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Optimise a dbimage fields and free space on the disk

Title: optimise a dbimage fields and free space on the disk Question: how to reduce the size of dbimage and optimise the dbimage fields or graphic field. Answer: we know that after scanning a photo and save it in a dataset the place assigned on the disk depend of the size of the image and on the parametres of scanning way, so if we have to scan n photos we have to optimise and reduce the size of photos stored in the dataset. this a unit of my project { this project is for optimise the blob fields as photos after execute this project you will pack the table} //*************************************************** // before you have to create a form // dbnavigator1 // dbimage1 with the specified field to optimise // image1 // datamodule2 unit // gauge1 // SpeedButton1 //*************************************************** unit optimise; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, Buttons, Mask,ComCtrls,DBCtrls,jpeg, Gauges; type TFoptimise = class(TForm) SpeedButton1: TSpeedButton; Gauge1: TGauge; Image2: TImage; DBImage1: TDBImage; DBNavigator1: TDBNavigator; procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); procedure SpeedButton1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Foptimise: TFoptimise; implementation uses Unit2; //unit2 is datamodule2 unit {$R *.DFM} function resizeImage(sInImage, sOutImage: string; iHeight, iWidth: integer): boolean; var JpgImg : TJpegImage; BmpImg : TBitmap; Rectangle: TRect; begin try JpgImg := TJpegImage.Create; BmpImg := TBitmap.Create; JpgImg.LoadFromFile(sInImage); Rectangle := Rect(0, 0, iWidth, iHeight); with BmpImg do begin Width := iWidth; Height := iHeight; Canvas.StretchDraw(Rectangle, JpgImg); end; finally JpgImg.Assign(BmpImg); JpgImg.SaveToFile(sOutImage); JpgImg.Free; BmpImg.Free; end; Result := True; end; Function ConvertJpegToBmp(imgJpeg : TJPEGImage; Var imgBmp : TBitMap) : Boolean; // Converti une image Jpeg en BMP begin Result:=True; try ImgBMP.Width := ImgJPEG.Width; // dtermination de la taille de ImgBmp ImgBMP.Height := ImgJPEG.Height; ImgBMP.Canvas.Draw(0,0,ImgJPEG); // On dessine de ImgJPEG dans ImgBmp Except On E:Exception do Result:=False; end; end; Function FileConvertJpegToBmp(JpegFile,BmpFile : String) : Boolean; // Converti un fichier Jpeg en fichier BMP var ImgJPEG : TJPEGImage; ImgBmp : TBitmap; begin Result:=False; try try ImgJPEG := TJPEGImage.Create; ImgBmp := TBitmap.Create; ImgJPEG.LoadFromFile(JpegFile); // chargement du JPEG partir d'un fichier if ConvertJpegToBmp(ImgJPEG,ImgBmp) then begin ImgBmp.SaveToFile(BmpFile); // Sauvegarde de ImgBmp sous fichier Result:=True; end; Except On E:Exception do ; end; finally ImgJPEG.Free; ImgBmp.Free; end; end; procedure TFoptimise.FormShow(Sender: TObject); begin; end; procedure TFoptimise.SpeedButton1Click(Sender: TObject); var Imgbmp:TBitMap; jpgImg2: TJPEGImage; MyFormat:word; Bitmap : TBitMap; AData,APalette : THandle; photo1,photo2,photo3,photo4:string; begin image2.Visible:=True; gauge1.Visible:=True; gauge1.MaxValue:=DataModule2.table1.RecordCount; gauge1.Progress:=0; DataModule2.table1.First; photo1:=datamodule2.Session1.NetFileDir+'\constphoto.bmp'; photo2:=datamodule2.Session1.NetFileDir+'\constphoto.jpg'; photo3:=datamodule2.Session1.NetFileDir+'\constphoto3.jpg'; photo4:=datamodule2.Session1.NetFileDir+'\constphoto5.jpg'; while not (datamodule2.Table1.eof) do begin gauge1.Progress:=gauge1.Progress+1; if not((Datamodule2.Table1photo.BlobSize=0) or (Datamodule2.Table1photo.isnull)) then begin dbimage1.Picture.SaveToFile(photo1); image2.picture.LoadFromFile(photo1); Image2.Refresh; //conversion BMP -JPG jpgImg2 := TJPEGImage.Create; jpgImg2.Assign(Image2.Picture.Bitmap); jpgImg2.SaveToFile(photo2); //RESIZE resizeImage(photo2,photo3,128,128); image2.picture.LoadFromFile(photo3); datamodule2.Table1.edit; FileConvertJpegToBmp(photo3,photo4); dbimage1.picture.Bitmap.LoadFromFile(photo4);; deletefile(photo4); end;; end; gauge1.Visible:=false; image2.Visible:=False; end; procedure TFoptimise.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin datamodule2.Table1.close; end; end. // after try to pack the dataset table.