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OpenGL applications with MNOgl component collection

Title: OpenGL applications with MNOgl component collection Question: How do i build a application which looks like OpenGL but not with a Paint method of thousands of lines? Answer: Nothing is easier than this! Use the brand new component collection from minais ( This collection comes along with a lot of sample files which can be downloaded from Build your own games with key and mouse interactions or improve and facelift your existing applications with OpenGL output. We made very good experiences with pupils who were fascinated how interesting 3D world can be. Don't hesitate to check our site MNOgl Version 1.0 is completly FREE. Let me show you a first example: When you use MNOgl component collection from minais you have two different ways to build such an application. First i want to describe the easy way: First of all be sure to install the MNOgl package file mnogl.bpl under Delphi (Component menu - Install packages - Add button - search for MNOgl.bpl and say Open). The result is you have a new component folder called MNOgl. Within you will find a lot of handy components to design an OpenGL application. Let us start with a new project. Select a TMNOglControl component and drop it on to the form. Resize the control as you want it or let it align. Then select a TMNOglCanvas component and drop it on the form. Assign the MNOglControl1 to the property named WinControl. NOW an OpenGL rendering context will be generated (the MNOglControl changes to black backgroundcolor). Let us now look how we can draw a box in this canvas. Pick a TMNOglScene component from the MNOgl folder and drop it on the form. Assign the MNOglCanvas1 to the property MNOglCanvas. Now let us select a TMNOglBox component and drop it on the form. Assign MNOglScene1 to the property Scene. Now you see the shape alread in design mode. Try to change the size of the box by changing the properties length, width and height. If you want to have your shape centered then set the TransformBy property to (-length/2, -width/2, -height/2). Attached is the delphi form: object Form1: TForm1 Left = 248 Top = 116 Width = 780 Height = 580 Caption = 'MNOgl component collection sample [first steps]' Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] OldCreateOrder = False Position = poScreenCenter PixelsPerInch = 120 TextHeight = 16 object MNOglControl1: TMNOglControl Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 539 Height = 553 BevelKind = bkSoft Align = alLeft end object MnOglCanvas1: TMnOglCanvas WinControl = MNOglControl1 UnitsPerCM = 30 DefaultTriangleResolution = 2 AutoCompile = True LightModelTwoSided = False BackgroundColor = clBlack ZoomFactor = 1 DefaultUnitsPerCM = 30 SelectEnabled = True TransformBy = '0/0/0' RotationPoint = '0/0/0' RotationLine = '0/0/0' Left = 602 Top = 22 end object MNOglScene1: TMNOglScene MnOglCanvas = MnOglCanvas1 Visible = True TransformBy = '0/0/0' RotationPoint = '0/0/0' RotationLine = '0/0/1' Attributes.PolyStyle.Mode = glfill Attributes.Material.Ambient = clWhite Attributes.Material.Diffuse = clGray Attributes.Material.Specular = clGray Attributes.Material.Emission = clGray Attributes.Material.Shininess = 0.2 Attributes.Material.Translucent = 1 Attributes.Material.DefKind = NoDefMat Attributes.Texture.Repeating = True Attributes.Texture.Filter = glnearest Attributes.Texture.EnvMode = glmodulate Attributes.Texture.Visible = False Attributes.Texture.BaseFix = False Attributes.Texture.WorldWidth = 1 Attributes.Texture.WorldHeight = 1 Left = 602 Top = 84 end object MNOglBox1: TMNOglBox Attributes.PolyStyle.Mode = glfill Attributes.Material.Ambient = clWhite Attributes.Material.Diffuse = clGray Attributes.Material.Specular = clGray Attributes.Material.Emission = clGray Attributes.Material.Shininess = 0.2 Attributes.Material.Translucent = 1 Attributes.Material.DefKind = NoDefMat Attributes.Texture.Repeating = True Attributes.Texture.Filter = glnearest Attributes.Texture.EnvMode = glmodulate Attributes.Texture.Visible = False Attributes.Texture.BaseFix = False Attributes.Texture.WorldWidth = 1 Attributes.Texture.WorldHeight = 1 Scene = MNOglScene1 TransformBy = '-3/-2/0' RotationPoint = '0/0/0' RotationLine = '0/0/1' Scale = 1 Visible = True ParentAttributes = False Nohit = False Length = 6 Width = 4 Height = 1 Left = 602 Top = 146 end end type TForm1 = class(TForm) MNOglControl1: TMNOglControl; MnOglCanvas1: TMnOglCanvas; MNOglScene1: TMNOglScene; MNOglBox1: TMNOglBox; private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; Second i want to describe the way when you do not want to install the MNOgl package: Let us start with a new project. Change the uses list and add the units _mnoglcanvas, _mnogltools to your list. e.g. uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, _mnoglcanvas, _mnogltools; Add the following private valriables to your form: MNOglControl1:TMNOglControl; MNOglCanvas1:TMNOglCanvas; MNOglScene1:TMNOglScene; MNOglBox1:TMNOglBox; TForm1 = class(TForm) private { Private declarations } MNOglControl1:TMNOglControl; MNOglCanvas1:TMNOglCanvas; MNOglScene1:TMNOglScene; MNOglBox1:TMNOglBox; public { Public declarations } end; Then enter the FormShow method and we will create the components we will need: procedure TForm1.FormShow(Sender: TObject); begin // create the WinControl for the OpenGL render context // herein your shapes will be played MNOglControl1 := TMNOglControl.Create(self); MNOglControl1.Align := alClient; MNOglControl1.Parent := self; // create the MNOglCanvas MNOglCanvas1 := TMNOglCanvas.Create (self); // assign the WinControl -- and the render // context will be created MNOglCanvas1.WinControl := MNOglControl1; // create the scene (OpenGL calls it DisplayList) MNOglScene1 := TMNOglScene.Create (self); // and tell the scene in which Canvas it will be played MNOglScene1.MnOglCanvas := MNOglCanvas1; // create the box MNOglBox1 := TMNOglBox.Create (self); // ant tell the box to which scene it will belong MNOglBox1.Scene := MNOglScene1; // change properties of the box with MNOglBox1 do begin Length := 4; Width := 3; Height := 2; end; end; If you want the scene to rotate then just add a TMNOglNav (a navigator) to your form and set the property MNOglCanvas to MNOglCanvas1. When you start the program you can then press the left mouse button on the MNOglNav component and move the mouse. With left double click the view will be reset. Have fun Leopold Minikus