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Images treatment

Title: Images treatment Question: work with images in delphi Answer: {*********************************************************************************** * blLibrary - [Bitmap Library] v1.0 * * Libreria para el trabajo con Bitmaps en Delphi * ************************************************************************************ * * * Esta libreria ha sido implementada por _Fidel Hernandez Salazar * * Puede usarla a su antojo si promete llevar siempre junto con sus * * distrubuciones el nombre del autor original. * * * * .:Advertencia:. * * No me hago responsable por el mal uso de esta libreria y mucho * * menos por la perdida de informacion si se trabaja con la misma. * * * ************************************************************************************ * Implementada en Borland Delphi 7 Enterprise Edition * ************************************************************************************} unit blUnit; interface uses Windows, SysUtils, Graphics, Classes; procedure bl_ChangeRGB(var Bitmap: TBitmap; R, G, B: Integer); procedure bl_Flaxen(var Bitmap: TBitmap); procedure bl_Emboss(var Bitmap : TBitmap; AMount : Integer); procedure bl_MonoNoise(var Bitmap: TBitmap; Amount: Integer); procedure bl_ColorNoise(var Bitmap: TBitmap; Amount: Integer); procedure bl_GrayScale(var Bitmap: TBitmap); procedure bl_Sepia (var Bitmap: TBitmap; depth: Byte); procedure bl_Blur( var Bitmap : TBitmap); procedure bl_Lightness(var Bitmap: TBitmap; Amount: Integer); procedure bl_Darkness(var Bitmap: TBitmap; Amount: Integer); procedure bl_Threshold(var Bitmap: TBitmap ; const Light: TRgbTriple; const Dark: TRgbTriple; Amount: Integer = 128); procedure bl_Posterize(var Bitmap: TBitmap; amount: Integer); procedure bl_Mosaic(var Bm:TBitmap;size:Integer); procedure bl_FlipHorizontal(var Bitmap: TBitmap); procedure bl_FlipVertical(var Bitmap: TBitmap); procedure bl_Negative(var Bitmap: TBitmap); procedure bl_Saturation(var Bitmap: TBitmap; Amount: Integer); procedure bl_Contrast(var Bitmap: TBitmap; Amount: Integer); function bl_ColorToTriple(Color: TColor): TRGBTriple; function bl_IntToByte(I: Integer): Byte; implementation function bl_IntToByte(i: Integer): Byte; begin if i 255 then Result := 255 else if i 0 then Result := 0 else Result := i; end; function bl_ColorToTriple(Color: TColor): TRGBTriple; type Rec = record case TColor of 1:(ColorValue: TColor); 2:(Bytes: array [0..3] of Byte); end; var Col:Rec; begin Col.ColorValue := Color; Result.rgbtRed := Col.Bytes[0]; Result.rgbtGreen := Col.Bytes[1]; Result.rgbtBlue := Col.Bytes[2]; end ; procedure bl_ChangeRGB(var Bitmap: TBitmap; R, G, B: Integer); var H, V: Integer; DstRow:^TRGBTriple; begin Bitmap.PixelFormat := pf24bit; for V := 0 to Bitmap.Height -1 do begin DstRow := Bitmap.ScanLine[V]; for H := 0 to Bitmap.Width -1 do begin DstRow^.rgbtRed := R; DstRow^.rgbtGreen := G; DstRow^.rgbtBlue := B; Inc(DstRow); end; end; end; procedure bl_Flaxen(var Bitmap: TBitmap); var H,V:Integer; WSK,WSK2,WSK3:^TRGBTriple; begin Bitmap.PixelFormat:=pf24bit; for V:=0 to Bitmap.Height-1 do begin Wsk:=Bitmap.ScanLine[V]; Wsk2:=Wsk; Wsk3:=Wsk; inc(Wsk2); inc(Wsk3,2); for H:=0 to Bitmap.Width -1 do begin Wsk.rgbtRed := (Wsk.rgbtRed + Wsk2.rgbtGreen + Wsk3.rgbtBlue) div 3; Wsk2.rgbtGreen := (Wsk.rgbtGreen + Wsk2.rgbtGreen + Wsk3.rgbtBlue) div 3; Wsk2.rgbtBlue := (Wsk.rgbtBlue + Wsk2.rgbtGreen + Wsk3.rgbtBlue) div 3; inc(Wsk);inc(Wsk2);inc(Wsk3); end; end; end; procedure bl_Emboss(var Bitmap : TBitmap; AMount : Integer); var x, y, i : integer; p1, p2: PByteArray; begin for i := 0 to AMount do begin for y := 0 to Bitmap.Height-2 do begin p1 := Bitmap.ScanLine[y]; p2 := Bitmap.ScanLine[y+1]; for x := 0 to Bitmap.Width do begin p1[x*3] := (p1[x*3]+(p2[(x+3)*3] xor $FF)) shr 1; p1[x*3+1] := (p1[x*3+1]+(p2[(x+3)*3+1] xor $FF)) shr 1; p1[x*3+2] := (p1[x*3+1]+(p2[(x+3)*3+1] xor $FF)) shr 1; end; end; end; end; procedure bl_MonoNoise(var Bitmap: TBitmap; Amount: Integer); var Row:^TRGBTriple; H,V,a: Integer; begin for V:=0 to Bitmap.Height-1 do begin Row:=Bitmap.ScanLine[V]; for H:=0 to Bitmap.Width-1 do begin a:=Random(Amount)-(Amount shr 1); Row.rgbtBlue :=bl_IntToByte(Row.rgbtBlue+a); Row.rgbtGreen :=bl_IntToByte(Row.rgbtGreen+a); Row.rgbtRed :=bl_IntToByte(Row.rgbtRed+a); inc(Row); end; end; end; procedure bl_ColorNoise(var Bitmap: TBitmap; Amount: Integer); var WSK:^Byte; H,V: Integer; begin Bitmap.PixelFormat:=pf24bit; for V:=0 to Bitmap.Height-1 do begin Wsk:=Bitmap.ScanLine[V]; for H:=0 to Bitmap.Width*3-1 do begin Wsk^:=bl_IntToByte(Wsk^+(Random(Amount)-(Amount shr 1))); inc(Wsk); end; end; end; procedure bl_GrayScale(var Bitmap:TBitmap); var Row:^TRGBTriple; H,V,Index:Integer; begin Bitmap.PixelFormat:=pf24bit; for V:=0 to Bitmap.Height-1 do begin Row:=Bitmap.ScanLine[V]; for H:=0 to Bitmap.Width -1 do begin Index := ((Row.rgbtRed * 77 + Row.rgbtGreen* 150 + Row.rgbtBlue * 29) shr 8); Row.rgbtBlue:=Index; Row.rgbtGreen:=Index; Row.rgbtRed:=Index; inc(Row); end; end; end; procedure bl_Sepia (var Bitmap: TBitmap; depth: Byte); var Row:^TRGBTriple; H,V:Integer; begin Bitmap.PixelFormat:=pf24bit; for V:=0 to Bitmap.Height-1 do begin Row:=Bitmap.ScanLine[V]; for H:=0 to Bitmap.Width -1 do begin Row.rgbtBlue :=(Row.rgbtBlue +Row.rgbtGreen +Row.rgbtRed)div 3; Row.rgbtGreen:=Row.rgbtBlue; Row.rgbtRed :=Row.rgbtBlue; inc(Row.rgbtRed,depth*2); inc(Row.rgbtGreen,depth); if Row.rgbtRed (depth*2) then Row.rgbtRed:=255; if Row.rgbtGreen (depth) then Row.rgbtGreen:=255; inc(Row); end; end; end; procedure bl_Blur( var Bitmap :TBitmap); var TL,TC,TR,BL,BC,BR,LL,LC,LR:^TRGBTriple; H,V:Integer; begin Bitmap.PixelFormat :=pf24bit; for V := 1 to Bitmap.Height - 2 do begin TL:= Bitmap.ScanLine[V - 1]; TC:=TL; TR:=TL; BL:= Bitmap.ScanLine[V]; BC:=BL; BR:=BL; LL:= Bitmap.ScanLine[V + 1]; LC:=LL; LR:=LL; inc(TC); inc(TR,2); inc(BC); inc(BR,2); inc(LC); inc(LR,2); for H := 1 to (Bitmap.Width - 2) do begin BC.rgbtRed:= (BC.rgbtRed+ BL.rgbtRed+BR.rgbtRed+ TC.rgbtRed+ TL.rgbtRed+TR.rgbtRed+ LL.rgbtRed+ LC.rgbtRed+LR.rgbtRed) div 9 ; BC.rgbtGreen:=( BC.rgbtGreen+ BL.rgbtGreen+BR.rgbtGreen+ TC.rgbtGreen+ TL.rgbtGreen+TR.rgbtGreen+ LL.rgbtGreen+ LC.rgbtGreen+LR.rgbtGreen) div 9 ; BC.rgbtBlue:=( BC.rgbtBlue+ BL.rgbtBlue+BR.rgbtBlue+ TC.rgbtBlue+ TL.rgbtBlue+TR.rgbtBlue+ LL.rgbtBlue+ LC.rgbtBlue+LR.rgbtBlue )div 9 ; //zwi?kszam wska?niki bior?c nast?pne 9 pixeli inc(TL);inc(TC);inc(TR); inc(BL);inc(BC);inc(BR); inc(LL);inc(LC);inc(LR); end; end; end; procedure bl_Lightness(var Bitmap: TBitmap; Amount: Integer); var Wsk:^Byte; H,V: Integer; begin Bitmap.PixelFormat:=Graphics.pf24bit; for V:=0 to Bitmap.Height-1 do begin Wsk:=Bitmap.ScanLine[V]; for H:=0 to Bitmap.Width*3-1 do begin Wsk^:=bl_IntToByte(Wsk^+((255-Wsk^)*Amount)div 255); inc(Wsk); end; end; end; procedure bl_Darkness(var Bitmap:TBitmap; Amount: integer); var Wsk:^Byte; H,V: Integer; begin Bitmap.pixelformat:=pf24bit; for V:=0 to Bitmap.Height-1 do begin WSK:=Bitmap.ScanLine[V]; for H:=0 to Bitmap.Width*3-1 do begin Wsk^:=bl_IntToByte(Wsk^-(Wsk^*Amount)div 255); inc(Wsk); end; end; end; procedure bl_Threshold(var Bitmap: TBitmap ; const Light: TRgbTriple; const Dark: TRgbTriple; Amount: Integer = 128); var Row:^TRGBTriple; H,V,Index:Integer; begin Bitmap.PixelFormat:=pf24bit; for V:=0 to Bitmap.Height-1 do begin Row:=Bitmap.ScanLine[V]; for H:=0 to Bitmap.Width -1 do begin Index := ((Row.rgbtRed * 77 + Row.rgbtGreen* 150 + Row.rgbtBlue * 29) shr 8); if IndexAmount then Row^:=Light else Row^:=Dark ; inc(Row); end; end; end; procedure bl_Posterize(var Bitmap: TBitmap; amount: integer); var H,V:Integer; Wsk:^Byte; begin Bitmap.PixelFormat :=pf24bit; for V:=0 to Bitmap.Height -1 do begin Wsk:=Bitmap.scanline[V]; for H:=0 to Bitmap.Width*3 -1 do begin Wsk^:= round(WSK^/amount)*amount ; inc(Wsk); end; end; end; procedure bl_Mosaic(var Bm:TBitmap;size:Integer); var x,y,i,j:integer; p1,p2:pbytearray; r,g,b:byte; begin y:=0; repeat p1:=bm.scanline[y]; // x := 0; repeat j:=1; repeat p2:=bm.scanline[y]; x:=0; repeat r:=p1[x*3]; g:=p1[x*3+1]; b:=p1[x*3+2]; i:=1; repeat p2[x*3]:=r; p2[x*3+1]:=g; p2[x*3+2]:=b; inc(x); inc(i); until (x=bm.width) or (isize); until x=bm.width; inc(j); inc(y); until (y=bm.height) or (jsize); until (y=bm.height) or (x=bm.width); until y=bm.height; end; procedure bl_FlipHorizontal(var Bitmap:TBitmap); type ByteTriple =array[0..2] of byte; var ByteL,ByteR:^ByteTriple; ByteTemp:ByteTriple; H,V:Integer; begin Bitmap.PixelFormat:=pf24bit; for V:=0 to (Bitmap.Height -1 ) do begin ByteL:=Bitmap.ScanLine[V]; ByteR:=Bitmap.ScanLine[V]; inc(ByteR,Bitmap.Width -1); for H:=0 to (Bitmap.Width -1) div 2 do begin ByteTemp:=ByteL^; ByteL^:=ByteR^; ByteR^:=ByteTemp; Inc(ByteL); Dec(ByteR); end; end; end; procedure bl_FlipVertical(var Bitmap:TBitmap); var ByteTop,ByteBottom:^Byte; ByteTemp:Byte; H,V:Integer; begin for V:=0 to (Bitmap.Height -1 ) div 2 do begin ByteTop:=Bitmap.ScanLine[V]; ByteBottom:=Bitmap.ScanLine[Bitmap.Height -1-V]; for H:=0 to Bitmap.Width *3 -1 do begin ByteTemp:=ByteTop^; ByteTop^:=ByteBottom^; ByteBottom^:=ByteTemp; inc(ByteTop); inc(ByteBottom); end; end; end; procedure bl_Negative(var Bitmap:TBitmap); var H,V:Integer; WskByte:^Byte; begin Bitmap.PixelFormat:=pf24bit; for V:=0 to Bitmap.Height-1 do begin WskByte:=Bitmap.ScanLine[V]; for H:=0 to (Bitmap.Width *3)-1 do begin WskByte^:= not WskByte^ ; inc(WskByte); end; end; end; procedure bl_Saturation(var Bitmap: TBitmap; Amount: Integer); var Wsk:^TRGBTriple; Gray,H,V: Integer; begin for V:=0 to Bitmap.Height-1 do begin Wsk:=Bitmap.ScanLine[V]; for H:=0 to Bitmap.Width-1 do begin Gray:=(Wsk.rgbtBlue+Wsk.rgbtGreen+Wsk.rgbtRed)div 3; Wsk.rgbtRed:=bl_IntToByte(Gray+(((Wsk.rgbtRed-Gray)*Amount)div 255)); Wsk.rgbtGreen:=bl_IntToByte(Gray+(((Wsk.rgbtGreen-Gray)*Amount)div 255)); Wsk.rgbtBlue:=bl_IntToByte(Gray+(((Wsk.rgbtBlue-Gray)*Amount)div 255)); inc(Wsk); end; end; end; procedure bl_Contrast(var Bitmap:TBitmap; Amount: Integer); var ByteWsk:^Byte; H,V: Integer; begin for V:=0 to Bitmap.Height-1 do begin ByteWsk:=Bitmap.ScanLine[V]; for H:=0 to Bitmap.Width*3 -1 do begin if ByteWsk^127 then ByteWsk^:=bl_IntToByte(ByteWsk^+(Abs(127-ByteWsk^)*Amount)div 255) else ByteWsk^:=bl_IntToByte(ByteWsk^-(Abs(127-ByteWsk^)*Amount)div 255); Inc(ByteWsk); end; end; end; end.