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How to Move a cross in canvas to show XY values

Title: How to Move a cross in canvas to show X/Y values // TPanel, TImage e TLabel components // Insert Image into Panel... private BmpH, BmpV : TBitmap; OldX, OldY: Integer; end; var RectSaved : boolean = false; procedure TFormMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin PanelImage.DoubleBuffered := true; // This prevents that the image is blinking LabelHint.Transparent := true; LabelHint.Font.Color := clNave; end; procedure TFormMain.FormMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin Cross(X, Y); end; procedure TFormMain.Cross(X, Y: Integer); begin Image.Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack; // Restore last image to erase line if RectSaved then begin Image.Canvas.CopyRect(Rect(OldX - 5, 0, OldX + 5, BmpV.Height), BmpV.Canvas, Rect(0,0,BmpV.Width,BmpV.Height)); Image.Canvas.CopyRect(Rect(0, OldY - 5, BmpH.Width, OldY + 5), BmpH.Canvas, Rect(0,0,BmpH.Width,BmpH.Height)); BmpH.Free; BmpV.Free; end; // Now save the image at new position for each line // horizontal line BmpH := TBitmap.Create; BmpH.Width := Image.Width; BmpH.Height := 10; BmpH.Canvas.CopyRect(Rect(0,0,BmpH.Width,BmpH.Height), Image.Canvas,Rect(0, Y - 5, BmpH.Width, Y + 5)); // Vertical line BmpV := TBitmap.Create; BmpV.Width := 10; BmpV.Height := Image.Height; BmpV.Canvas.CopyRect(Rect(0,0,BmpV.Width,BmpV.Height), Image.Canvas,Rect(X - 5, 0, X + 5, BmpV.Height)); // Now draw the current position Image.Canvas.MoveTo(0, Y); Image.Canvas.LineTo(Image.Width, Y); Image.Canvas.MoveTo(X, 0); Image.Canvas.LineTo(X, Image.Height); RectSaved := true; OldX := X; OldY := Y; LabelHint.Left := X + 36; LabelHint.Top := Y - 15; LabelHint.Caption := '(X:' + IntToStr(X) + ' x Y:' + IntToStr(Y) +')'; end;