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PCX Image wpalette support

Title: PCX Image w/palette support Question: I read the article by Maarten de Haan, and I just thought I'd publish my own PCX graphic component which supports palette handling etc. This component does not support saving of PCX images as the one mentioned above, but a little combination of these two, and you'll get a great component! :) Answer: Unit PCX; { Delphi PCX class Version 1.0 Last changed February 6, 2001 Copyright You can always download the latest version at Use at your own risk! This PCX class is FREE OF CHARGE! You MAY: use this class in your projects. You may even use this class in your commercial applications free of charge! You MAY NOT: take credit for this source, and not charge money for this PCX class! If you change the source, make sure you write a well documented list of your changes, and make sure that you state that this is not the original source! Please send your updated class together with your list of changes to for our approval, and to make it available for other Delphi users! } Interface Uses Windows, Classes, Graphics; Type TRGB = Record Red : Byte; Green : Byte; Blue : Byte; End; TPCX16ColorPalette = Array[0..15] of TRGB; TPalette = Array[0..255] of TRGB; TPCXHeader = Record Manufacturer : Byte; // 10 = ZSoft .pcx Version : Byte; // Version information Encoding : Byte; // 1 = .PCX run length encoding BitsPerPixel : Byte; // Number of bits to represent a pixel (per Plane) - 1, 2, 4, or 8 XMin, YMin : SmallInt; // Image Dimensions: XMin,YMin XMax, YMax : SmallInt; // Image Dimensions: XMax,YMax HRes, VRes : SmallInt; // Resolutions in DPI ColorMap : TPCX16ColorPalette; // Color palette setting Reserved : Byte; // Should be set to 0 PlaneCount : Byte; // Number of planes BytesPerLine : SmallInt; // Number of bytes to allocate for a scanline plane. MUST be an EVEN number. Do NOT calculate from Xmax-Xmin. PalType : SmallInt; // How to interpret palette- 1 = Color/BW, 2 = Grayscale (ignored in PB IV/ IV +) HorzScreenSize : SmallInt; // Horizontal screen size in pixels. New field found only in PB IV/IV Plus VertScreenSize : SmallInt; // Vertical screen size in pixels. New field found only in PB IV/IV Plus Filler : Array[1..54] of Byte; // Reserved... End; TPCXBitmap = Class(TBitmap) Private PCXHeader : TPCXHeader; Function ConvertStream(Stream: TStream) : TMemoryStream; Public Constructor Create; Override; Destructor Destroy; Override; Procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); Override; End; Implementation Procedure InvalidGraphic(Str: String); Near; Begin Raise EInvalidGraphic.Create(Str); End; Function TPCXBitmap.ConvertStream(Stream: TStream) : TMemoryStream; Procedure DecodeRow(DstStream: TMemoryStream); Var BytesPerLine, Count : Integer; Data : Byte; Begin BytesPerLine := PCXHeader.BytesPerLine*PCXHeader.PlaneCount; While (BytesPerLine 0) and (Stream.Position Begin Stream.Read(Data, 1); IF (Data = 192) Then Begin Count := (Data and 63); { Get Count } Stream.Read(Data, 1); While (Count 0) do Begin DstStream.Write(Data, 1); Dec(Count); Dec(BytesPerLine); End; End Else Begin DstStream.Write(Data, 1); Dec(BytesPerLine); End; End; DstStream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); End; Procedure ConvertRow(RowDataStream, DstStream: TMemoryStream; Palette: TPalette); Var BitPos : Byte; BitBytePos : Longint; BitPlaneArray : Array[0..7] of Byte; Function GetBits(BitCount: Byte) : Longint; Const BitArray : Array[0..15] of Word = (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768); Var T, I : Integer; BPL : Longint; Begin Result := 0; For T := 0 to BitCount-1 do Begin IF (BitPos = 8) Then Begin BPL := RowDataStream.Size div PCXHeader.PlaneCount; For I := 0 to PCXHeader.PlaneCount-1 do Begin RowDataStream.Seek((I*BPL)+BitBytePos, soFromBeginning); RowDataStream.Read(BitPlaneArray[I], 1); End; BitPos := 0; Inc(BitBytePos); End; For I := 0 to PCXHeader.PlaneCount-1 do Begin IF (BitPlaneArray[I] and BitArray[7-BitPos] 0) Then Begin Result := Result + BitArray[(T*PCXHeader.PlaneCount)+I]; End; End; Inc(BitPos); End; End; Var I, W : Longint; R, G, B : Byte; Col : Byte; // M : Byte; Begin DstStream.Clear; // // IF (PCXHeader.PlaneCount Begin W := (PCXHeader.XMax-PCXHeader.XMin); (* M := W and 7; { Left over bits } IF (M 0) Then M := $FF shl (8-M) { M = Mask for unseen pixels } Else M := $FF; *) BitPos := 8; BitBytePos := 0; For I := 0 to W-1 do Begin Col := GetBits(PCXHeader.BitsPerPixel); DstStream.Write(Palette[Col].Red, 1); DstStream.Write(Palette[Col].Green, 1); DstStream.Write(Palette[Col].Blue, 1); End; End Else IF (PCXHeader.PlaneCount Begin (* IF PCXHeader.PlaneCount = 1 Then J := 7 Else J := 3; T := (PCXHeader.XMax-PCXHeader.XMin+1); { width in pixels } IF L XMSWidth Then Begin L := XMSWidth; { don't overrun screen width } M := 0; End; FillChar(XMSArray^[0], XMSWidth, 0); L := (PCXHeader.XMax-PCXHeader.XMin+1); { width in pixels } BSeg := 0; BOffset := 0; For T := 0 to L-1 do Begin Col := 0; For J := 0 to PCXHeader.PlaneCount-1 do Col := Col + GetBit2( T, J ) Shl J; PutColor( T, Col ); End; *) End Else IF (PCXHeader.PlaneCount = 1) and (PCXHeader.BitsPerPixel = 8) Then { 256 COLORS } Begin W := RowDataStream.Size; For I := 0 to W-1 do Begin RowDataStream.Read(Col, 1); DstStream.Write(Palette[Col].Red, 1); DstStream.Write(Palette[Col].Green, 1); DstStream.Write(Palette[Col].Blue, 1); End; End Else IF (PCXHeader.PlaneCount = 3) and (PCXHeader.BitsPerPixel = 8) Then { Higher than 256 colors } Begin W := RowDataStream.Size div 3; For I := 0 to W-1 do Begin RowDataStream.Seek(I, soFromBeginning); RowDataStream.Read(R, 1); RowDataStream.Seek(I+(W*1), soFromBeginning); RowDataStream.Read(G, 1); RowDataStream.Seek(I+(W*2), soFromBeginning); RowDataStream.Read(B, 1); DstStream.Write(R, 1); DstStream.Write(G, 1); DstStream.Write(B, 1); End; End; // // DstStream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); End; Procedure ReadPalette(var Palette: TPalette); Var Colors : DWord; TmpPos : DWord; TmpByte : Byte; Begin Colors := (2 shl ((PCXHeader.BitsPerPixel*PCXHeader.PlaneCount)-1)); IF (Colors = 2) Then Begin Palette[0].Red := 0; Palette[0].Green := 0; Palette[0].Blue := 0; Palette[1].Red := 255; Palette[1].Green := 255; Palette[1].Blue := 255; End Else IF (Colors = 4) Then Begin // Not implemented! Need sample files to do this! CGA PCX images isn't to easy to get! :( (* Palette[0].Red := 0; Palette[0].Green := 0; Palette[0].Blue := 0; BackGround := PCXHeader.Palette[0] Shr 4; ForeGround := PCXHeader.Palette[3] Shr 5; ColorBurst := (ForeGround and 1 = 1); { I don't know how to interpret this one yet... } Pal := (ForeGround and 2); Intense := (ForeGround and 4 = 4); IF Intense Then D := 1.5 Else D := 1; IF Pal = 2 Then Begin { Cyan } Palette[1].Red := 0; Palette[1].Green := Round(255 / d); Palette[1].Blue := Round(255 / d); { magenta } Palette[2].Red := Round(255 / d); Palette[2].Green := 0; Palette[2].Blue := Round(255 / d); { white } Palette[3].Red := Round(255 / d); Palette[3].Green := Round(255 / d); Palette[3].Blue := Round(255 / d); End Else Begin { Green } Palette[1].Red := 0; Palette[1].Green := Round(255 / d); Palette[1].Blue := 0; { Red } Palette[2].Red := Round(255 / d); Palette[2].Green := 0; Palette[2].Blue := 0; { Brown } Palette[3].Red := Round(255 / d); Palette[3].Green := Round(129 / d); Palette[3].Blue := 0; End; *) End Else IF (Colors = 16) Then Begin For Colors := 0 to 15 do Palette[Colors] := PCXHeader.ColorMap[Colors]; End Else IF (Colors = 256) Then Begin IF (PCXHeader.Version = 5) Then Begin TmpPos := Stream.Position; Stream.Seek(Stream.Size-769, soFromBeginning); Stream.Read(TmpByte, 1); IF (TmpByte = 12) Then Stream.Read(Palette, 768); Stream.Seek(TmpPos, soFromBeginning); End; End Else Begin // There is no palette for pictures with more than 256 colors!!! End; End; Var BitmapFileHeader : TBitmapFileHeader; BitmapInfoHeader : TBitmapInfoHeader; PaletteSize : Integer; BytesPerLine : Longint; R, G, B : Byte; X, Y : Longint; RowData : TMemoryStream; OutPutData : TMemoryStream; HeaderSize : Longint; Palette : TPalette; Begin Result := NIL; Stream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); // Maybe we shouldn't seek to the start of the stream!!! ? Stream.Read(PCXHeader, Sizeof(PCXHeader)); IF (PCXHeader.Manufacturer = 10) Then Begin PaletteSize := 0; (* Case (PCXHeader.BitsPerPixel*PCXHeader.PlaneCount) of {1..}8 : PaletteSize := 768; End; *) ReadPalette(Palette); BytesPerLine := (PCXHeader.XMax-PCXHeader.XMin+1)*3; BytesPerLine := (BytesPerLine+3) div 4 * 4; HeaderSize := Sizeof(BitmapFileHeader)+Sizeof(BitmapInfoHeader)+PaletteSize; Result := TMemoryStream.Create; Try Result.SetSize( HeaderSize+ ((PCXHeader.YMax-PCXHeader.YMin+1)*BytesPerLine) ); Except Result.Free; Result := NIL; End; // // IF (Assigned(Result)) Then Begin Result.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); // Make sure the position is at the start of the stream! With BitmapFileHeader do Begin bfType := 19778; bfSize := Result.Size; bfReserved1 := 0; bfReserved2 := 0; bfOffBits := Sizeof(BitmapFileHeader)+Sizeof(BitmapInfoHeader)+PaletteSize; End; Result.Write(BitmapFileHeader, Sizeof(BitmapFileHeader)); With BitmapInfoHeader do Begin biSize := Sizeof(BitmapInfoHeader); biWidth := (PCXHeader.XMax-PCXHeader.XMin)+1; biHeight := (PCXHeader.YMax-PCXHeader.YMin)+1; biPlanes := 1; // biBitCount := PCXHeader.BitsPerPixel*PCXHeader.PlaneCount; biBitCount := 24; biCompression := BI_RGB; biSizeImage := ((PCXHeader.YMax-PCXHeader.YMin+1)*BytesPerLine); biXPelsPerMeter := Round(PCXHeader.HorzScreenSize*2.54); biYPelsPerMeter := Round(PCXHeader.VertScreenSize*2.54); // biClrUsed := (PaletteSize div 4); biClrUsed := 0; biClrImportant := 0; End; Result.Write(BitmapInfoHeader, Sizeof(BitmapInfoHeader)); RowData := TMemoryStream.Create; OutPutData := TMemoryStream.Create; For Y := PCXHeader.YMin to PCXHeader.YMax do Begin RowData.Clear; DecodeRow(RowData); IF (RowData.Size 0) Then Begin ConvertRow(RowData, OutputData, Palette); // Result.Seek(HeaderSize+((PCXHeader.YMax-Y)*BytesPerLine), soFromBeginning); For X := PCXHeader.XMin to PCXHeader.XMax do Begin OutPutData.Read(R, 1); OutPutData.Read(G, 1); OutPutData.Read(B, 1); Result.Write(B, 1); Result.Write(G, 1); Result.Write(R, 1); End; // Result.CopyFrom(OutPutData, (PCXHeader.XMax-PCXHeader.XMin+1)*3); // Byte alignment X := BytesPerLine - ((PCXHeader.XMax-PCXHeader.XMin+1)*3); R := 0; While (X 0) do Begin Result.Write(R, 1); Dec(X); End; End; End; OutPutData.Free; RowData.Free; Result.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); // Make sure the position is at the start of the stream! End Else InvalidGraphic('Not enough memory to create PCX bitmap!'); End Else InvalidGraphic('Not a ZSoft PCX file!'); End; Procedure TPCXBitmap.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); Var Image : TMemoryStream; MemStream : TMemoryStream; Begin // Read the file into memory instead, to speed up the reading progress... MemStream := TMemoryStream.Create; MemStream.LoadFromStream(Stream); Image := ConvertStream(MemStream); IF (Assigned(Image)) Then Begin Inherited LoadFromStream(Image); Image.Free; End Else Begin Inherited LoadFromStream(MemStream); End; MemStream.Free; End; Constructor TPCXBitmap.Create; Begin Inherited Create; End; Destructor TPCXBitmap.Destroy; Begin Inherited Destroy; End; Begin TPicture.RegisterFileFormat('PCX', 'PCX Files', TPCXBitmap); End.