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How to get the caret position systemwide

Title: How to get the caret-position systemwide function GetCaretPosition(var APoint: TPoint): Boolean; var w: HWND; aID, mID: DWORD; begin Result:= False; w:= GetForegroundWindow; if w 0 then begin aID:= GetWindowThreadProcessId(w, nil); mID:= GetCurrentThreadid; if aID mID then begin if AttachThreadInput(mID, aID, True) then begin w:= GetFocus; if w 0 then begin Result:= GetCaretPos(APoint); Windows.ClientToScreen(w, APoint); end; AttachThreadInput(mID, aID, False); end; end; end; end; Usage Examples: set cursor to active caret position procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); var Pt: TPoint; begin if GetCaretPosition(Pt) then begin ListBox1.Items.Add(Format('Caret position is %d %d', [Pt.x, Pt.y])); SetCursorPos(Pt.X, Pt.Y); end; end;