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Implement an animated gradient

Title: implement an animated gradient? {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I have taken two tipps from this site to work together: 1. to draw a gradient from David Johannes Rieger 2. the unit anithread form P. Below what's coming out is a animated gradient. You know it maybe from programms like VCDEasy. There is nothing from me - all from this site! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ich habe zwei Tipps von dieser Seite zusammengefügt: 1. to draw a gradient from David Johannes Rieger 2. the unit anithread form P. Below Dadurch erhält man einen animierten Gradienten wie Bsp. in VCDEasy zu sehen. Der Quelltext ist nicht von mir, alles ist von dieser Seite! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} unit anithread; interface uses Classes, Windows, Controls, Graphics; type TAnimationThread = class(TThread) private { Private declarations } FWnd: HWND; FPaintRect: TRect; FbkColor, FfgColor: TColor; FInterval: Integer; procedure DrawGradient(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; Horicontal: Boolean; Colors: array of TColor); protected procedure Execute; override; public constructor Create(paintsurface: TWinControl; {Control to paint on } paintrect: TRect; {area for animation bar } bkColor, barcolor: TColor; {colors to use } interval: Integer); {wait in msecs between paints} end; implementation constructor TAnimationThread.Create(paintsurface: TWinControl; paintrect: TRect; bkColor, barcolor: TColor; interval: Integer); begin inherited Create(True); FWnd := paintsurface.Handle; FPaintRect := paintrect; FbkColor := bkColor; FfgColor := barColor; FInterval := interval; FreeOnterminate := True; Resume; end; { TAnimationThread.Create } procedure TAnimationThread.Execute; var image: TBitmap; DC: HDC; Left, Right: Integer; increment: Integer; imagerect: TRect; state: (incRight, decRight); begin Image := TBitmap.Create; try with Image do begin Width := FPaintRect.Right - FPaintRect.Left; Height := FPaintRect.Bottom - FPaintRect.Top; imagerect := Rect(0, 0, Width, Height); end; { with } Left := 0; Right := 0; increment := imagerect.Right div 50; state := Low(State); while not Terminated do begin with Image.Canvas do begin Brush.Color := FbkColor; //FillRect(imagerect); original! DrawGradient(Image.Canvas, imagerect, True, [clBtnShadow, clBtnFace]); case state of incRight: begin Inc(Right, increment); if Right imagerect.Right then begin Right := imagerect.Right; Inc(state); end; // if end; // Case incRight } decRight: begin Dec(Right, increment); if Right then begin Right := 0; state := incRight; end; // if end; // Case decLeft end; { Case } Brush.Color := FfgColor; //FillRect(Rect(left,, right, imagerect.bottom)); original! DrawGradient(Image.Canvas, Rect(Left, imagerect.Top, Right, imagerect.Bottom), True, [clBtnFace, clBtnShadow]); end; { with } DC := GetDC(FWnd); if DC 0 then try BitBlt(DC, FPaintRect.Left, FPaintRect.Top, imagerect.Right, imagerect.Bottom, Image.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); finally ReleaseDC(FWnd, DC); end; Sleep(FInterval); end; { While } finally Image.Free; end; InvalidateRect(FWnd, nil, True); end; { TAnimationThread.Execute } procedure TAnimationThread.DrawGradient(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; Horicontal: Boolean; Colors: array of TColor); type RGBArray = array[0..2] of Byte; var x, y, z, stelle, mx, bis, faColorsh, mass: Integer; Faktor: Double; A: RGBArray; B: array of RGBArray; merkw: Integer; merks: TPenStyle; merkp: TColor; begin mx := High(Colors); if mx 0 then begin if Horicontal then mass := Rect.Right - Rect.Left else mass := Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top; SetLength(b, mx + 1); for x := 0 to mx do begin Colors[x] := ColorToRGB(Colors[x]); b[x][0] := GetRValue(Colors[x]); b[x][1] := GetGValue(Colors[x]); b[x][2] := GetBValue(Colors[x]); end; merkw := ACanvas.Pen.Width; merks := ACanvas.Pen.Style; merkp := ACanvas.Pen.Color; ACanvas.Pen.Width := 1; ACanvas.Pen.Style := psSolid; faColorsh := Round(mass / mx); for y := 0 to mx - 1 do begin if y = mx - 1 then bis := mass - y * faColorsh - 1 else bis := faColorsh; for x := 0 to bis do begin Stelle := x + y * faColorsh; faktor := x / bis; for z := 0 to 2 do a[z] := Trunc(b[y][z] + ((b[y + 1][z] - b[y][z]) * Faktor)); ACanvas.Pen.Color := RGB(a[0], a[1], a[2]); if Horicontal then begin ACanvas.MoveTo(Rect.Left + Stelle, Rect.Top); ACanvas.LineTo(Rect.Left + Stelle, Rect.Bottom); end else begin ACanvas.MoveTo(Rect.Left, Rect.Top + Stelle); ACanvas.LineTo(Rect.Right, Rect.Top + Stelle); end; end; end; b := nil; ACanvas.Pen.Width := merkw; ACanvas.Pen.Style := merks; ACanvas.Pen.Color := merkp; end; {else // Please specify at least two colors raise EMathError.Create('Es müssen mindestens zwei Farben angegeben werden.'); In diesem Fallnicht mehr als zwei Farben! Here not more than two colors! } end; end. {Usage: Place a TPanel on a form, size it as appropriate.Create an instance of the TanimationThread call like this: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender : TObject); } procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var ani: TAnimationThread; r: TRect; begin r := panel1.ClientRect; InflateRect(r, - panel1.bevelwidth, - panel1.bevelwidth); ani := TanimationThread.Create(panel1, r, panel1.Color, clBlue, 25); Button1.Enabled := False; Application.ProcessMessages; Sleep(30000); // replace with query.Open or such Button1.Enabled := True; ani.Terminate; ShowMessage('Done'); end;