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Categories / Delphi / Graphic

How to invert a Bitmap

Title: How to invert a Bitmap function InvertBmp1(SourceBmp: TBitmap): TBitMap; var i, j: Longint; tmp: TBitMap; red, green, blue: Byte; PixelColor: Longint; begin tmp := TBitmap.Create; tmp.Width := SourceBmp.Width; tmp.Height := SourceBmp.Height; for i := 0 to SourceBmp.Width - 1 do begin for j := 0 to SourceBmp.Height - 1 do begin PixelColor := ColorToRGB(SourceBmp.Canvas.Pixels[i, j]); red := PixelColor; green := PixelColor shr 8; blue := PixelColor shr 16; red := 255 - red; green := 255 - green; blue := 255 - blue; tmp.Canvas.pixels[i, j] := (red shl 8 + green) shl 8 + blue; end; end; Result := tmp; end; function InvertBmp2(ABitmap : TBitmap) : TBitmap; var l_bmp : TBitmap; begin l_bmp := TBitmap.Create; l_bmp.Width := ABitmap.Width; l_bmp.Height := ABitmap.Height; l_bmp.PixelFormat := ABitmap.PixelFormat; BitBlt( l_bmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, l_bmp.Width, l_bmp.Height, ABitmap.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, SRCINVERT ); result := l_bmp; end;