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Categories / Delphi / Graphic

How to exchange Bitmap images between two TImageList components

Title: How to exchange Bitmap images between two TImageList components If you need to send a bitmap image from one TImageList component to another, you can use the next procedure (usage example below): ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ procedure ImageList_MoveBitmap( const sourceImageList, targetImageList: TImageList; const sourcePosition: integer) ; var bitmap : TBitmap; begin bitmap := TBitmap.Create; try sourceImageList.GetBitmap(sourcePosition,bitmap) ; targetImageList.Add(bitmap,nil) ; sourceImageList.Delete(sourcePosition) ; finally bitmap.Free; end; end; //Suppose two TImageList objects present on Form1 //Add Bitmap at position 7 from ImageList1 to the ImageList2 procedure TForm1.BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject) ; begin ImageList_MoveBitmap(ImageList1, ImageList2, 7) ; end; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~