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Save a webpage with images

Title: Save a webpage with images Question: Ever wanted to duplicate the functionality of your favorite browser and save a web page with images to disk, well here is a simple example that does just that. I've created two functions, the other function just lets you pass in a progress bar to show the status of the operation. Please note: It requires Indy to run. Answer: unit URLGet; interface uses Classes, SysUtils, Forms, IdHTTP, ComCtrls; procedure UrlDownloadToFile(URL, FileName: string); overload; procedure UrlDownloadToFile(URL, FileName: string; PB: TProgressbar); overload; implementation procedure GetImages(html: string; Images: TStringList); var i, j: Integer; tag: string; link: string; begin html := StringReplace(html, #13#10, ' ', [rfReplaceAll]); i := 1; while (i begin // we have a begin tag if html[i] = ' begin tag := ''; while (i '') do begin tag := tag + html[i]; inc(i); end; tag := tag + html[i]; //inc(i); // we have the tag, see if it is an a href link := ''; if pos('SRC=', UpperCase(tag)) 0 then begin j := 1; while (j begin if (tag[j] = '"') or (tag[j] = '''') then begin link := ''; inc(j); while (j begin link := link + tag[j]; inc(j); if j 12 then begin if (tag[j + 1] = '"') then break; if (tag[j+1] = '''') then break; end; end; link := link + tag[j]; //inc(j); break; end; inc(j); end; if link '' then Images.Add(link); end; end; inc(i); end; end; procedure UrlDownloadToFile(URL, FileName: string); var s, dir, path: string; i: Integer; ms: TMemoryStream; imgs, sFile: TStringList; HTTP: TIdHTTP; begin imgs := TStringList.Create; HTTP := TidHTTP.Create(Application); sFile := TStringList.Create; try s := HTTP.Get(URL); if s '' then begin if FileName '' then begin path := ChangeFileExt(FileName, '') + '_files'; CreateDir(path); dir := ExtractFileName(ChangeFileExt(FileName, '')) + '_files\'; GetImages(s, imgs); ms := TMemoryStream.Create; try for i := 0 to pred(imgs.Count) do begin ms.Clear; HTTP.Get(URL + imgs[i], ms); ms.Position := 0; if ms.Size 0 then ms.SaveToFile(dir + imgs[i]); s := StringReplace(s, imgs[i], dir + imgs[i], [rfReplaceAll]); end; finally FreeAndNil(ms); end; sFile.Text := s; sFile.SaveToFile(FileName); end; end; finally FreeAndNil(sFile); FreeAndNil(HTTP); FreeAndNil(imgs); end; end; procedure UrlDownloadToFile(URL, FileName: string; PB: TProgressbar); overload; var s, dir, path: string; i: Integer; ms: TMemoryStream; imgs, sFile: TStringList; HTTP: TIdHTTP; begin if Assigned(PB) then begin imgs := TStringList.Create; HTTP := TidHTTP.Create(Application); sFile := TStringList.Create; try s := HTTP.Get(URL); if s '' then begin if FileName '' then begin path := ChangeFileExt(FileName, '') + '_files'; CreateDir(path); dir := ExtractFileName(ChangeFileExt(FileName, '')) + '_files\'; GetImages(s, imgs); ms := TMemoryStream.Create; try PB.Max := pred(imgs.Count); for i := 0 to pred(imgs.Count) do begin ms.Clear; HTTP.Get(URL + imgs[i], ms); ms.Position := 0; if ms.Size 0 then ms.SaveToFile(dir + imgs[i]); s := StringReplace(s, imgs[i], dir + imgs[i], [rfReplaceAll]); PB.Position := i; Application.ProcessMessages; end; finally FreeAndNil(ms); end; sFile.Text := s; sFile.SaveToFile(FileName); end; end; finally FreeAndNil(sFile); FreeAndNil(HTTP); FreeAndNil(imgs); end; end else UrlDownloadToFile(URL, FileName); end; end.