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How to Draw a Gradient Fill on a (Delphis VCL) Canvas

Title: How to Draw a Gradient Fill on a (Delphi's VCL) Canvas Here are two custom Delphi functions to paint a Canvas object using gradient fill from one color value to another, either vertical or horizontal: uses Math, ... procedure GradHorizontal(Canvas:TCanvas; Rect:TRect; FromColor, ToColor:TColor) ; var X:integer; dr,dg,db:Extended; C1,C2:TColor; r1,r2,g1,g2,b1,b2:Byte; R,G,B:Byte; cnt:integer; begin C1 := FromColor; R1 := GetRValue(C1) ; G1 := GetGValue(C1) ; B1 := GetBValue(C1) ; C2 := ToColor; R2 := GetRValue(C2) ; G2 := GetGValue(C2) ; B2 := GetBValue(C2) ; dr := (R2-R1) / Rect.Right-Rect.Left; dg := (G2-G1) / Rect.Right-Rect.Left; db := (B2-B1) / Rect.Right-Rect.Left; cnt := 0; for X := Rect.Left to Rect.Right-1 do begin R := R1+Ceil(dr*cnt) ; G := G1+Ceil(dg*cnt) ; B := B1+Ceil(db*cnt) ; Canvas.Pen.Color := RGB(R,G,B) ; Canvas.MoveTo(X,Rect.Top) ; Canvas.LineTo(X,Rect.Bottom) ; inc(cnt) ; end; end; procedure GradVertical(Canvas:TCanvas; Rect:TRect; FromColor, ToColor:TColor) ; var Y:integer; dr,dg,db:Extended; C1,C2:TColor; r1,r2,g1,g2,b1,b2:Byte; R,G,B:Byte; cnt:Integer; begin C1 := FromColor; R1 := GetRValue(C1) ; G1 := GetGValue(C1) ; B1 := GetBValue(C1) ; C2 := ToColor; R2 := GetRValue(C2) ; G2 := GetGValue(C2) ; B2 := GetBValue(C2) ; dr := (R2-R1) / Rect.Bottom-Rect.Top; dg := (G2-G1) / Rect.Bottom-Rect.Top; db := (B2-B1) / Rect.Bottom-Rect.Top; cnt := 0; for Y := Rect.Top to Rect.Bottom-1 do begin R := R1+Ceil(dr*cnt) ; G := G1+Ceil(dg*cnt) ; B := B1+Ceil(db*cnt) ; Canvas.Pen.Color := RGB(R,G,B) ; Canvas.MoveTo(Rect.Left,Y) ; Canvas.LineTo(Rect.Right,Y) ; Inc(cnt) ; end; end; For a test drop a TPaintBox (provides a canvas that applications can use for rendering an image) control on a form and handle its OnPaint event: begin //horizontal gradient from RED to BLUE GradHorizontal(PaintBox1.Canvas, PaintBox1.ClientRect, clRed, clBlue) ; PaintBox1.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear; PaintBox1.Canvas.TextOut(5,10,'Transparent text') ; end;