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Panel with Gradiant Fill and Image Display

Title: Panel with Gradiant Fill and Image Display Question: How to create a component descendant of TCustomPanel that has a gradiant fill properties and can display an image Answer: unit LWGradientPanel; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls; {$R LWGradientPanel.dcr} type TLWFillDirection = (fdTopToBottom, fdBottomToTop, fdLeftToRight, fdRightToLeft); TLWGradientPanel = class(TCustomPanel) private { Private declarations } FGradientStartColor : TColor; FGradientEndColor : TColor; FGradient : boolean; FGradientFillDir : TLWFillDirection; FTextFillsPanel : boolean; FIcon : TPicture; procedure SetGradientStartColor(value : TColor); procedure SetGradientEndColor(value : TColor); procedure SetGradient(value : boolean); procedure SetGradientFillDir(value : TLWFillDirection); procedure SetTextFillsPanel(value : boolean); procedure SetIcon(value : TPicture); protected { Protected declarations } procedure paint; override; constructor create(AOwner : TComponent); override; destructor destroy; override; procedure loaded; override; public { Public declarations } published { Published declarations } property GradientStartColor : TColor read FGradientStartColor write SetGradientStartColor; property GradientEndColor : TColor read FGradientEndColor write SetGradientEndColor; property Gradient : boolean read FGradient write SetGradient; property GradientFillDir : TLWFillDirection read FGradientFillDir write SetGradientFillDir; property TextFillsPanel : boolean read FTextFillsPanel write SetTextFillsPanel; property Icon : TPicture read FIcon write SetIcon; property Align; property Alignment; property BevelInner; property BevelOuter; property BevelWidth; property BorderWidth; property BorderStyle; property DragCursor; property DragMode; property Enabled; property FullRepaint; property Caption; property Color; property Ctl3D; property Font; property Locked; property ParentColor; property ParentCtl3D; property ParentFont; property ParentShowHint; property PopupMenu; property ShowHint; property TabOrder; property TabStop; property Visible; property OnClick; property OnDblClick; property OnDragDrop; property OnDragOver; property OnEndDrag; property OnEnter; property OnExit; property OnMouseDown; property OnMouseMove; property OnMouseUp; property OnResize; property OnStartDrag; end; procedure Register; implementation function Min(A, B: Longint): Longint; begin if A else Result := B; end; function Max(A, B: Longint): Longint; begin if A B then Result := A else Result := B; end; function WidthOf(R: TRect): Integer; begin Result := R.Right - R.Left; end; function HeightOf(R: TRect): Integer; begin Result := R.Bottom - R.Top; end; procedure GradientFillRect(Canvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; StartColor, EndColor: TColor; Direction: TLWFillDirection; Colors: Byte); var StartRGB: array[0..2] of Byte; { Start RGB values } RGBDelta: array[0..2] of Integer; { Difference between start and end RGB values } ColorBand: TRect; { Color band rectangular coordinates } I, Delta: Integer; Brush: HBrush; begin if IsRectEmpty(ARect) then Exit; if Colors Brush := CreateSolidBrush(ColorToRGB(StartColor)); FillRect(Canvas.Handle, ARect, Brush); DeleteObject(Brush); Exit; end; StartColor := ColorToRGB(StartColor); EndColor := ColorToRGB(EndColor); case Direction of fdTopToBottom, fdLeftToRight: begin { Set the Red, Green and Blue colors } StartRGB[0] := GetRValue(StartColor); StartRGB[1] := GetGValue(StartColor); StartRGB[2] := GetBValue(StartColor); { Calculate the difference between begin and end RGB values } RGBDelta[0] := GetRValue(EndColor) - StartRGB[0]; RGBDelta[1] := GetGValue(EndColor) - StartRGB[1]; RGBDelta[2] := GetBValue(EndColor) - StartRGB[2]; end; fdBottomToTop, fdRightToLeft: begin { Set the Red, Green and Blue colors } { Reverse of TopToBottom and LeftToRight directions } StartRGB[0] := GetRValue(EndColor); StartRGB[1] := GetGValue(EndColor); StartRGB[2] := GetBValue(EndColor); { Calculate the difference between begin and end RGB values } { Reverse of TopToBottom and LeftToRight directions } RGBDelta[0] := GetRValue(StartColor) - StartRGB[0]; RGBDelta[1] := GetGValue(StartColor) - StartRGB[1]; RGBDelta[2] := GetBValue(StartColor) - StartRGB[2]; end; end; {case} { Calculate the color band's coordinates } ColorBand := ARect; if Direction in [fdTopToBottom, fdBottomToTop] then begin Colors := Max(2, Min(Colors, HeightOf(ARect))); Delta := HeightOf(ARect) div Colors; end else begin Colors := Max(2, Min(Colors, WidthOf(ARect))); Delta := WidthOf(ARect) div Colors; end; with Canvas.Pen do begin { Set the pen style and mode } Style := psSolid; Mode := pmCopy; end; { Perform the fill } if Delta 0 then begin for I := 0 to Colors do begin case Direction of { Calculate the color band's top and bottom coordinates } fdTopToBottom, fdBottomToTop: begin ColorBand.Top := ARect.Top + I * Delta; ColorBand.Bottom := ColorBand.Top + Delta; end; { Calculate the color band's left and right coordinates } fdLeftToRight, fdRightToLeft: begin ColorBand.Left := ARect.Left + I * Delta; ColorBand.Right := ColorBand.Left + Delta; end; end; {case} { Calculate the color band's color } Brush := CreateSolidBrush(RGB( StartRGB[0] + MulDiv(I, RGBDelta[0], Colors - 1), StartRGB[1] + MulDiv(I, RGBDelta[1], Colors - 1), StartRGB[2] + MulDiv(I, RGBDelta[2], Colors - 1))); FillRect(Canvas.Handle, ColorBand, Brush); DeleteObject(Brush); end; end; if Direction in [fdTopToBottom, fdBottomToTop] then Delta := HeightOf(ARect) mod Colors else Delta := WidthOf(ARect) mod Colors; if Delta 0 then begin case Direction of { Calculate the color band's top and bottom coordinates } fdTopToBottom, fdBottomToTop: begin ColorBand.Top := ARect.Bottom - Delta; ColorBand.Bottom := ColorBand.Top + Delta; end; { Calculate the color band's left and right coordinates } fdLeftToRight, fdRightToLeft: begin ColorBand.Left := ARect.Right - Delta; ColorBand.Right := ColorBand.Left + Delta; end; end; {case} case Direction of fdTopToBottom, fdLeftToRight: Brush := CreateSolidBrush(EndColor); else {fdBottomToTop, fdRightToLeft } Brush := CreateSolidBrush(StartColor); end; FillRect(Canvas.Handle, ColorBand, Brush); DeleteObject(Brush); end; end; procedure TLWGradientPanel.Loaded; begin inherited loaded; end; procedure TLWGradientPanel.paint; var r : Trect; x,y : integer; begin r := ClientRect; if BevelOuter bvNone then if BevelOuter = bvRaised then Frame3D(Canvas, r, clBtnHighlight, clBtnShadow, BevelWidth) else Frame3D(Canvas, r, clBtnShadow, clBtnHighlight, BevelWidth); if BevelInner bvNone then if BevelInner = bvRaised then Frame3D(Canvas, r, clBtnHighlight, clBtnShadow, BevelWidth) else Frame3D(Canvas, r, clBtnShadow, clBtnHighlight, BevelWidth); if FGradient then begin GradientFillRect(canvas,r,FGradientStartColor,FGradientEndColor,FGradientFillDir,255) end; if not FGradient then begin canvas.brush.color := color; canvas.fillrect(r); end; := bsClear; canvas.Font.assign(font); if TextFillsPanel and (caption '') then begin if (canvas.TextWidth(caption) begin while (canvas.TextWidth(caption) canvas.font.Size := canvas.font.Size + 1; canvas.font.Size := canvas.font.Size - 1; end; end; if FIcon.graphic = nil then drawtextex(canvas.handle,pchar(caption),length(caption),r,DT_END_ELLIPSIS + DT_CENTER + DT_VCENTER + DT_SINGLELINE,nil); if FIcon.graphic nil then begin x := (self.Width div 2) - (FIcon.Width div 2); y := (self.height div 2) - (FIcon.height div 2); canvas.Draw(x,y,FIcon.Graphic); end; end; constructor TLWGradientPanel.create(AOwner : TComponent); begin inherited; FGradient := true; FGradientEndColor := clMaroon; FGradientStartColor := clWhite; FTextFillsPanel := false; FIcon := TPicture.create; end; destructor TLWGradientPanel.destroy; begin; inherited; end; procedure TLWGradientPanel.SetIcon(value : TPicture); begin FIcon.assign(value); Invalidate; end; procedure TLWGradientPanel.SetGradientStartColor(value : TColor); begin FGradientStartColor := value; invalidate; end; procedure TLWGradientPanel.SetGradientEndColor(value : TColor); begin FGradientEndColor := value; invalidate; end; procedure TLWGradientPanel.SetGradient(value : boolean); begin FGradient := value; invalidate; end; procedure TLWGradientPanel.SetTextFillsPanel(value : boolean); begin FTextFillsPanel := value; invalidate; end; procedure TLWGradientPanel.SetGradientFillDir(value : TLWFillDirection); begin FGradientFillDir := value; invalidate; end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Lummie Wares', [TLWGradientPanel]); end; end.