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Scanline implementation of stretchblt-delete_scans

unit DeleteScans; //Renate Schaaf // interface uses Windows, Graphics; procedure DeleteScansRect(Src, Dest: TBitmap; rs, rd: TRect); //scanline implementation of Stretchblt/Delete_Scans //about twice as fast //Stretches Src to Dest, rs is source rect, rd is dest. rect //The stretch is centered, i.e the center of rs is mapped to the center of rd. //Src, Dest are assumed to be bottom up implementation uses Classes, math; type TRGBArray = array[0..64000] of TRGBTriple; PRGBArray = ^TRGBArray; TQuadArray = array[0..64000] of TRGBQuad; PQuadArray = ^TQuadArray; procedure DeleteScansRect(Src, Dest: TBitmap; rs, rd: TRect); var xsteps, ysteps: array of Integer; intscale: Integer; i, x, y, x1, x2, bitspp, bytespp: Integer; ts, td: PByte; bs, bd, WS, hs, w, h: Integer; Rows, rowd: PByte; j, c: Integer; pf: TPixelFormat; xshift, yshift: Integer; begin WS := rs.Right - rs.Left; hs := rs.Bottom - rs.Top; w := rd.Right - rd.Left; h := rd.Bottom - rd.Top; pf := Src.PixelFormat; if (pf <> pf32Bit) and (pf <> pf24bit) then begin pf := pf24bit; Src.PixelFormat := pf; end; Dest.PixelFormat := pf; if not (((w <= WS) and (h <= hs)) or ((w >= WS) and (h >= hs))) then //we do not handle a mix of up-and downscaling, //using threadsafe StretchBlt instead. begin Src.Canvas.Lock; Dest.Canvas.Lock; try SetStretchBltMode(Dest.Canvas.Handle, STRETCH_DELETESCANS); StretchBlt(Dest.Canvas.Handle, rd.Left, rd.Top, w, h, Src.Canvas.Handle, rs.Left, rs.Top, WS, hs, SRCCopy); finally Dest.Canvas.Unlock; Src.Canvas.Unlock; end; Exit; end; if pf = pf24bit then begin bitspp := 24; bytespp := 3; end else begin bitspp := 32; bytespp := 4; end; bs := (Src.Width * bitspp + 31) and not 31; bs := bs div 8; //BytesPerScanline Source bd := (Dest.Width * bitspp + 31) and not 31; bd := bd div 8; //BytesPerScanline Dest if w < WS then //downsample begin //first make arrays of the skipsteps SetLength(xsteps, w); SetLength(ysteps, h); intscale := round(WS / w * $10000); x1 := 0; x2 := (intscale + $7FFF) shr 16; c := 0; for i := 0 to w - 1 do begin xsteps[i] := (x2 - x1) * bytespp; x1 := x2; x2 := ((i + 2) * intscale + $7FFF) shr 16; if i = w - 2 then c := x1; end; xshift := min(max((WS - c) div 2, - rs.Left), Src.Width - rs.Right); intscale := round(hs / h * $10000); x1 := 0; x2 := (intscale + $7FFF) shr 16; c := 0; for i := 0 to h - 1 do begin ysteps[i] := (x2 - x1) * bs; x1 := x2; x2 := ((i + 2) * intscale + $7FFF) shr 16; if i = h - 2 then c := x1; end; yshift := min(max((hs - c) div 2, - rs.Top), Src.Height - rs.Bottom); if pf = pf24bit then begin Rows := @PRGBArray(Src.Scanline[rs.Top + yshift])^[rs.Left + xshift]; rowd := @PRGBArray(Dest.Scanline[rd.Top])^[rd.Left]; for y := 0 to h - 1 do begin ts := Rows; td := rowd; for x := 0 to w - 1 do begin pRGBTriple(td)^ := pRGBTriple(ts)^; Inc(td, bytespp); Inc(ts, xsteps[x]); end; Dec(rowd, bd); Dec(Rows, ysteps[y]); end; end else begin Rows := @PQuadArray(Src.Scanline[rs.Top + yshift])^[rs.Left + xshift]; rowd := @PQuadArray(Dest.Scanline[rd.Top])^[rd.Left]; for y := 0 to h - 1 do begin ts := Rows; td := rowd; for x := 0 to w - 1 do begin pRGBQuad(td)^ := pRGBQuad(ts)^; Inc(td, bytespp); Inc(ts, xsteps[x]); end; Dec(rowd, bd); Dec(Rows, ysteps[y]); end; end; end else begin //first make arrays of the steps of uniform pixels SetLength(xsteps, WS); SetLength(ysteps, hs); intscale := round(w / WS * $10000); x1 := 0; x2 := (intscale + $7FFF) shr 16; c := 0; for i := 0 to WS - 1 do begin xsteps[i] := x2 - x1; x1 := x2; x2 := ((i + 2) * intscale + $7FFF) shr 16; if x2 > w then x2 := w; if i = WS - 1 then c := x1; end; if c < w then //>is now not possible begin xshift := (w - c) div 2; yshift := w - c - xshift; xsteps[WS - 1] := xsteps[WS - 1] + xshift; xsteps[0] := xsteps[0] + yshift; end; intscale := round(h / hs * $10000); x1 := 0; x2 := (intscale + $7FFF) shr 16; c := 0; for i := 0 to hs - 1 do begin ysteps[i] := (x2 - x1); x1 := x2; x2 := ((i + 2) * intscale + $7FFF) shr 16; if x2 > h then x2 := h; if i = hs - 1 then c := x1; end; if c < h then begin yshift := (h - c) div 2; ysteps[hs - 1] := ysteps[hs - 1] + yshift; yshift := h - c - yshift; ysteps[0] := ysteps[0] + yshift; end; if pf = pf24bit then begin Rows := @PRGBArray(Src.Scanline[rs.Top])^[rs.Left]; rowd := @PRGBArray(Dest.Scanline[rd.Top])^[rd.Left]; for y := 0 to hs - 1 do begin for j := 1 to ysteps[y] do begin ts := Rows; td := rowd; for x := 0 to WS - 1 do begin for i := 1 to xsteps[x] do begin pRGBTriple(td)^ := pRGBTriple(ts)^; Inc(td, bytespp); end; Inc(ts, bytespp); end; Dec(rowd, bd); end; Dec(Rows, bs); end; end else begin Rows := @PQuadArray(Src.Scanline[rs.Top])^[rs.Left]; rowd := @PQuadArray(Dest.Scanline[rd.Top])^[rd.Left]; for y := 0 to hs - 1 do begin for j := 1 to ysteps[y] do begin ts := Rows; td := rowd; for x := 0 to WS - 1 do begin for i := 1 to xsteps[x] do begin pRGBQuad(td)^ := pRGBQuad(ts)^; Inc(td, bytespp); end; Inc(ts, bytespp); end; Dec(rowd, bd); end; Dec(Rows, bs); end; end; end; end; end.