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HTML Colour Coding

Title: HTML Colour Coding Question: How to take a Richedit box with HTML code in and set colours of the code to make HTML more readable. Answer: past the following code into your unit1.pas file or equvalent that you are using. you must have a RichEdit box on the form called 'richedit1' for this to work. procedure HTMLSyntax(RichEdit: TRichEdit; TextCol, TagCol, DopCol: TColor); var i, iDop: Integer; s: string; Col: TColor; isTag, isDop: Boolean; begin iDop := 0; isDop := False; isTag := False; Col := TextCol; RichEdit.SetFocus; for i := 0 to Length(RichEdit.Text) do begin RichEdit.SelStart := i; RichEdit.SelLength := 1; s := RichEdit.SelText; if not isDop then if (s = ' if isTag then if (s = '"') or (s = #145) then if not isDop then begin iDop := 1; isDop := True; end else isDop := False; if isTag then if isDop then begin if iDop 1 then Col := DopCol; end else Col := TagCol else Col := TextCol; RichEdit.SelAttributes.Color := Col; iDop := 0; if not isDop then if (s = '') then isTag := False; end; RichEdit.SelLength := 0; end; now with a button you can use the above procedure to change the colour of the code in the Richedit box. procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin RichEdit1.Lines.BeginUpdate; HTMLSyntax(RichEdit1, clBlue, clRed, clGreen); RichEdit1.Lines.EndUpdate; end; Thank You