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How to make a form that`s shaped like a bitmap image (scanline)

Title: How to make a form that`s shaped like a bitmap image (scanline) Question: How to make a form that's shaped like the image on a bitmap. Answer: The following example shows how you can create a form shaped like the image in a bitmap. The image in the bitmap must contain colors other than white, the background must be white, because this is going to be filtered out. Example ------- Global Variables ---------------- (In The Private Section Of Your Form Declaration) SourceBitmap : TBitmap; Procedures ---------- (In The Public Section Of Your Form Declaration) procedure GetColor(const SLine : PByteArray; const L: Integer; ,var R: Integer,var C: TColor); function GetColorOf(ScanLine: PByteArray; X : Word): TColor; Int The OnCreate Event Of The Form You Put ------------------------------------------ var NewRgn, RowRgn, ScanRgn : HRGN; Rows, Left, Right : Integer; Line : PByteArray; SourceColor : TColor; begin SourceBitmap := TBitmap.Create; SourceBitmap.LoadFromFile('example.bmp'); NewRgn := CreateRectRgn(0,0,0,0); For Rows := 0 To SourceBitmap.Height - 1 Do Begin RowRgn := CreateRectRgn(0,Rows,0,Rows); Line := SourceBitmap.Scanline[Rows]; Left := 0; Right := 0; repeat GetColor(Line,Left,Right,SourceColor); If (SourceColor clWhite) Then Begin ScanRgn := CreateRectRgn(Left,Rows,Right + 1,Rows + 1); CombineRgn(RowRgn,RowRgn,ScanRgn,RGN_OR); DeleteObject(ScanRgn); End; CombineRgn(NewRgn,NewRgn,RowRgn,RGN_OR); DeleteObject(RowRgn); while (right = SourceBitmap.Width); End; SetWindowRgn(Handle,NewRgn,True); end; In The GetColor Procedure ------------------------- var Column : integer; CompareColor : TColor; begin Column := L; CompareColor := GetColorOf(SLine,L); repeat Inc(Column); until (CompareColor GetColorOf(SLine,Column)) or (Column = SourceBitmap.Width); R := column - 1; C := CompareColor; end; In The Function GetColorOf -------------------------- var Red, Green, Blue : Byte; begin If SourceBitmap = nil then exit; If (X SourceBitmap.Width) then Exit; Result := clBlack; Red := ScanLine[X * 3]; Green := ScanLine[X * 3 + 1]; Blue := ScanLine[X * 3 + 2]; If ((Red = 138) and (Green = 138) and (Blue = 138)) Then Result := clWhite end;