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How to get a Bitmap of a TRadioButton

Title: How to get a Bitmap of a TRadioButton Code:{$IFDEF VER150} uses Themes; {$ENDIF} function GetRadioButtonBitmap(Checked, Hot : boolean; BgColor : TColor): TBitmap; const CtrlState : array[boolean] of integer = (DFCS_BUTTONRADIO, DFCS_BUTTONRADIO or DFCS_CHECKED); var CBRect : TRect; {$IFDEF VER150} Details : TThemedElementDetails; {$ENDIF} BgOld : TColor; ChkBmp : TBitmap; ThemeOK : boolean; x, x2, y : integer; begin Result := nil; try Result := TBitmap.Create; ChkBmp := TBitmap.Create; ThemeOK := False; with Result do begin Width := 16; Height := 16; with Canvas do begin Brush.Color := BgColor; FillRect(ClipRect); ChkBmp.Assign(Result); CBRect := ClipRect; CBRect.Top := 1; CBRect.Left := 1; {$IFDEF VER150} if ThemeServices.ThemesAvailable then begin if Checked = True then begin if Hot = True then Details := ThemeServices.GetElementDetails(tbRadioButtonCheckedHot) else Details := ThemeServices.GetElementDetails(tbRadioButtonCheckedNormal); end else begin if Hot = True then Details := ThemeServices.GetElementDetails(tbRadioButtonUncheckedHot) else Details := ThemeServices.GetElementDetails(tbRadioButtonUncheckedNormal); end; ThemeServices.DrawElement(Handle, Details, CBRect); for x := 15 downto 0 do for y := 15 downto 0 do if ChkBmp.Canvas.Pixels[x, y] Pixels[x, y] then begin ThemeOK := True; break; end; end; {$ENDIF} if ThemeOK = False then begin CBRect.Left := ClipRect.Left + 2; CBRect.Right := ClipRect.Right - 1; CBRect.Top := ClipRect.Top + 2; CBRect.Bottom := ClipRect.Bottom - 1; DrawFrameControl(Handle, CBRect, DFC_BUTTON, CtrlState[Checked]); end; end; end; finally end; end;