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Categories / Delphi / Graphic

How to encrypt a image

Title: How to encrypt a image procedure EncryptBMP(const BMP: TBitmap; Key: Integer); var BytesPorScan: Integer; w, h: integer; p: pByteArray; begin try BytesPorScan := Abs(Integer(BMP.ScanLine[1]) - Integer(BMP.ScanLine[0])); except raise Exception.Create('Error'); end; RandSeed := Key; for h := 0 to BMP.Height - 1 do begin P := BMP.ScanLine[h]; for w := 0 to BytesPorScan - 1 do P^[w] := P^[w] xor Random(256); end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin EncryptBMP(Image1.Picture.Bitmap, 623); Image1.Refresh; end; { Call the function again to decrypt it }