Mega Code Archive

Categories / Delphi / Graphic

Move the cursor to the currently focused control

Title: move the cursor to the currently focused control? { Dieser Code bewirkt, dass wenn Button1 den Fokus erhält sich die Maus darauf platziert. } { If Button1 receives the focus, the mouse pointer will be placed over the control. } //OnEnter event procedure TForm1.Button1Enter(Sender: TObject); var cntl: TControl; xCenter, yCenter: Integer; ptBtn: TPoint; begin cntl := TControl(Sender); xCenter := cntl.Left + (cntl.Width div 2); yCenter := cntl.Top + (cntl.Height div 2); ptBtn := ClientToScreen(Point(xCenter, yCenter)); SetCursorPos(ptBtn.X, ptBtn.Y); end;