaticDoubleMethod : PCallStaticDoubleMethod; CallStaticDoubleMethodV : PCallStaticDoubleMethodV; CallStaticDoubleMethodA : PCallStaticDoubleMethodA; CallStaticVoidMethod : PCallStaticVoidMethod; CallStaticVoidMethodV : PCallStaticVoidMethodV; CallStaticVoidMethodA : PCallStaticVoidMethodA; GetStaticFieldID : PGetStaticFieldID; GetStaticObjectField : PGetStaticObjectField; GetStaticBooleanField : PGetStaticBooleanField; GetStaticByteField : PGetStaticByteField; GetStaticCharField : PGetStaticCharField; GetStaticShortField : PGetStaticShortField; GetStaticIntField : PGetStaticIntField; GetStaticLongField : PGetStaticLongField; GetStaticFloatField : PGetStaticFloatField; GetStaticDoubleField : PGetStaticDoubleField; SetStaticObjectField : PSetStaticObjectField; SetStaticBooleanField : PSetStaticBooleanField; SetStaticByteField : PSetStaticByteField; SetStaticCharField : PSetStaticCharField; SetStaticShortField : PSetStaticShortField; SetStaticIntField : PSetStaticIntField; SetStaticLongField : PSetStaticLongField; SetStaticFloatField : PSetStaticFloatField; SetStaticDoubleField : PSetStaticDoubleField; NewString : PNewString; GetStringLength : PGetStringLength; GetStringChars : PGetStringChars; ReleaseStringChars : PReleaseStringChars; NewStringUTF : PNewStringUTF; GetStringUTFLength : PGetStringUTFLength; GetStringUTFChars : PGetStringUTFChars; ReleaseStringUTFChars : PReleaseStringUTFChars; GetArrayLength : PGetArrayLength; NewObjectArray : PNewObjectArray; GetObjectArrayElement : PGetObjectArrayElement; SetObjectArrayElement : PSetObjectArrayElement; NewBooleanArray : PNewBooleanArray; NewByteArray : PNewByteArray; NewCharArray : PNewCharArray; NewShortArray : PNewShortArray; NewIntArray : PNewIntArray; NewLongArray : PNewLongArray; NewFloatArray : PNewFloatArray; NewDoubleArray : PNewDoubleArray; GetBooleanArrayElements : PGetBooleanArrayElements; GetByteArrayElements : PGetByteArrayElements; GetCharArrayElements : PGetCharArrayElements; GetShortArrayElements : PGetShortArrayElements; GetIntArrayElements : PGetIntArrayElements; GetLongArrayElements : PGetLongArrayElements; GetFloatArrayElements : PGetFloatArrayElements; GetDoubleArrayElements : PGetDoubleArrayElements; ReleaseBooleanArrayElements : PReleaseBooleanArrayElements; ReleaseByteArrayElements : PReleaseByteArrayElements; ReleaseCharArrayElements : PReleaseCharArrayElements; ReleaseShortArrayElements : PReleaseShortArrayElements; ReleaseIntArrayElements : PReleaseIntArrayElements; ReleaseLongArrayElements : PReleaseLongArrayElements; ReleaseFloatArrayElements : PReleaseFloatArrayElements; ReleaseDoubleArrayElements : PReleaseDoubleArrayElements; GetBooleanArrayRegion : PGetBooleanArrayRegion; GetByteArrayRegion : PGetByteArrayRegion; GetCharArrayRegion : PGetCharArrayRegion; GetShortArrayRegion : PGetShortArrayRegion; GetIntArrayRegion : PGetIntArrayRegion; GetLongArrayRegion : PGetLongArrayRegion; GetFloatArrayRegion : PGetFloatArrayRegion; GetDoubleArrayRegion : PGetDoubleArrayRegion; SetBooleanArrayRegion : PSetBooleanArrayRegion; SetByteArrayRegion : PSetByteArrayRegion; SetCharArrayRegion : PSetCharArrayRegion; SetShortArrayRegion : PSetShortArrayRegion; SetIntArrayRegion : PSetIntArrayRegion; SetLongArrayRegion : PSetLongArrayRegion; SetFloatArrayRegion : PSetFloatArrayRegion; SetDoubleArrayRegion : PSetDoubleArrayRegion; RegisterNatives : PRegisterNatives; UnregisterNatives : PUnregisterNatives; MonitorEnter : PMonitorEnter; MonitorExit : PMonitorExit; GetJavaVM : PGetJavaVM; GetStringRegion : PGetStringRegion; GetStringUTFRegion : PGetStringUTFRegion; GetPrimitiveArrayCritical : PGetPrimitiveArrayCritical; ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical : PReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical; GetStringCritical : PGetStringCritical; ReleaseStringCritical : PReleaseStringCritical; NewWeakGlobalRef : PNewWeakGlobalRef; DeleteWeakGlobalRef : PDeleteWeakGlobalRef; ExceptionCheck : PExceptionCheck; NewDirectByteBuffer : PNewDirectByteBuffer; GetDirectBufferAddress : PGetDirectBufferAddress; GetDirectBufferCapacity : PGetDirectBufferCapacity; end; JavaVM = packed record functions: PJNIInvokeInterface; end; JNIEnv = packed record functions: PJNINativeInterface; end; JNINativeMethod = packed record name: PChar; signature: PChar; fnPtr: pointer; end; PJVMDI_Thread_Info = ^JVMDI_Thread_Info; JVMDI_Thread_Info = packed record name: PChar; priority: JInteger; is_daemon: JBoolean; thread_group: JThreadGroup; context_class_loader: JObject; end; PJVMDI_Thread_Group_Info = ^JVMDI_Thread_Group_Info; JVMDI_Thread_Group_Info = packed record parent: JThreadGroup; name: PChar; max_priority: JInteger; is_daemon: JBoolean; end; PJVMDI_Monitor_Info = ^JVMDI_Monitor_Info; JVMDI_Monitor_Info = packed record owner: JThread; entry_count: JInteger; waiter_count: JInteger; waiters: PJThread; end; PJVMDI_Owned_Monitor_Info = ^JVMDI_Owned_Monitor_Info; JVMDI_Owned_Monitor_Info = packed record owned_monitor_count: JInteger; owned_monitors: PJObject; end; JVMDI_Single_Step_Event_Data = packed record thread: JThread; clazz: JClass; method: JMethodId; location: JLocation; end; JVMDI_Breakpoint_Event_Data = packed record thread: JThread; clazz: JClass; method: JMethodId; location: JLocation; end; JVMDI_Field_Access_Event_Data = packed record thread: JThread; clazz: JClass; method: JMethodId; location: JLocation; field_clazz: JClass; obj: JObject; field: JFieldId; end; JVMDI_Field_Modification_Event_Data = packed record thread: JThread; clazz: JClass; method: JMethodId; location: JLocation; field_clazz: JClass; obj: JObject; field: JFieldId; signature_type: Char; new_value: JValue; end; PJVMDI_Frame_Event_Data = ^JVMDI_Frame_Event_Data; JVMDI_Frame_Event_Data = packed record thread: JThread; clazz: JClass; method: JMethodId; frame: JFrameId; end; JVMDI_Exception_Event_Data = packed record thread: Jthread; clazz: JClass; method: JMethodId; location: JLocation; exception: JObject; catch_clazz: JClass; catch_method: JMethodId; catch_location: JLocation; end; JVMDI_Exception_Catch_Event_Data = record thread: JThread; clazz: JClass; method: JMethodId; location: JLocation; exception: JObject; end; JVMDI_User_Event_Data = packed record obj: JObject; key: JInteger; end; JVMDI_Thread_Change_Event_Data = packed record thread: JThread; end; JVMDI_Class_Event_Data = packed record thread: JThread; clazz: JClass; end; PJVMDI_Event = ^JVMDI_Event; JVMDI_Event = packed record kind: JInteger; reserved: pointer; case Integer of 0: (single_step: JVMDI_Single_step_event_data); 1: (breakpoint: JVMDI_Breakpoint_event_data); 2: (frame: JVMDI_Frame_Event_Data); 3: (field_access: JVMDI_Field_Access_Event_Data); 4: (field_modification: JVMDI_Field_Modification_Event_Data); 5: (exception: JVMDI_Exception_Event_Data); 6: (exception_catch: JVMDI_Exception_Catch_Event_Data); 7: (user: JVMDI_User_Event_Data); 8: (thread_change: JVMDI_Thread_Change_Event_Data); 9: (class_event: JVMDI_Class_Event_Data); end; PPJVMDI_Line_Number_Entry = ^PJVMDI_Line_Number_Entry; PJVMDI_Line_Number_Entry = ^JVMDI_Line_Number_Entry; JVMDI_Line_Number_Entry = packed record start_location: JLocation; line_number: JInteger; end; PPJVMDI_Local_Variable_Entry = ^PJVMDI_Local_Variable_Entry; PJVMDI_Local_Variable_Entry = ^JVMDI_Local_Variable_Entry; JVMDI_Local_Variable_Entry = packed record start_location: JLocation; length: JInteger; name: PChar; signature: PChar; slot: JInteger; end; PPJVMDI_Exception_Handler_Entry = ^PJVMDI_Exception_Handler_Entry; PJVMDI_Exception_Handler_Entry = ^JVMDI_Exception_Handler_Entry; JVMDI_Exception_Handler_Entry = packed record start_location: JLocation; end_location: Jlocation; handler_location: JLocation; exception: JClass; end; PPJVMDI_Operand_Stack_Element =^PJVMDI_Operand_Stack_Element; PJVMDI_Operand_Stack_Element = ^JVMDI_Operand_Stack_Element; JVMDI_Operand_Stack_Element = packed record wrd: JInteger; typ: JInteger; end; PJVMDI_Instance_Field = ^JVMDI_Instance_Field; JVMDI_Instance_Field = packed record instance: JObject; field: JFieldId; end; PJVMDI_Static_Field = ^JVMDI_Static_Field; JVMDI_Static_Field = packed record clazz: JClass; static_field: JFieldID; end; PJVMDI_Array_Element = ^JVMDI_Array_Element; JVMDI_Array_Element = packed record ary: JObjectArray; index: JInteger; end; PJVMDI_Frame_Slot = ^JVMDI_Frame_Slot; JVMDI_Frame_Slot = packed record thread: JThread; frame: JFrameId; slot: JInteger; end; PJVMDI_Object_Reference_Info = ^JVMDI_Object_Reference_Info; JVMDI_Object_Reference_Info = packed record instance_field_count: JInteger; instance_fields: PJVMDI_Instance_Field; static_field_count: JInteger; static_fields: PJVMDI_Static_Field; array_element_count: JInteger; array_elements: PJVMDI_Array_Element; frame_slot_count: JInteger; frame_slots: JVMDI_Frame_Slot; end; PJVMDI_Class_Definition = ^JVMDI_class_Definition; JVMDI_Class_Definition = packed record clazz: JClass; class_byte_count: JInteger; class_bytes: PJByte; end; PJVMDI_StartFunction = procedure; stdcall; PJVMDI_EventHook = procedure(env: PJNIEnv; event: PJVMDI_Event); cdecl; PJVMDI_AllocHook = function(size: JLong; memPtr: PPJByte): JVMDIError; stdcall; PJVMDI_DeallocHook = function(buffer: PJByte): JVMDIError; stdcall; //JVMDI Interface 1 PSetEventHook = function(hook: PJVMDI_EventHook):JVMDIError; stdcall; PSetEventNotificationMode = function(mode: JInteger; eventType: JInteger; thread: JThread; args: array of const): JVMDIError; cdecl; PGetThreadStatus = function(thread: JThread; threadStatusPtr: PJInteger; suspendStatusPtr: PJInteger): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetAllThreads = function(threadsCountPtr: PJInteger; threadsPtr: PPJThread): JVMDIError; stdcall; PSuspendThread = function(thread: JThread): JVMDIError; stdcall; PResumeThread = function(thread: JThread): JVMDIError; stdcall; PStopThread = function(thread: JThread; exception: JObject): JVMDIError; stdcall; PInterruptThread = function(thread: JThread): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetThreadInfo = function(thread: JThread; infoPtr: PJVMDI_Thread_Info): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetOwnedMonitorInfo = function(thread: JThread; infoPtr: PJVMDI_Owned_Monitor_Info): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetCurrentContendedMonitor = function(thread: JThread; monitor: PJObject): JVMDIError; stdcall; PRunDebugThread = function(thread: JThread; proc: PJVMDI_StartFunction; arg: pointer; priority: integer): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetTopThreadGroups = function(groupCountPtr: PJInteger; groupsPtr: PPJThreadGroup): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetThreadGroupInfo = function(group: JThreadGroup; infoPtr: PJVMDI_Thread_Group_Info): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetThreadGroupChildren = function(group: JThreadGroup; threadCountPtr: PJInteger; threadsPtr: PPJThread; groupCountPtr: PJInteger; groupsPtr: PPJThreadGroup): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetFrameCount = function(thread: JThread; countPtr: PJInteger): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetCurrentFrame = function(thread: JThread; framePtr: PJFrameId): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetCallerFrame = function(called: JFrameId; framePtr: PJFrameId): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetFrameLocation = function(frame: JFrameId; classPtr: PJClass; methodPtr: PJMethodId; locationPtr: PJLocation): JVMDIError; stdcall; PNotifyFramePop = function(frame: JFrameId): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetLocalObject = function(frame: JFrameId; slot: JInteger; valuePtr: PJObject): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetLocalInt = function(frame: JFrameId; slot: JInteger; valuePtr: PJInteger): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetLocalLong = function(frame: JFrameId; slot: JInteger; valuePtr: PJLong): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetLocalFloat = function(frame: JFrameId; slot: JInteger; valuePtr: PJFloat): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetLocalDouble = function(frame: JFrameId; slot: JInteger; valuePtr: PJDouble): JVMDIError; stdcall; PSetLocalObject = function(frame: JFrameId; slot: JInteger; value: JObject): JVMDIError; stdcall; PSetLocalInt = function(frame: JFrameId; slot: JInteger; value: JInteger): JVMDIError; stdcall; PSetLocalLong = function(frame: JFrameId; slot: JInteger; value: JLong): JVMDIError; stdcall; PSetLocalFloat = function(frame: JFrameId; slot: JInteger; value: JFloat): JVMDIError; stdcall; PSetLocalDouble = function(frame: JFrameId; slot: JInteger; value: JDouble): JVMDIError; stdcall; PCreateRawMonitor = function(name: PChar; monitorPtr: PJVMDI_RawMonitor): JVMDIError; stdcall; PDestroyRawMonitor = function(monitor: PJVMDI_RawMonitor): JVMDIError; stdcall; PRawMonitorEnter = function(monitor: PJVMDI_RawMonitor): JVMDIError; stdcall; PRawMonitorExit = function(monitor: PJVMDI_RawMonitor): JVMDIError; stdcall; PRawMonitorWait = function(monitor: PJVMDI_RawMonitor; millis: JLong): JVMDIError; stdcall; PRawMonitorNotify = function(monitor: PJVMDI_RawMonitor): JVMDIError; stdcall; PRawMonitorNotifyAll = function(monitor: PJVMDI_RawMonitor): JVMDIError; stdcall; PSetBreakpoint = function(clazz: JClass; method: JMethodId; location: JLocation): JVMDIError; stdcall; PClearBreakpoint = function(clazz: JClass; method: JMethodId; location: JLocation): JVMDIError; stdcall; PClearAllBreakpoints = function(): JVMDIError; stdcall; PSetFieldAccessWatch = function(clazz: JClass; field: JFieldId): JVMDIError; stdcall; PClearFieldAccessWatch = function(clazz: JClass; field: JFieldId): JVMDIError; stdcall; PSetFieldModificationWatch = function(clazz: JClass; field: JFieldId): JVMDIError; stdcall; PClearFieldModificationWatch = function(clazz: JClass; field: JFieldId): JVMDIError; stdcall; PSetAllocationHooks = function(ahook: PJVMDI_AllocHook; dhook: PJVMDI_DeallocHook): JVMDIError; stdcall; PAllocate = function(size: JLong; memPtr: PPJByte): JVMDIError; stdcall; PDeallocate = function(mem: PJByte): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetClassSignature = function(clazz: JClass; sigPtr: PPChar): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetClassStatus = function(clazz: JClass; statusPtr: PJInteger): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetSourceFileName = function(clazz: JClass; sourceNamePtr: PPChar): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetClassModifiers = function(clazz: JClass; modifiersPtr: PJInteger): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetClassMethods = function(clazz: JClass; methodCountPtr: PJInteger; methodsPtr: PPJMethodId): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetClassFields = function(clazz: JClass; fieldCountPtr: PJInteger; fieldsPtr: PPJFieldId): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetImplementedInterfaces = function(clazz: JClass; interfaceCountPtr: PJInteger; interfacesPtr: PPJClass): JVMDIError; stdcall; PIsInterface = function(clazz: JClass; isInterfacePtr: PJBoolean): JVMDIError; stdcall; PIsArrayClass = function(clazz: JClass; isArrayClassPtr: PJBoolean): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetClassLoader = function(clazz: JClass; classloaderPtr: PJObject): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetObjectHashCode = function(obj: JObject; hashCodePtr: PJInteger): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetMonitorInfo = function(obj: JObject; infoPtr: PJVMDI_Monitor_Info): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetFieldName = function(clazz: JClass; field: JFieldId; namePtr:PPChar; signaturePtr:PPChar): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetFieldDeclaringClass = function(clazz: JClass; field: JFieldId; declaringClassPtr: PJClass): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetFieldModifiers = function(clazz: JClass; field: JFieldId; modifiersPtr: PJInteger): JVMDIError; stdcall; PIsFieldSynthetic = function(clazz: JClass; field: JFieldId; isSyntheticPtr: PJBoolean): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetMethodName = function(clazz: JClass; method: JMethodId; namePtr: PPChar; signaturePtr: PPChar): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetMethodDeclaringClass = function(clazz: JClass; method: JMethodId; declaringClassPtr: PJClass): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetMethodModifiers = function(clazz: JClass; method: JMethodId; modifiersPtr: PJInteger): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetMaxStack = function(clazz: JClass; method: JMethodId; maxPtr: PJInteger): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetMaxLocals = function(clazz: JClass; method: JMethodId; maxPtr: PJInteger): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetArgumentsSize = function(clazz: JClass; method: JMethodId; sizePtr: PJInteger): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetLineNumberTable = function(clazz: JClass; method: JMethodId; entryCountPtr: PJInteger; tablePtr: PPJVMDI_Line_Number_Entry): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetMethodLocation = function(clazz: JClass; method: JMethodId; startLocationPtr: PJLocation; endLocationPtr: PJLocation): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetLocalVariableTable = function(clazz: JClass; method: JMethodId; entryCountPtr: PJInteger; tablePtr: PPJVMDI_Local_Variable_Entry): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetExceptionHandlerTable = function(clazz: JClass; method: JMethodId; entryCountPtr: PJInteger; tablePtr: PPJVMDI_Exception_Handler_Entry): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetThrownExceptions = function(clazz: JClass; method: JMethodId; exceptionCountPtr: PJInteger; exceptionsPtr: PPJClass): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetBytecodes = function(clazz: JClass; method: JMethodId; bytecodeCountPtr: PJInteger; bytecodesPtr: PPJByte): JVMDIError; stdcall; PIsMethodNative = function(clazz: JClass; method: JMethodId; isNativePtr: PJBoolean): JVMDIError; stdcall; PIsMethodSynthetic = function(clazz: JClass; method: JMethodId; isSyntheticPtr: PJBoolean): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetLoadedClasses = function(classCountPtr: PJInteger; classesPtr: PPJClass): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetClassLoaderClasses = function(initiatingLoader: JObject; classesCountPtr: PJInteger; classesPtr: PPJClass): JVMDIError; stdcall; PPopFrame = function(thread: JThread): JVMDIError; stdcall; PSetFrameLocation = function(frame: JFrameId; location: JLocation): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetOperandStack = function(frame: JFrameId; operandStackSizePtr: PJInteger; operandStackPtr: PPJVMDI_Operand_Stack_Element): JVMDIError; stdcall; PSetOperandStack = function(frame: JFrameId; operandStackSize: JInteger; operandStack: PJVMDI_Operand_Stack_Element): JVMDIError; stdcall; PAllInstances = function(clazz: JClass; instanceCountPtr: PJInteger; instancesPtr: PPJObject): JVMDIError; stdcall; PReferences = function(obj: JObject; refs: PJVMDI_Object_Reference_Info): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetClassDefinition = function(clazz: JClass; classDefPtr: PJVMDI_Class_Definition): JVMDIError; stdcall; PRedefineClasses = function(classCount: JInteger; classDefs: PJVMDI_Class_Definition): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetVersionNumber = function(versionPtr: PJInteger): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetCapabilities = function(capabilitiesPtr: PWord): JVMDIError; stdcall; PGetSourceDebugExtension = function(clazz: JClass; sourceDebugExtension: PPChar): JVMDIError; stdcall; PIsMethodObsolete = function(clazz: JClass; method: JMethodId; isObsoletePtr: PJBoolean): JVMDIError; stdcall; PSuspendThreadList = function(reqCount: JInteger; reqList: PJThread; results: PJVMDIError): JVMDIError; stdcall; PResumeThreadList = function(reqCount: JInteger; reqList: PJThread; results: PJVMDIError): JVMDIError; stdcall; PJVMDI_Interface_1 = ^JVMDI_Interface_1; JVMDI_Interface_1 = packed record SetEventHook: PSetEventHook; SetEventNotificationMode: PSetEventNotificationMode; GetThreadStatus: PGetThreadStatus; GetAllThreads: PGetAllThreads; SuspendThread: PSuspendThread; ResumeThread: PResumeThread; StopThread: PStopThread; InterruptThread: PInterruptThread; GetThreadInfo: PGetThreadInfo; GetOwnedMonitorInfo: PGetOwnedMonitorInfo; GetCurrentContendedMonitor: PGetCurrentContendedMonitor; RunDebugThread: PRunDebugThread; GetTopThreadGroups: PGetTopThreadGroups; GetThreadGroupInfo: PGetThreadGroupInfo; GetThreadGroupChildren: PGetThreadGroupChildren; GetFrameCount: PGetFrameCount; GetCurrentFrame: PGetCurrentFrame; GetCallerFrame: PGetCallerFrame; GetFrameLocation: PGetFrameLocation; NotifyFramePop: PNotifyFramePop; GetLocalObject: PGetLocalObject; GetLocalInt: PGetLocalInt; GetLocalLong: PGetLocalLong; GetLocalFloat: PGetLocalFloat; GetLocalDouble: PGetLocalDouble; SetLocalObject: PSetLocalObject; SetLocalInt: PSetLocalInt; SetLocalLong: PSetLocalLong; SetLocalFloat: PSetLocalFloat; SetLocalDouble: PSetLocalDouble; CreateRawMonitor: PCreateRawMonitor; DestroyRawMonitor: PDestroyRawMonitor; RawMonitorEnter: PRawMonitorEnter; RawMonitorExit: PRawMonitorExit; RawMonitorWait: PRawMonitorWait; RawMonitorNotify: PRawMonitorNotify; RawMonitorNotifyAll: PRawMonitorNotifyAll; SetBreakpoint: PSetBreakpoint; ClearBreakpoint: PClearBreakpoint; ClearAllBreakpoints: PClearAllBreakpoints; SetFieldAccessWatch: PSetFieldAccessWatch; ClearFieldAccessWatch: PClearFieldAccessWatch; SetFieldModificationWatch: PSetFieldModificationWatch; ClearFieldModificationWatch: PClearFieldModificationWatch; SetAllocationHooks: PSetAllocationHooks; Allocate: PAllocate; Deallocate: PDeallocate; GetClassSignature: PGetClassSignature; GetClassStatus: PGetClassStatus; GetSourceFileName: PGetSourceFileName; GetClassModifiers: PGetClassModifiers; GetClassMethods: PGetClassMethods; GetClassFields: PGetClassFields; GetImplementedInterfaces: PGetImplementedInterfaces; IsInterface: PIsInterface; IsArrayClass: PIsArrayClass; GetClassLoader: PGetClassLoader; GetObjectHashCode: PGetObjectHashCode; GetMonitorInfo: PGetMonitorInfo; GetFieldName: PGetFieldName; GetFieldDeclaringClass: PGetFieldDeclaringClass; GetFieldModifiers: PGetFieldModifiers; IsFieldSynthetic: PIsFieldSynthetic; GetMethodName: PGetMethodName; GetMethodDeclaringClass: PGetMethodDeclaringClass; GetMethodModifiers: PGetMethodModifiers; GetMaxStack: PGetMaxStack; GetMaxLocals: PGetMaxLocals; GetArgumentsSize: PGetArgumentsSize; GetLineNumberTable: PGetLineNumberTable; GetMethodLocation: PGetMethodLocation; GetLocalVariableTable: PGetLocalVariableTable; GetExceptionHandlerTable: PGetExceptionHandlerTable; GetThrownExceptions: PGetThrownExceptions; GetBytecodes: PGetBytecodes; IsMethodNative: PIsMethodNative; IsMethodSynthetic: PIsMethodSynthetic; GetLoadedClasses: PGetLoadedClasses; GetClassLoaderClasses: PGetClassLoaderClasses; PopFrame: PPopFrame; SetFrameLocation: PSetFrameLocation; GetOperandStack: PGetOperandStack; SetOperandStack: PSetOperandStack; AllInstances: PAllInstances; References: PReferences; GetClassDefinition: PGetClassDefinition; RedefineClasses: PRedefineClasses; GetVersionNumber: PGetVersionNumber; GetCapabilities: PGetCapabilities; GetSourceDebugExtension: PGetSourceDebugExtension; IsMethodObsolete: PIsMethodObsolete; SuspendThreadList: PSuspendThreadList; ResumeThreadList: PResumeThreadList; end; const JNI_OK = 0; JVMDI_VERSION_1 = $20010000; JVMDI_VERSION_1_1 = $20010001; JVMDI_VERSION_1_2 = $20010002; JVMDI_VERSION_1_3 = $20010003; JVMDI_DISABLE = 0; JVMDI_ENABLE = 1; JVMDI_EVENT_SINGLE_STEP = 1; JVMDI_EVENT_BREAKPOINT = 2; JVMDI_EVENT_FRAME_POP = 3; JVMDI_EVENT_EXCEPTION = 4; JVMDI_EVENT_USER_DEFINED = 5; JVMDI_EVENT_THREAD_START = 6; JVMDI_EVENT_THREAD_END = 7; JVMDI_EVENT_CLASS_PREPARE = 8; JVMDI_EVENT_CLASS_UNLOAD = 9; JVMDI_EVENT_CLASS_LOAD = 10; JVMDI_EVENT_FIELD_ACCESS = 20; JVMDI_EVENT_FIELD_MODIFICATION = 21; JVMDI_EVENT_EXCEPTION_CATCH = 30; JVMDI_EVENT_METHOD_ENTRY = 40; JVMDI_EVENT_METHOD_EXIT = 41; JVMDI_EVENT_VM_INIT = 90; JVMDI_EVENT_VM_DEATH = 99; JVMDI_MAX_EVENT_TYPE_VAL = 99; JVMDI_OPERAND_TYPE_REFERENCE = 1; JVMDI_OPERAND_TYPE_INT = 2; JVMDI_OPERAND_TYPE_FLOAT = 3; JVMDI_OPERAND_TYPE_LONG0 = 4; JVMDI_OPERAND_TYPE_LONG1 = 5; JVMDI_OPERAND_TYPE_DOUBLE0 = 6; JVMDI_OPERAND_TYPE_DOUBLE1 = 7; JVMDI_OPERAND_TYPE_RETURN_ADDRESS = 8; JVMDI_CLASS_STATUS_VERIFIED = 1; JVMDI_CLASS_STATUS_PREPARED = 2; JVMDI_CLASS_STATUS_INITIALIZED = 4; JVMDI_CLASS_STATUS_ERROR = 8; implementation end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To communicate using JVMDI you will have to create a DLL that exports the JVM_OnLoad function. Its prototype is as follows function JVM_OnLoad(vm :PJavaVM; options:PChar; reserved: pointer):integer; stdcall; When running a java program you should call the java executable with the following parameters java -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrun When the jvm starts up it will call the JVM_Onload function. Within this function you will have to call the SetEventHook function which takes a pointer to a hook function as a parameter. The prototype of the hook function is as follows. procedure JVMDIEventHook(env: PJNIEnv; event: PJVMDI_Event); cdecl; Whenever an event occurs the JVM calls the hook function. The event parameter specifies the type of the event that occured. It also contains other event dependent information The different types of events are as follows Single Step Event Breakpoint Event Field Events Frame Events Exception Event Exception Catch Event User Defined Event Thread Events Class Events VM Initialization Event VM Death Event For more information regarding events or JVMDI in general you can refer to the following site Here is an example that writes to a file all java methods that were invoked during the execution of java class. ---------------------------------------------------------------- unit JVMDIUnit; interface uses SysUtils, Windows, JVMDIStructs; function JVM_OnLoad(vm :PJavaVM; options:PChar; reserved: pointer):integer; stdcall; implementation var processing: boolean; canProcess: boolean; _vm: PJavaVM; procedure JVMDIEventHook(env: PJNIEnv; event: PJVMDI_Event); cdecl; var fHandle: integer; cnt: cardinal; jvmi: PJVMDI_Interface_1; strTemp: PChar; methodName: PChar; methodSig:PChar; begin if(canProcess) and (processing=false) then begin if(event.kind=JVMDI_EVENT_METHOD_ENTRY ) then begin processing:= true; _vm.functions.GetEnv(_vm, @jvmi, JVMDI_VERSION_1_3); fHandle:= CreateFile('C:/temp/test.txt',GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, nil, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); SetFilePointer(fHandle,0, nil, FILE_END); jvmi.GetMethodName(event.frame.clazz, event.frame.method, @methodName, @methodSig); jvmi.GetClassSignature(event.frame.clazz, @strTemp); WriteFile(fHandle, strTemp^, strlen(strTemp), cnt, nil); WriteFile(fHandle, ':'#32, 2, cnt, nil); WriteFile(fHandle, methodName^, strlen(methodName), cnt, nil); WriteFile(fHandle, ':'#32, 2, cnt, nil); WriteFile(fHandle, methodSig^, strlen(methodSig), cnt, nil); WriteFile(fHandle, #13#10, 2, cnt, nil); CloseHandle(fHandle); processing:= false; end; end; if(event.kind=JVMDI_EVENT_VM_INIT) then canProcess:= true else if(event.kind=JVMDI_EVENT_VM_DEATH ) then canProcess:= false; end; function JVM_OnLoad(vm :PJavaVM; options:PChar; reserved: pointer):integer; stdcall; var fHandle: integer; cnt: cardinal; jvmi: PJVMDI_Interface_1; begin jvmi:= nil; fHandle:= CreateFile('C:/temp/test.txt',GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, nil, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); WriteFile(fHandle, 'H'#13#10, 3, cnt, nil); _vm:= vm; vm.functions.GetEnv(vm, @jvmi, JVMDI_VERSION_1_3); jvmi.SetEventNotificationMode(JVMDI_ENABLE, JVMDI_EVENT_VM_INIT, nil, []); jvmi.SetEventNotificationMode(JVMDI_ENABLE, JVMDI_EVENT_METHOD_ENTRY, nil,[]); jvmi.SetEventNotificationMode(JVMDI_ENABLE, JVMDI_EVENT_METHOD_EXIT, nil, []); jvmi.SetEventHook(JVMDIEventHook); CloseHandle(fHandle); result:= JNI_OK; end; end. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------