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How to make the dektop icon text transparent

Title: How to make the dektop icon text transparent uses Commctrl; var hLV: THandle; procedure TForm1.GetDesktopListViewHandle; var s1: String; begin hLV := FindWindow('ProgMan', nil); hLV := GetWindow(hLV, GW_CHILD); hLV := GetWindow(hLV, GW_CHILD); SetLength(s1, 40); GetClassName(hLV, PChar(s1), 39); if PChar(s1) 'SysListView32' then ShowMessage('Failed'); end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var xColor: TColor; begin GetDesktopListViewHandle; xColor := ListView_GetTextColor(hLV); ListView_SetTextColor(hLV, xColor); xColor := ListView_GetTextBkColor(hLV); ListView_SetTextBkColor(hLV, xColor); ListView_SetTextBkColor(hLV, $FFFFFFFF); end;