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Rotation and Translation in 2D Space

Title: Rotation and Translation in 2D Space Question: How to rotate or move a point or a shape on a canvas Answer: Here are the functions to rotate or translate (move) a point: { Rotate a Point by Angle 'alpha' } function Rotate2D(p:TPoint; alpha:double): TPoint; var sinus, cosinus : Extended; begin (* sinus := sin(alpha); cosinus := cos(alpha); *) { twice as fast than calc sin() and cos() } SinCos(alpha, sinus, cosinus); result.x := Round(p.x*cosinus + p.y*sinus); result.y := Round(-p.x*sinus + p.y*cosinus); end; { Move Point "a" by Vector "b" } function Translate2D(a, b:TPoint): TPoint; begin result.x := a.x + b.x; result.y := a.y + b.y; end; procedure Rotate2Darray(var p:array of TPoint; alpha:double); var i : Integer; begin for i:=Low(p) to High(p) do p[i] := Rotate2D(p[i], alpha); end; procedure Translate2Darray(var p:array of TPoint; shift:TPoint); var i : Integer; begin for i:=Low(p) to High(p) do p[i] := Translate2D(p[i], shift); end; ###################################################################### Example: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var shape : array[1..3] of TPoint; begin // a triangle shape[1] := Point(0, 0); shape[2] := Point(50, 50); shape[3] := Point(100, 0); Canvas.Polygon(shape); // draw the orginal shape Rotate2Darray(shape, DegToRad(90)); // rotate the shape Translate2Darray(shape, Point(80, 140)); // move the shape Canvas.Brush.Color := clRed; Canvas.Polygon(shape); // draw the modified shape end;