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To get a color string in HTML format

Title: To get a color string in HTML format Question: How can I receive the color string in HTML format Answer: If you want to create a HTML-file, you must define a tag for font color or backgroubd color. But you can't insert a Delphi's TColor value - you must convert the color into RGB-format. In own SMExport suite I use the next function: function GetHTMLColor(cl: TColor; IsBackColor: Boolean): string; var rgbColor: TColorRef; begin if IsBackColor then Result := 'bg' else Result := ''; rgbColor := ColorToRGB(cl); Result := Result + 'color="#' + Format('%.2x%.2x%.2x', [GetRValue(rgbColor), GetGValue(rgbColor), GetBValue(rgbColor)]) + '"'; end;