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How to draw a gradient on a canvas with an arbitrary number of colors

Title: How to draw a gradient on a canvas with an arbitrary number of colors procedure DrawGradient(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; Horicontal: Boolean; Colors: array of TColor); type RGBArray = array[0..2] of Byte; var x, y, z, stelle, mx, bis, faColorsh, mass: Integer; Faktor: double; A: RGBArray; B: array of RGBArray; merkw: integer; merks: TPenStyle; merkp: TColor; begin mx := High(Colors); if mx 0 then begin if Horicontal then mass := Rect.Right - Rect.Left else mass := Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top; SetLength(b, mx + 1); for x := 0 to mx do begin Colors[x] := ColorToRGB(Colors[x]); b[x][0] := GetRValue(Colors[x]); b[x][1] := GetGValue(Colors[x]); b[x][2] := GetBValue(Colors[x]); end; merkw := ACanvas.Pen.Width; merks := ACanvas.Pen.Style; merkp := ACanvas.Pen.Color; ACanvas.Pen.Width := 1; ACanvas.Pen.Style := psSolid; faColorsh := Round(mass / mx); for y := 0 to mx - 1 do begin if y = mx - 1 then bis := mass - y * faColorsh - 1 else bis := faColorsh; for x := 0 to bis do begin Stelle := x + y * faColorsh; faktor := x / bis; for z := 0 to 3 do a[z] := Trunc(b[y][z] + ((b[y + 1][z] - b[y][z]) * Faktor)); ACanvas.Pen.Color := RGB(a[0], a[1], a[2]); if Horicontal then begin ACanvas.MoveTo(Rect.Left + Stelle, Rect.Top); ACanvas.LineTo(Rect.Left + Stelle, Rect.Bottom); end else begin ACanvas.MoveTo(Rect.Left, Rect.Top + Stelle); ACanvas.LineTo(Rect.Right, Rect.Top + Stelle); end; end; end; b := nil; ACanvas.Pen.Width := merkw; ACanvas.Pen.Style := merks; ACanvas.Pen.Color := merkp; end else // Please specify at least two colors end; // Example Calls: DrawGradient(Image1.Canvas, Rect(0, 0, 100, 200), False, [clRed, $00FFA9B4]); DrawGradient(Canvas, GetClientRect, True, [121351, clBtnFace, clBlack, clWhite]);