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How to get the name of the current visual style, the color scheme name and size name (XP)

Title: How to get the name of the current visual style, the color scheme name and size name (XP) uses ComObj, SyncObjs; var GetCurrentThemeName: function (pszThemeFileName: LPWSTR; cchMaxNameChars: Integer; pszColorBuff: LPWSTR; cchMaxColorChars: Integer; pszSizeBuff: LPWSTR; cchMaxSizeChars: Integer): HRESULT; stdcall; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var FileName, ColorScheme, SizeName: WideString; hThemeLib: THandle; begin try hThemeLib := LoadLibrary('uxtheme.dll'); if hThemeLib 0 then GetCurrentThemeName := GetProcAddress(hThemeLib, 'GetCurrentThemeName'); if Assigned(GetCurrentThemeName) then begin SetLength(FileName, 255); SetLength(ColorScheme, 255); SetLength(SizeName, 255); OleCheck(GetCurrentThemeName(PWideChar(FileName), 255, PWideChar(ColorScheme), 255, PWideChar(SizeName), 255)); // show the the theme path and file name. ShowMessage(PWideChar(FileName)); // show the color scheme name ShowMessage(PWideChar(ColorScheme)); // show the size name ShowMessage(PWideChar(SizeName)); end; finally FreeLibrary(hThemeLib); end; end;