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Categories / Delphi / Graphic

How to get the perpendicular point on segment from external point

Title: How to get the perpendicular point on segment from external point procedure PerpendicularPntToSegment(const x1, y1, x2, y2, Px, Py: Double; out Nx, Ny: Double); var Ratio: Double; Dx: Double; Dy: Double; begin Dx := x2 - x1; Dy := y2 - y1; Ratio := ((Px - x1) * Dx + (Py - y1) * Dy) / (Dx * Dx + Dy * Dy); if Ratio 0 then begin Nx := x1; Ny := y1; end else if Ratio 1 then begin Nx := x2; Ny := y2; end else begin Nx := x1 + (Ratio * Dx); Ny := y1 + (Ratio * Dy); end; end; (* End PerpendicularPntSegment *) procedure PerpendicularPntToLine(const Rx1, Ry1, Rx2, Ry2, Px, Py: Double; out Nx, Ny: Double); var Ratio: Double; Gr1, Gr2: Double; Gr3, Gr4: Double; begin (* The ray is defined by the coordinate pairs (Rx1,Ry1) and (Rx2,Ry2) *) if NotEqual(Rx1, Rx2) then Gr1 := (Ry2 - Ry1) / (Rx2 - Rx1) else Gr1 := 1e300; Gr3 := Ry1 - Gr1 * Rx1; if NotEqual(Gr1, 0) then begin Gr2 := -1 / Gr1; Gr4 := Py - (Gr2 * Px); Ratio := (Gr4 - Gr3) / (Gr1 - Gr2); Nx := Ratio; Ny := (Gr2 * Ratio) + Gr4; end else begin Nx := Px; Ny := Ry2; end; end; (* End PerpendicularPntToLine *)