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Categories / Delphi / Graphic

Load a JPG in a TImage, preserving the aspect ratio

Title: Load a JPG in a TImage, preserving the aspect ratio Question: Load a JPG preservind the original aspect ratio of the JPG. Answer: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure CargaJPGProporcionado( Fichero: string; const QueImage: TImage); var ElJPG : TJpegImage; Rectangulo : TRect; EscalaX, EscalaY, Escala : Single; begin ElJPG:=TJPegImage.Create; try ElJPG.LoadFromFile( Fichero ); //Por defecto, escala 1:1 EscalaX := 1.0; EscalaY := 1.0; //Hallamos la escala de reduccin Horizontal if QueImage.Width ElJPG.Width then EscalaX := QueImage.Width / ElJPG.Width; //La escala vertical if QueImage.Height ElJPG.Height then EscalaY := QueImage.Height / ElJPG.Height; //Escogemos la menor de las 2 if EscalaY EscalaX then Escala:=EscalaY else Escala:=EscalaX; //Y la usamos para reducir el rectangulo destino with Rectangulo do begin Right:=Trunc(ElJPG.Width * Escala); Bottom:=Trunc(ElJPG.Height * Escala); Left:=0; Top:=0; end; //Dibujamos el bitmap con el nuevo tamao en el TImage destino with QueImage.Picture.Bitmap do begin Width := Rectangulo.Right; Height := Rectangulo.Bottom; Canvas.StretchDraw( Rectangulo,ElJPG ); end; finally ElJPG.Free; end; end; {De CargaJPGProporcionado} begin CargaJPGProporcionado ('UnaFoto.jpg',Image1); end;