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Categories / Delphi / Graphic

How to work with TChart

Title: How to work with TChart procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var i, j, kum: Integer; s, t: TLineSeries; begin with Chart1 do begin // Title of the Chart Title.Text.Clear; Title.Text.Add('Ein Titel f¨¹r den Chart'); // Create first Series s := TLineSeries.Create(nil); // Clear it s.Clear; // set the title s.Title := 'Chart Linie 1'; // determine the chart, this series belongs to s.ParentChart := Chart1; // the x-axis shall use date s.XValues.DateTime := True; // create the second Series t := TLineSeries.Create(nil); t.Clear; t.Title := s.Title + ' kum'; t.ParentChart := Chart1; t.XValues.DateTime := True; // this series uses the right axis t.VertAxis := aRightAxis; // now add the random values for i := 0 to 364 do begin j := Random(100); s.AddXY(Date + i, j); kum := kum + j; t.AddXY(Date + i, kum); end; end; end;