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Categories / Delphi / Graphic

Include the mouse-cursor in a screen shot

// 1. Get the handle to the current mouse-cursor and its position function GetCursorInfo2: TCursorInfo; var hWindow: HWND; pt: TPoint; pIconInfo: TIconInfo; dwThreadID, dwCurrentThreadID: DWORD; begin Result.hCursor := 0; ZeroMemory(@Result, SizeOf(Result)); // Find out which window owns the cursor if GetCursorPos(pt) then begin Result.ptScreenPos := pt; hWindow := WindowFromPoint(pt); if IsWindow(hWindow) then begin // Get the thread ID for the cursor owner. dwThreadID := GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWindow, nil); // Get the thread ID for the current thread dwCurrentThreadID := GetCurrentThreadId; // If the cursor owner is not us then we must attach to // the other thread in so that we can use GetCursor() to // return the correct hCursor if (dwCurrentThreadID <> dwThreadID) then begin if AttachThreadInput(dwCurrentThreadID, dwThreadID, True) then begin // Get the handle to the cursor Result.hCursor := GetCursor; AttachThreadInput(dwCurrentThreadID, dwThreadID, False); end; end else begin Result.hCursor := GetCursor; end; end; end; end; // 2. Capture the screen function CaptureScreen: TBitmap; var DC: HDC; ABitmap: TBitmap; MyCursor: TIcon; CursorInfo: TCursorInfo; IconInfo: TIconInfo; begin // Capture the Desktop screen DC := GetDC(GetDesktopWindow); ABitmap := TBitmap.Create; try ABitmap.Width := GetDeviceCaps(DC, HORZRES); ABitmap.Height := GetDeviceCaps(DC, VERTRES); // BitBlt on our bitmap BitBlt(ABitmap.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, ABitmap.Width, ABitmap.Height, DC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); // Create temp. Icon MyCursor := TIcon.Create; try // Retrieve Cursor info CursorInfo := GetCursorInfo2; if CursorInfo.hCursor <> 0 then begin MyCursor.Handle := CursorInfo.hCursor; // Get Hotspot information GetIconInfo(CursorInfo.hCursor, IconInfo); // Draw the Cursor on our bitmap ABitmap.Canvas.Draw(CursorInfo.ptScreenPos.X - IconInfo.xHotspot, CursorInfo.ptScreenPos.Y - IconInfo.yHotspot, MyCursor); end; finally // Clean up MyCursor.ReleaseHandle; MyCursor.Free; end; finally ReleaseDC(GetDesktopWindow, DC); end; Result := ABitmap; end; // Example: Capture the screen and include the cursor. // Show the Screenshot in Image1 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Image1.Picture.Assign(CaptureScreen); end;