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How to produce gray or colored Lines in a Report

Title: How to produce gray or colored Lines in a Report Question: Give your Reports a better Outfit. Answer: You want print every second Line of your QuickReport gray colored // put this code in the DetailBand1BeforePrint-Event: procedure TReport1.DetailBand1BeforePrint(Sender: TQRCustomBand; var PrintBand: Boolean); begin if DetailBand1.color = $00EBEBEB then DetailBand1.color := clWhite else DetailBand1.color := $00EBEBEB; end; // If you want print it yellow colored then use this code: procedure TReport1.DetailBand1BeforePrint(Sender: TQRCustomBand; var PrintBand: Boolean); begin if DetailBand1.color = $0080FFFF then DetailBand1.color := clWhite else DetailBand1.color := $0080FFFF; end; Kurt