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How to fetch the portable executables checksum using ImageHelp

Title: How to fetch the portable executables checksum using ImageHelp program exeChecksum; uses Windows, ImageHlp; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} function ComputePEChecksum(FileName: string): DWORD; var h, hMap: Cardinal; pMem: Pointer; headersum, checksum, fsizehigh, fsizelow: DWORD; nth: PImageNtHeaders; Label cleanup; begin pMem := nil; Result := 0; headersum := 0; checksum := 0; h := Windows.CreateFile(PChar(FileName), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); if (h = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then Exit; fsizelow := Windows.GetFileSize(h, Pointer(@fsizehigh)); hMap := Windows.CreateFileMapping(h, nil, PAGE_READONLY, fsizeHigh, fsizeLow, nil); if (hMap = 0) then goto cleanup; pMem := Windows.MapViewOfFile(hMap, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0); if (pMem = nil) then goto cleanup; nth := CheckSumMappedFile(pMem, fsizeLow, @headersum, @checksum); if (nth = nil) then checksum := 0; cleanup: if (pMem nil) then Windows.UnmapViewOfFile(pMem); if (hMap 0) then Windows.CloseHandle(hMap); if (h 0) then Windows.CloseHandle(h); Result := checksum; end; var x1, x2: DWORD; begin x1 := ComputePEChecksum('c:\1.exe'); // original filename x2 := ComputePEChecksum('c:\2.exe'); // original filename but has a string in it lightly modified WriteLn('Checksum 1: ', x1, #13#10'Checksum 2: ', x2); end.