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MNCadBuilder RapidCAD with Delphi (OpenGL) (part III)

Title: MNCadBuilder - RapidCAD with Delphi (OpenGL) (part III) Question: Delphi and 3D CAD development - groups (displaying multiple entities) Answer: 1. Please make sure you have read the articles "MNCadBuilder - RapidCAD with Delphi" and "MNCadBuilder - RapidCAD with Delphi (part II)" to avoid installation or configuration problems. We take the basics from "MNCadBuilder - RapidCAD with Delphi (part II)" and extend the TMyShape. TYPE TMyShape = class (TMNEntity) private FLSize: double; FSSize: double; procedure SetLSize(const Value: double); procedure SetSSize(const Value: double); protected procedure Draw; override; public // we define some properties to the MyShape property LSize : double read FLSize write SetLSize; property SSize : double read FSSize write SetSSize; // and we overwrite the Initialize method (not the constructor, // because we want our shape to be compatible with dotNET) procedure Initialize; override; end; The Initialize method: Initialize is called from the VCL constructor Create (aOwner) but also from the FCL constructor Create (). // we overwrite the Initialize method (not the constructor, // because we want our shape to be compatible with dotNET) procedure TMyShape.Initialize; begin inherited; LSize := 4; SSize := 1.5; end; The SetLSize and SetSSize methods: When you change properties of an entity, which influence the look of the shape (means that the Draw method should be called) you can use the property Changing: * Changing := TRUE; * ... * Changing := FALSE; procedure TMyShape.SetLSize(const Value: double); begin // Setting Changing to TRUE locks the entity from refreshing Changing := TRUE; FLSize := Value; // Setting Changing to FALSE causes the entity to refresh Changing := FALSE; end; Let's fill the Draw method with some instructions (and we use some additional features): procedure TMyShape.Draw; var trans : TXYZ; oldDrawBorder : Boolean; oldPolygonMode : integer; begin // Draw a box of length=lsize at position Base // we draw the box with a golden material MNDevice.Material.Kind := maGold; MNDevice.DrawBox(NewPt (lsize,lsize,lsize)); // now we draw some smaller boxes at each side of the box // and we are going to play with some features of the MNCadBuilder // - Materials ... how shapes appear // - PolygonMode ... lined or filled style // - DrawBorder ... filled and lined style // we sitch the materials attributes to be bronze like MNDevice.Material.Kind := MaPolishedBronze; // push the current ModelMatrix MNDevice.PushMatrix; trans := NewPt(lsize/2-ssize/2,lsize/2-ssize/2,-ssize); // modify the ModelMatrix by a translation MNDevice.MultMatrix(TranslationToMatrix3D (trans)); // draw some primitive MNDevice.DrawBox(NewPt (ssize,ssize,ssize)); // and pop the pushed Modelmatrix MNDevice.PopMatrix; MNDevice.PushMatrix; trans := NewPt(-ssize,lsize/2-ssize/2,lsize/2-ssize/2); MNDevice.MultMatrix(TranslationToMatrix3D (trans)); MNDevice.DrawBox(NewPt (ssize,ssize,ssize)); MNDevice.PopMatrix; // we save the current PolygonMode oldPolygonMode := MNDevice.PolygonMode; // we draw this small box in line mode MNDevice.PolygonMode := gl_line; MNDevice.PushMatrix; trans := NewPt(lsize/2-ssize/2,lsize/2-ssize/2,lsize); MNDevice.MultMatrix(TranslationToMatrix3D (trans)); MNDevice.DrawBox(NewPt (ssize,ssize,ssize)); MNDevice.PopMatrix; // we reset the saved PolygonMode MNDevice.PolygonMode := oldPolygonMode; // the rest of the small boxes again in fill mode ... oldDrawBorder := MNDevice.DrawBorder; // but we draw the lines additionally MNDevice.DrawBorder := TRUE; MNDevice.PushMatrix; trans := NewPt(lsize,lsize/2-ssize/2,lsize/2-ssize/2); MNDevice.MultMatrix(TranslationToMatrix3D (trans)); MNDevice.DrawBox(NewPt (ssize,ssize,ssize)); MNDevice.PopMatrix; // after the box is drawn we reset the DrawBorder MNDevice.DrawBorder := oldDrawBorder; MNDevice.PushMatrix; trans := NewPt(lsize/2-ssize/2,lsize,lsize/2-ssize/2); MNDevice.MultMatrix(TranslationToMatrix3D (trans)); MNDevice.DrawBox(NewPt (ssize,ssize,ssize)); MNDevice.PopMatrix; MNDevice.PushMatrix; trans := NewPt(lsize/2-ssize/2,-ssize,lsize/2-ssize/2); MNDevice.MultMatrix(TranslationToMatrix3D (trans)); MNDevice.DrawBox(NewPt (ssize,ssize,ssize)); MNDevice.PopMatrix; end; Now we want the possibility to create more than one of these shapes. So we embed the shapes in a group (of type TMNEntity, nothing special). We create the group in our FormShow method and set the _Entity property of the TMNOglCanvas to this group: procedure TForm1.FormShow(Sender: TObject); begin // create the group ... MyGroup := TMNEntity.Create (NIL); // ... and tell the Device to draw the group MNOglCanvas1._Entity := MyGroup; end; .. and we dispose the group in the Form's Close method: procedure TForm1.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin // dispose the group // please note that we do not have to destroy the shapes, because // they will be destroyed by their MNParent MyGroup.Free; end; Now the handling of the button to create the shapes: // // this will create a shape with the defined properties // // edO.Text ... Shape's Base.BaseO property - the origin of the shape // edLSize.Text ... Shape's LSize property - the size of the large box // edSSize.Text ... Shape's SSize property - the size of the small box // procedure TForm1.pbCreateClick(Sender: TObject); var B : TBase; aShape : TMyShape; begin // create the shape aShape := TMyShape.Create (NIL); with aShape do begin B := Base; // we set the origin of the shape B.BaseO := StrToXYZ (EdO.Text); Base := B; // we set the large size of the shape ... LSize := StrToFloat (edLSize.Text); // and set the small size of the shape SSize := StrToFloat (edSSize.Text); // finally we set the MNParent property of the shape to be the // MyGroup entity - and because the MNOglCanvas._Entity is set to // MyGroup, the shape will be drawn. MNParent := MyGroup; end; end; We can remove all shapes by simply call MyGroup.Clear. procedure TForm1.pbClearClick(Sender: TObject); begin // Clear removes all children MyGroup.Clear; end; These were the first steps of the MNCadBuilder's structural possibilities. Here you will find the source. Leopold Minikus