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How to make a folder with icon image

Title: How to make a folder with icon image Question: How can I make a folder with icon image? Answer: This article shows that how can changing a folder icon. Sometimes, you can want to change your folder icon. If you want this, then insert the following code into Button1's OnClick event: I hope this be usefull for someone. procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var iniFile : TStrings ; begin CreateDir('C:\YourFolder') ; iniFile := TStringList.Create; with iniFile do begin Add('[.ShellClassInfo]') ; // if you want to load an icon from a dll - for example, Shell32.dll Add('IconFile = ' + GetEnvironmentVariable('Windir') + '\system32\SHELL32.DLL') ; Add('IconIndex = 38') ; // or you can also load from a specific path, for example; { Add('IconFile = ' + 'C:\YourIcons\Icons\Sample.ico'); Add('IconIndex = 0') ; } Add('InfoTip = This is folder with icon') ; SaveToFile('C:\YourFolder\Desktop.ini'); end; SysUtils.FileSetAttr('C:\YourFolder', SysUtils.faReadOnly) ; SysUtils.FileSetAttr('C:\YourFolder\Desktop.ini', SysUtils.faSysFile or SysUtils.faHidden) ; iniFile.Free ; end;