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Mixing colors

Title: mixing colors Question: e.g. you have an own color picker, and simply want the user let mix up two colors. Answer: the easiest way to get color c1 mixed with color c2 is to calulate the middle values of the rgb-values. i put it in a function so you simply can use it. but don't use this code if you need fast code! it's really slow... {GetMixColor - start} function GetMixColor (c1, c2: TColor): TColor; begin // calculating the middle of the red, blue and green values // of the colors c1 and c2: Result := RGB ( (GetRValue (c1) + GetRValue (c2)) div 2, (GetGValue (c1) + GetGValue (c2)) div 2, (GetBValue (c1) + GetBValue (c2)) div 2 ); end; {GetMixColor - end} that's it. if you have an faster version of this (i know it's possible to be greatly faster) please post it!