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Categories / Delphi / Graphic

How to Draw a line without using the LineTo function

Title: How to Draw a line without using the LineTo function procedure DrawLine(APoint1, APoint2: TPoint; ACanvas: TCanvas); var Lpixel, LMaxAxisLength: integer; LRatio: Real; begin LMaxAxisLength := Max(abs(APoint1.X - APoint2.X), abs(APoint1.Y - APoint2.Y)); for Lpixel := 0 to LMaxAxisLength do begin LRatio := Lpixel / LMaxAxisLength; ACanvas.Pixels[APoint1.X + Round((APoint2.X - APoint1.X) * LRatio), APoint1.Y + Round((APoint2.Y - APoint1.Y) * LRatio)] := ACanvas.Pen.Color; end; end; // Draw a double resolution line procedure DrawLineDouble(APoint1, APoint2: TPoint; ACanvas: TCanvas); var Lpixel, LMaxAxisLength: integer; LRatio: Real; LPoint: TPoint; begin LMaxAxisLength := max(abs(APoint1.X - APoint2.X), abs(APoint1.Y - APoint2.Y)); for Lpixel := 0 to LMaxAxisLength do begin LRatio := Lpixel / LMaxAxisLength; LPoint.X := APoint1.X + Round((APoint2.X - APoint1.X) * LRatio); LPoint.Y := APoint1.Y + Round((APoint2.Y - APoint1.Y) * LRatio); with ACAnvas do begin Pixels[LPoint.X * 2, LPoint.Y * 2] := clBlack; Pixels[(LPoint.X * 2) + 1, LPoint.Y * 2] := clBlack; Pixels[LPoint.X * 2, (LPoint.Y * 2) + 1] := clBlack; Pixels[(LPoint.X * 2) + 1, (LPoint.Y * 2) + 1] := clBlack; end; end; end;