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Rotate a bitmap around a point

Title: rotate a bitmap around a point? // Vektor von FromP nach ToP // Vector from FromP to ToP function TForm1.Vektor(FromP, Top: TPoint): TPoint; begin Result.x := Top.x - FromP.x; Result.y := Top.y - FromP.y; end; // neue x Komponente des Verktors // new x-component of the vector function TForm1.xComp(Vektor: TPoint; Angle: Extended): Integer; begin Result := Round(Vektor.x * cos(Angle) - (Vektor.y) * sin(Angle)); end; // neue Y-Komponente des Vektors // new y-component of the vector function TForm1.yComp(Vektor: TPoint; Angle: Extended): Integer; begin Result := Round((Vektor.x) * (sin(Angle)) + (vektor.y) * cos(Angle)); end; function TForm1.RotImage(srcbit: TBitmap; Angle: Extended; FPoint: TPoint; Background: TColor): TBitmap; { srcbit: TBitmap; // Bitmap dass gedreht werden soll ; Bitmap to be rotated Angle: extended; // Winkel in Bogenmaß, angle FPoint: TPoint; // Punkt um den gedreht wird ; Point to be rotated around Background: TColor): TBitmap; // Hintergrundfarbe des neuen Bitmaps ; // Backgroundcolor of the new bitmap } var highest, lowest, mostleft, mostright: TPoint; topoverh, leftoverh: integer; x, y, newx, newy: integer; begin Result := TBitmap.Create; // Drehwinkel runterrechnen auf eine Umdrehung, wenn nötig // Calculate angle down on one rotation, if necessary while Angle = (2 * pi) do begin angle := Angle - (2 * pi); end; // neue Ausmaße festlegen // specify new size if (angle then begin highest := Point(0,0); //OL Lowest := Point(Srcbit.Width, Srcbit.Height); //UR mostleft := Point(0,Srcbit.Height); //UL mostright := Point(Srcbit.Width, 0); //OR end else if (angle then begin highest := Point(0,Srcbit.Height); Lowest := Point(Srcbit.Width, 0); mostleft := Point(Srcbit.Width, Srcbit.Height); mostright := Point(0,0); end else if (Angle then begin highest := Point(Srcbit.Width, Srcbit.Height); Lowest := Point(0,0); mostleft := Point(Srcbit.Width, 0); mostright := Point(0,Srcbit.Height); end else begin highest := Point(Srcbit.Width, 0); Lowest := Point(0,Srcbit.Height); mostleft := Point(0,0); mostright := Point(Srcbit.Width, Srcbit.Height); end; topoverh := yComp(Vektor(FPoint, highest), Angle); leftoverh := xComp(Vektor(FPoint, mostleft), Angle); Result.Height := Abs(yComp(Vektor(FPoint, lowest), Angle)) + Abs(topOverh); Result.Width := Abs(xComp(Vektor(FPoint, mostright), Angle)) + Abs(leftoverh); // Verschiebung des FPoint im neuen Bild gegenüber srcbit // change of FPoint in the new picture in relation on srcbit Topoverh := TopOverh + FPoint.y; Leftoverh := LeftOverh + FPoint.x; // erstmal mit Hintergrundfarbe füllen // at first fill with background color Result.Canvas.Brush.Color := Background; Result.Canvas.pen.Color := background; Result.Canvas.Fillrect(Rect(0,0,Result.Width, Result.Height)); // Start des eigentlichen Rotierens // Start of actual rotation for y := 0 to srcbit.Height - 1 do begin // Zeilen ; Rows for x := 0 to srcbit.Width - 1 do begin // Spalten ; Columns newX := xComp(Vektor(FPoint, Point(x, y)), Angle); newY := yComp(Vektor(FPoint, Point(x, y)), Angle); newX := FPoint.x + newx - leftoverh; // Verschieben wegen der neuen Ausmaße newy := FPoint.y + newy - topoverh; // Move beacause of new size Result.Canvas.Pixels[newx, newy] := srcbit.Canvas.Pixels[x, y]; // auch das Pixel daneben füllen um Leerpixel bei Drehungen zu verhindern // also fil lthe pixel beside to prevent empty pixels if ((angle or ((angle pi) and (angle then begin Result.Canvas.Pixels[newx, newy + 1] := srcbit.Canvas.Pixels[x, y]; end else begin Result.Canvas.Pixels[newx + 1,newy] := srcbit.Canvas.Pixels[x, y]; end; end; end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var mybitmap, newbit: TBitMap; begin if OpenDialog1.Execute then begin mybitmap := TBitmap.Create; mybitmap.LoadFromFile(OpenDialog1.FileName); newbit := RotImage(mybitmap, DegToRad(45), Point(mybitmap.Width div 2, mybitmap.Height div 2), clBlack); Image1.Canvas.Draw(0,0, newBit); end; end; end;