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How to save a TBitmap to a WBMP file

Title: How to save a TBitmap to a WBMP file. Question: I needed to save WBMP files for WAP applications. Here is the way I found to do it... Answer: Note that the bitmap contained in the TBitmap must be black and white. Function BitmapToWBMP( Bmp : TBitmap; Filename : String ) : Boolean; Var F : File; Buf : Array[ 0..256 ] Of Byte; BufLen : LongInt; BPos : LongInt; B : LongInt; X : LongInt; Y : LongInt; Procedure Write_To_Header( L : LongInt ); Var Extra : LongInt; B : Byte; Begin Extra := 0; While L = 128 Do Begin Inc( Extra ); Dec( l, 128 ); End; If Extra 0 Then Begin B := 128 + Extra; BlockWrite( F, B, 1 ); End; B := l; BlockWrite( F, B, 1 ); End; Begin Result := False; If Bmp = NIL Then EXIT; If Bmp.Empty Then EXIT; If Bmp.Width = 0 Then EXIT; If Bmp.Height = 0 Then EXIT; AssignFile( F, FileName ); Rewrite( F, 1 ); If IOResult 0 Then EXIT; BufLen := Bmp.Width Shr 3 + Byte( Bmp.Width And 7 0 ); Write_To_Header( 0 ); Write_To_Header( 0 ); Write_To_Header( Bmp.Width ); Write_To_Header( Bmp.Height ); For Y := 0 To Bmp.Height - 1 Do Begin FillChar( Buf, SizeOf( Buf ), 0 ); BPos := 0; B := 128; For X := 0 To Bmp.Width - 1 Do Begin If Bmp.Canvas.Pixels[ X, Y ] clBlack Then Inc( Buf[ BPos ], B ); If B 1 Then B := B Shr 1 Else Begin B := 128; Inc( BPos ); End; End; BlockWrite( F, Buf, BufLen ); End; CloseFile( F ); Result := True; End; Enjoy!