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Move or resize a TControl object graphically

Title: Move or resize a TControl object graphically Question: Move or resize graphically a TControl object by using another objet that has all the necessary code. Answer: The unit showed bellow is for the TControlHandler class. TControlHandler can manipulate graphically any descendant of the TControl class. A TControl objet can be selected by the TControlHandler Control property : a border appears surrounding the control passed to this method as reference. At run-time, you can then change its location or change its size with the mouse. For example, in an application, create a TControlHandler at startup : FControlHandler := TControlHandler.Create(Self); To manipulate a Button1 objet placed on the form, write the following instruction : FControlHandler.Control := Button1; You can choose another control by assigning a new TControl's reference ; the previous one is deselected. unit ControlHandler; // Written by Bertrand Goetzmann ( interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls; type TControlPoint = (pcTopLeft, pcTopRight, pcBottomLeft, pcBottomRight, pcOther); TControlHandler = class(TCustomControl) private Rgn: HRGN; R, R1: TRect; Pos: TPoint; Pt: TControlPoint; bDrag: Boolean; protected FControl: TControl; procedure SetRegion; function GetControlPoint(const Point: TPoint): TControlPoint; procedure Paint; override; procedure MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure MouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure SetControl(Control: TControl); published property Control: TControl read FControl write SetControl; end; implementation const LARGEUR = 5; // Mthodes de TControlHandler constructor TControlHandler.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); Parent := AOwner as TWinControl; Rgn := 0; bDrag := False; OnMouseDown := MouseDown; OnMouseMove := MouseMove; OnMouseUp := MouseUp; end; destructor TControlHandler.Destroy; begin if Rgn 0 then DeleteObject(Rgn); inherited Destroy; end; function TControlHandler.GetControlPoint(const Point: TPoint): TControlPoint; begin Result := pcOther; if PtInRect(Rect(0, 0, LARGEUR, LARGEUR), Point) then Result := pcTopLeft else if PtInRect(Rect(Width-LARGEUR, 0, Width, LARGEUR), Point) then Result := pcTopRight else if PtInRect(Rect(0, Height-LARGEUR, LARGEUR, Height), Point) then Result := pcBottomLeft else if PtInRect(Rect(Width-LARGEUR, Height-LARGEUR, Width, Height), Point) then Result := pcBottomRight; end; procedure TControlHandler.MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin Pos.x := X; Pos.y := Y; bDrag := True; R := Rect(FControl.Left, FControl.Top, FControl.Left + FControl.Width, FControl.Top + FControl.Height); R1 := Rect(FControl.Left, FControl.Top, FControl.Left + FControl.Width, FControl.Top + FControl.Height); Pt := GetControlPoint(Pos); Visible := False; end; procedure TControlHandler.MouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin Screen.Cursor := crDefault; bDrag := False; Control.Left := R.Left; Control.Top := R.Top; Control.Width := R.Right - R.Left; Control.Height := R.Bottom - R.Top; SetRegion; Visible := True; end; procedure TControlHandler.MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin case GetControlPoint(Point(X, Y)) of pcTopLeft : Cursor := crSizeNWSE; pcTopRight : Cursor := crSizeNESW; pcBottomLeft : Cursor := crSizeNESW; pcBottomRight : Cursor := crSizeNWSE; pcOther : Cursor := crDrag; end; if not bDrag then Exit; case Pt of pcTopLeft : begin R.Left := R1.Left + X - Pos.x; R.Top := R1.Top + Y - Pos.y; end; pcTopRight : begin R.Right := R1.Right + X - Pos.x; R.Top := R1.Top + Y - Pos.y; end; pcBottomLeft : begin R.Left := R1.Left + X - Pos.x; R.Bottom := R1.Bottom + Y - Pos.y; end; pcBottomRight : begin R.Right := R1.Right + X - Pos.x; R.Bottom := R1.Bottom + Y - Pos.y; end; pcOther : begin R.Left := R1.Left + X - Pos.x; R.Top := R1.Top + Y - Pos.y; R.Right := R1.Right + X - Pos.x; R.Bottom := R1.Bottom + Y - Pos.y; end; end; with FControl do begin Left := R.Left; Top := R.Top; Width := R.Right - R.Left; Height := R.Bottom - R.Top; end; end; procedure TControlHandler.SetRegion; var Rgn1, Rgn2: HRGN; begin if Rgn 0 then DeleteObject(Rgn); Visible := False; Left := Control.Left - LARGEUR; Top := Control.Top - LARGEUR; Width := Control.Width + 2*LARGEUR; Height := Control.Height + 2*LARGEUR; Rgn := CreateRectRgn(0, 0, Width, Height); Rgn1 := CreateRectRgn(0, 0, Width, Height); Rgn2 := CreateRectRgn(LARGEUR, LARGEUR, Control.Width + LARGEUR, Control.Height + LARGEUR); CombineRgn(Rgn, Rgn1, Rgn2, RGN_DIFF); DeleteObject(Rgn1); DeleteObject(Rgn2); SetWindowRgn(Handle, Rgn, True); Visible := True; end; procedure TControlHandler.SetControl(Control: TControl); begin FControl := Control; SetRegion; end; procedure TControlHandler.Paint; begin with Canvas do begin Brush.Color := clBlack; Brush.Style := bsBDiagonal; Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height); // Dessiner les poignets Brush.Style := bsSolid; FillRect(Rect(0, 0, LARGEUR, LARGEUR)); FillRect(Rect(Width-LARGEUR, 0, Width, LARGEUR)); FillRect(Rect(0, Height-LARGEUR, LARGEUR, Height)); FillRect(Rect(Width-LARGEUR, Height-LARGEUR, Width, Height)); end; end; end.