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Use a fast alpha-blend for two bitmaps

unit BMixer; { -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here we will mix two bitmaps - Background and Foreground (Sprite). For more acceleration we will use Transparency map and ScanLine maps for all bitmaps we use. This will be described above. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } interface uses Windows, Graphics, Types; type PPointer = ^Pointer; // This type will describe an array of pointers type TYZBitMap = record // This type we will use to store ScanLines of our bitmaps RowMap: PPointer; // to accelerate access to them during drawing Width: Integer; Height: Integer; end; var TransMap: pbyte; // Transparency Map - actually it is an array[0..255,0..255] of byte // where first index is color byte (R, G or B channel) // and second index is it`s alpha value over black FG, BG, Alpha: TBitMap; FGScans, BGScans, AlphaScans: TYZBitMap; { I used global instances of this values only for simplification of the example actually it would be better to create a descendant of TBitmap, incapsulate them into it and initialize them while Bitmap is loaded, created or resized. So, here we will use 3 bitmaps, named 'BG' (Background Bitmap), 'FG' (Our Sprite) and 'Alpha' (Transparency bitmap for Foreground Bitmap). } procedure Init(); // This must be called only once - at the beginning of all drawings procedure AlphaDraw(ABG, AFG, AAlpha: TYZBitMap; SrcRect: TRect; DstPoint: TPoint; Transparency: Byte = 255); implementation //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // This is the body of BuildTransparencyMap : procedure BuildTransparencyMap(var P: PByte); var i, j: Integer; pb: pbyte; x: Byte; begin if P <> nil then freemem(p); getmem(p, 65536); pb := P; for i := 0 to 255 do for j := 0 to 255 do begin x := round(i * j / 255) mod 256; pb^ := x; Inc(pb); end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Here is body of InitBitmapScans : // We will fill a TYZBitMap structure for future use in AlphaDraw() procedure InitBitmapScans(B: TBitmap; var Map: TYZBitmap); var I, X: Integer; P: PPointer; begin B.PixelFormat := pf24bit; // Ensure that our bitmap has 24bit depth color map Map.Width := B.Width; Map.Height := B.Height; if Map.RowMap <> nil then FreeMem(Map.RowMap); Map.RowMap := nil; if Map.Height = 0 then Exit; GetMem(Map.RowMap, Map.Height * SizeOf(Pointer)); P := Map.RowMap; for i := 0 to Map.Height - 1 do begin p^ := B.ScanLine[i]; Inc(p); end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Init(); begin // This is an initialization procedure // which must be called at the beginning of all drawings - only once. BuildTransparencymap(TransMap); // Then we must prepare ScanLine Tables for our bitmaps InitBitmapScans(BG, BGScans); InitBitmapScans(FG, FGScans); InitBitmapScans(Alpha, AlphaScans); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // WOW! This is what we want! procedure AlphaDraw( // Params: ABG: TYZBitMap; // BG scanlines record AFG: TYZBitMap; // FG scanlines record AAlpha: TYZBitMap; // Alpha scanlines record SrcRect: TRect; // A rectangle to copy from FG-Bitmap DstPoint: TPoint; // A TopLeft point in Background bitmap to put Transparency: Byte = 255 // Global Transparency of our Sprite (this will be combined with Alpha channel) ); var dstRect: TRect; srcp, mskp, dstp: pbyte; i, x: Integer; wdt, hgt: Word; skt: Byte; srcleft, dstleft: Word; offs: TRect; begin // Okay! Let`s do it! // First of all, we must ensure, // that our drawing areas do not cross borders of bitmaps wdt := ABG.Width; hgt := ABG.Height; // Let`s calculate output (Destination, or DST) rect (Where our Sprite will be shown on a BG) dstRect.Left := dstpoint.x; dstRect.Top := dstpoint.y; dstRect.Right := dstpoint.x + srcrect.Right - srcrect.Left; dstRect.Bottom := dstpoint.y + srcrect.Bottom - srcrect.Top; // Validate Source (SRC) rect offs := rect(0,0,0,0); if srcrect.Left < 0 then offs.Left := offs.Left - srcrect.Left; if srcrect.Top < 0 then offs.Top := offs.Top - srcrect.Top; if srcrect.Right >= wdt then offs.Right := offs.Right - (srcrect.Right - wdt + 1); if srcrect.Bottom >= hgt then offs.Bottom := offs.Bottom - (srcrect.Bottom - hgt + 1); srcrect.Left := srcrect.Left + offs.Left; srcrect.Top := srcrect.Top + offs.Top; srcrect.Right := srcrect.Right + offs.Right; srcrect.Bottom := srcrect.Bottom + offs.Bottom; // We also must update DST rect if SRC was changed dstrect.Left := dstrect.Left + offs.Left; dstrect.Top := dstrect.Top + offs.Top; dstrect.Right := dstrect.Right + offs.Right; dstrect.Bottom := dstrect.Bottom + offs.Bottom; offs := rect(0,0,0,0); // Now, validate DST rect again - it can also be invalid if dstrect.Left < 0 then offs.Left := offs.Left - dstrect.Left; if dstrect.Top < 0 then offs.Top := offs.Top - dstrect.Top; if dstrect.Right >= wdt then offs.Right := offs.Right - (dstrect.Right - wdt + 1); if dstrect.Bottom >= hgt then offs.Bottom := offs.Bottom - (dstrect.Bottom - hgt + 1); // Update SRC rect again srcrect.Left := srcrect.Left + offs.Left; srcrect.Top := srcrect.Top + offs.Top; srcrect.Right := srcrect.Right + offs.Right; srcrect.Bottom := srcrect.Bottom + offs.Bottom; dstrect.Left := dstrect.Left + offs.Left; dstrect.Top := dstrect.Top + offs.Top; dstrect.Right := dstrect.Right + offs.Right; dstrect.Bottom := dstrect.Bottom + offs.Bottom; // Hmmm... Nay be our DST-rect or/and SRC-rect are invalid? if (dstrect.Top >= dstrect.Bottom) or (srcrect.Top >= srcrect.Bottom) or (dstrect.Left >= dstrect.Right) or (srcrect.Left >= srcrect.Right) then Exit; // Then exit! srcp := pbyte(AFG.RowMap); // prepare our pointers mskp := pbyte(AAlpha.RowMap); dstp := pbyte(ABG.RowMap); wdt := (dstrect.Right - dstrect.Left + 1) * 3; // here is actual width of a scanrow in bytes hgt := (dstrect.Bottom - dstrect.Top + 1); srcleft := srcrect.Left * 3; // actual left offset in Sprite dstleft := dstrect.Left * 3; // actual left offset in BG // FINE! Let`s Dance! asm push EAX // Push-Push push EBX push ECX push EDX push EDI push ESI mov EDI,srcp // first Sprite scanline mov ESI,dstp // --"-- Background scanline mov EDX,mskp // and Alpha too! xor eax,eax mov AX,LOWORD( // find needed scanlines shl AX,2 add EDI,EAX add EDX,EAX mov AX,LOWORD( shl AX,2 add ESI,EAX mov BX,hgt // BX - is our vertical lines counter @vloop: // begin vertical loop push BX mov BX,wdt // now BX becomes our horizontal bytes counter push EDI // Push again push ESI push EDX mov EDI,[EDI] mov ESI,[ESI] mov EDX,[EDX] mov AX,srcleft // move to the left rect sides add EDI,EAX add EDX,EAX mov AX,dstleft add ESI,EAX @loop: // Here I must note, that this routine doesn`t work with colors as triades // Instead of it, we will work with each byte separately // Thats why Alpha bitmap must be also 24bit depth RGB image // where all R, G and B are equal in each pixel (desaturated) mov ECX,&TransMap mov AH,[EDX] mov AL,&Transparency neg AL dec AL sub AH,AL // calculate sprite pixel opacity (using global Transparency) jnc @skip // if result is less than zero xor AH,AH // then force it to be the ZERO! @skip: mov AL,[EDI] add ECX,EAX mov AL,[ECX] mov &skt,AL mov ECX,&TransMap // calculate inverted transparency for BG mov AH,[EDX] mov AL,&Transparency neg AL dec AL sub AH,AL jnc @skip2 xor AH,AH @skip2: neg AH dec AH mov AL,[ESI] add ECX,EAX mov AL,[ECX] add AL,&skt // Finally, the result of this mixing will be the same as // COLOR = ( FG_COLOR * Alpha ) + ( BG_Color * ( 255 - Alpha ) ) mov [ESI],AL inc EDI inc ESI inc EDX dec BX jnz @loop // horizontal loop pop EDX pop ESI pop EDI add EDI,4 // next scanline add ESI,4 add EDX,4 pop BX // BX becomes vertical loop counter again! dec BX jnz @vloop // vertical loop pop ESI pop EDI pop EDX pop ECX pop EBX pop EAX // Thats all! end; end; //============================================================================== // HERE is an example of how to use it all // Image1 - Sprite Bitmap is here // Image2 - Alpha channel for Sprite // Image3 - we will draw result here procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var i: Integer; c: tcolor; B: Byte; begin FG := TBitmap.Create; FG.Width := Image1.Picture.Bitmap.Width; FG.Height := Image1.Picture.Bitmap.Height; BG := TBitmap.Create; BG.Width := FG.Width; BG.Height := FG.Height; BG.Canvas.Brush.Color := clBtnFace; BG.Canvas.FillRect(rect(0,0,BG.Width, BG.Height)); Alpha := TBitmap.Create; Alpha.Width := FG.Width; Alpha.Height := FG.Height; Alpha.Canvas.Draw(0,0,Image2.Picture.Bitmap); Init; Image3.Width := BG.Width; Image3.Height := BG.Height; AlphaDraw(BGScans, FGScans, AlphaScans, rect(0,0,FG.Width, FG.Height), point(0,0), 255); Image3.Canvas.Draw(0,0,BG); end; procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin BG.Destroy; FG.Destroy; Alpha.Destroy; end; //============================================================================== end.